IS IT TRUE that predatory towing of cars in downtown Evansville is in the news, on Social media, and on the lips of way more people than should be comfortable for downtown Evansville advocates?…a litany of victims have shared their negative experiences with the predatory towing tactics being perpetrated on downtown customers?…there are even allegations that a certain business has a camera that alerts them to tow cars and sometimes the people whose cars are being towed are patrons of the business?…this is a perfect way to kill a business and a retail district?…the costs associated with being towed start at $200 and increase from there?…being known as a predatory towing zone typically hurts retail businesses worse than being a high crime zone?…any and all businesses from goods to sushi who are perpetrating this self defeating activity are guilty of cutting off their nose to spite their face?
IS IT TRUE the City of Evansville has settled a lawsuit filed by their own employees (police and fire) for $300,000?…this settlement happened because the City of Evansville failed to make adequate accommodations to cover the healthcare expenses of this group of employees?…if one carefully examines the budget, one would only conclude that this $300,000 is a drop in the bucket of this over promise and under delivering practice?
IS IT TRUE that the City of Evansville has decided to enforce the $784,829 water and sewer fee levied on the Kunkel Group for 6 months of service at the McCurdy Apartments?…this works out to $130,000 per month or over $1,400 per month for every apartment in the historical building?…the stark reality is that this exorbitant monthly fee will mean that these apartments will need to rent for close to $2,500 per month just to break even?…this amounts to the foot of government on the throat of private business and may just make this classic building incapable of delivering positive cash flow?…that if the McCurdy could talk it would probably tell us that it’s death started the day the Weinzapfel Administration decided to save it for political purposes?
IS IT TRUE we posted an article in yesterdays CCO concerning local businessman Steve Hammer announcement that he is running for Vanderburgh County Commission seat in the Republican primary? Â … this article was one of the top five (5) reads that we have had in recent memory? Â …it looks like County Commission candidate Steve Hammer has one heck of a following? Â …we are told that the “Hammers Campaign Committee” will be holding a formal announcement event at the Roca Bar-North on November 9, 2017 at 6:00 P M?
IS IT TRUE The Evansville Association of the Blind has a leaky roof at its North Second Ave. building? Â …the city’s Department of Metropolitan Development wants to use federal funds to replace it? Â … City Councilman Dan McGinn told Council members that this organization has 200 buckets collecting rainwater gushing in the building during a hard rain? … on Monday City Council approved moving $115,000 of Federal Funds to put a new roof on the Association of the Blind building?
IS IT TRUE that the Evansville City Code 2.175.020 establishes that membership of the Police Merit Commission? Â …we wonder why the city code only allows three (3) members to serve on this extremely public and powerful board?
IS IT TRUE that we are told that the City of Evansville Affordable Housing Trust Fund is starting to build up again?  …the Mayor is planning to put in around $600,000 plus in 2018 City of Evansville Affordable Housing Trust Fund?  …the Mayor plans to use this money  toward housing and home repairs for people and families at or below 80 percent of median household income in the county?  …we find it interesting that the majority of the committee that approves these grants are appointed by Mayor Winnecke?  …we find it more interesting that members of the Evansville City Council will have final say who will received these grants?  …we hope that this program won’t turn into another governmental “pork barrel politics” scheme?
EDITOR’S FOOTNOTE:  Any comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City County Observer or our advertisers
RE: Candidate Steve Hammer:
If he can dance like his brother, M.C., then he has my vote.
Why should I have to pay for sewage on the water I use for my vegetable garden. It does not go in the sewer and have to be treated at the plant. Yet you think the Kunkel Group should get a break on there bill. I believe it was reported that the Kunkel Group new of this issue and still refuses to let the water dept. on their property to install a meter. You left a bit of this story out.
Agree. CCO really palyed a political hand on this story. Kunkel has been a stick in the eye of Evv too long. CCo seems to promote a “break” for Kunkel, applauds them for keeping the building , yet blasts Weinzapfel for saving it. So what gives CCO. Friends aiding friends?
You can avoid paying sewer fees on watering by installing a second meter. I did and it makes a giant difference.
The Kunkel’s need to drill another well on their property to return the water to the aquafier. The rent would not have to go up if the water was not run through the sewer system. Geothermal does not contaminate the water, how to justify the cost of treating the water may have to bite the bullet
Why doesn’t the City turn off the water to the McCurdy if they are owed $750,00?
The McCurdys fire protection is tied in and can not be turned off. They have refused to let water employees on property. A separate meter is not cheap this is why only wealthy people have them. They do save money if you can afford them. Sort of like solar panels you will not find them in affordable homes.
In most cases the return well cannot return the water back into the aquifer as fast as it is pumped into it. I have seen some cases where an overflow has been installed at the top of the return to take care of the overflow.
This project was the straw that broke the camel’s back concerning the city’s finances. Evansville has not recovered, and may not recover, from this overblown project that only the puppet masters could have pulled off. It states in the article that the use of “public funds”, such as local property taxes, to make the debt payments would have triggered a public referendum, which they wanted to avoid at all costs. However, when reality set in and they could not come up with enough revenue to make the bond payments, they started dipping into the County Option Income Tax revenue, which are “public funds” in my estimation. This article is an excellent example of how these projects are hyped and presented to the public. Today’s reality paints a much different picture of the “cost/benefit ratio” associated with this project. On the whole, it has all but broken the city’s finances.
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Arena would shift city’s finances
Pulling from three revenue sources creates trade-offs
Jimmy Nesbitt
12:12 AM, Dec 14, 2008
Outstanding work by Trump and Pence to directly assist the Christian victims of ISIS and other radical Islamic terrorists.
Pence said the plight of Christians in Iraq and the Middle East more broadly is dire, and that they are on the verge of extinction in northern Iraq, an area where Christian communities have thrived for thousands of years.
ISIS murders and kidnappings have decimated the Christian population in Iraq, which numbered between 800,000 and 1.4 million in 2002 and is below 250,000 now, according to human rights groups.
Pence also repeatedly referred to ISIS and other extremist Muslim terrorist groups as “radical Islamic terrorism” and held them responsible for the genocide against Christians and other religious minorities.
October 21, 2017
The Obama Administration’s Uranium One Scandal
It is all coming home to roost for the Clintons. It has been a long time in coming, but now all the loose ends can be tied together to make one big picture that should send both of them away for a very long time, that is of course unless we have a two tiered system of justice in this Country.
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oh tie a yellow rope from that old oak tree its been 8 long years of treason do you need more proof………………… Thank God For………MAGA TRUMP………….
Otto Schmittlap is exactly right.
Whenever this forum is about Evansville related IS IT TRUE information, you above MAGA sycophants need to bow out and wait for the Readers Forum to express your grief.
And your lies.
On a side note, whenever me and shar pie meet at Lamasco, pay close attention to the obituaries.
Because if someone doesn’t die laughing, it’s only because they have no clue how to connect the dots.
Oops, scratch shar pie;
S__t happens.
Believe me….
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