We hope that todays “IS IT TRUE” will provoke“ honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?”

IS IT TRUE that At-Large City Council member Jonathan Weaver just met with several potential out of town investors to discuss bringing a quality grocery store/retail development to the North Main area of Evansville?  …we are also hearing that a couple of political types are trying to upstage Mr. Weaver from making a new grocery store/retail development a reality because they want to take credit for this much needed North Main Street project?  …we give Mr. Weaver five (5) cheers for trying to encourage developers to consider building a store/retail development in the North Main Street area? ..this a developing story?

IS IT TRUE we have been told that Evansville DMD just leased the newly renovated CVS building on North Main to a kidney dialysis business? …several years ago the Evansville DMD purchased this dilapidated and vacant bock building located on North Main Street for around $600,000 plus?  …we are told that the Evansville DMD may had paid for the expensive renovation costs of this building in order to make it move in ready for the kidney dialysis business?  …we wonder who’s responsible for paying the property taxes of this newly renovated hearth care facility building?  …its been rumored that this kidney dialysis business are paying the City of Evansville a monthly lease payment of $2,000?  …the purchase price and the renovation costs of this building could be around $1 million dollars?  …if this figure is correct, do you feel that charging a $2,000 monthly lease payment is a good return of investment?

IS IT TRUE that Jon Webb has delivered another in your face article for the Courier and Press that calls out local officials for sugar coating Evansville’s recent explosion of murder as “better than big cities”?…the title of the article was appropriately “3 horrible months”?…that Evansville has experienced 9 murders in the last 74 days which calculates to an annualized murder rate of 33 per 100,000 which is the way such statistics are used to determine what the murder capital of the United States is in any given year?

IS IT TRUE that Chicago that is always pointed to as a murder hotbed has a murder rate of 17.5 per 100,000 and ranks #25 on the murder capital list?  …Indianapolis is #28 with a murder rate of 17.2 and South Bend is #29 with a rate of 16.8?

IS IT TRUE that Evansville Autumn of Homicide would rank us at #6 in the country slightly safer that Birmingham, AL and barely worse that Jackson, MS which has been plagued with killing for years?…you read that right, Evansville has experienced a murder rate this fall that puts us at the 6th most likely place to be murdered in the entire United States?…the cities that have higher murder rates than Evansville experienced this fall are St. Louis (59.3), Baltimore (55.7), Detroit (43.8), New Orleans (41.7), and Birmingham (37.2)?…these cities are all known to be dangerous and their leadership knows it?…this is a list that literally no one would have predicted? …if this is not a call to action nothing ever will be?

IS IT TRUE we have an outstanding group of law enforcement professionals that are doing everything they can to protect us?  …Its almost impossible for members of law enforcement to stop anyone from killing someone?  …Its obvious that its time for our  elected officials  to look for more creative ways to help of our law enforcement agencies so they can do a better job fighting violent crime?

IS IT TRUE we hope one day that ProPublica will consider doing an investigative article concerning the over aggressive debt collections practices of our area not-for-profit hospitals?

Todays “Readers Poll” question is: Are you pleased with the way our local elected officials spent our tax dollars this year?

 Please take time and read our articles entitled “STATEHOUSE Files, CHANNEL 44 NEWS, LAW ENFORCEMENT, READERS POLL, BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS”.  You now are able to subscribe to get the CCO daily.
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EDITOR’S FOOTNOTE:  Any comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City County Observer or our advertisers



  1. Would be interesting to see how the loss of CVS and the grocery store are affecting Jacobsville TIF tax revenue. You know, the supposed financial basis for paying for the North Main project. And lease payments should not be counted, only increases in actual assessed valuation due to the expenditure.
    As an aside, is DMD out of control or is it just me?

  2. Over aggressive debt collection practices of our area not-for-profit hospitals? How can that be? After 8 years of Obamacare (and counting) and $BILLIONS in subsidies surely everyone’s health care bills have been covered. After all, one of the objectives of Obamacare was to prevent disastrous medical bills to individuals. Add in the cost of massive Medicaid expansion and the investigation should be into how much Obamacare actually cost and why individuals still have medical bills they can’t pay.

  3. The $16 million folly known as the North Main Street shopping cart path project (built to narrow) was like putting lipstick on a pig. A colossal waste of money for zero return.

    • Dear Joe . . .the North Main project was actually 17.9 million not counting the rework cost due to the width of the street . . .btw, if the old CVS bldg is leased out at $24,000 per year, on a good day, the value would be only $240,000 . . .what the hell is going on???

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