Home archived-iit IS IT TRUE AUGUST 24, 2017


We hope that todays “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we as responsible citizens of this community need to address in a rational and responsible way?
IS IT TRUE the Vanderburgh County Council will vote this coming Thursday on a proposal to raise excise surtax and wheel taxes to $20 each for all vehicles?  …the reason why the Vanderburgh County Council members are planning to increase the excise surtax and wheel tax is because they need more money for road improvement projects? …the Vanderburgh County Council will meet this coming Thursday to discuss and vote of this issue at 3 p.m. at a “special called” meeting in Room 301 of the Civic Center?
IS IT TRUE that yesterdays Vanderburgh County Public Safety Foundation event that honors our “First Responders” held  at Veterans Memorial Coliseum was successful?  …we would like to thank the Evansville Police Department, Evansville Fire Department, Vanderburgh County Sheriff Office, Indiana State Police, members of the Vanderburgh County Veterans Council and our local EMS for all the work they did to help make this event successful?
IS IT TRUE that Brad Ellsworth, President of Vectren South did an outstanding job as the event Master of Ceremonies and Chuck Knoll the Evansville Police Department Lead Academy Instructor also did a great job in helping to make this worthily event successful? …we appreciate the good work of event Communications Director, Jess Powers? …thanks are in order to Tony Ricketts of D-Patrick, Mark Acker the Commander of the Veterans Council of Vanderburgh County and the “Testimonials” speakers Justin Elpers, Janet Douglas and Vicki Hubiak for a job well done?
IS IT TRUE that Mayor of Evansville Lloyd Winnecke did a masterful job in his opening remarks?  …the”Keynote” speaker, Dr. Theresa Tobin the Assistant Police Chief  of the New York Police Department and 9-11 Survivor delivered an emotional speech?
…big thanks goes to the Vanderburgh County Public Safety Foundation Board of Directors and the 2017 Planning Committee members for doing an oustanding job in planning this event?
IS IT TRUE that next years Vanderburgh County Public Safety Foundation event will be held on 9-11-18?
IS IT TRUE it was reported on THE FIVE Program, FOX News that ESPN pulls announcer Robert Lee off of broadcast of a College game because of his name?    …Robert Lee is  Asia-American ?
IS IT TRUE that the Afghanistan war has costs the US taxpayers over $714 billion dollars during the last 16 years?  …that over 2,200 US troops have been killed so far?  …around 20,000 US troops have been wounded in this conflict?  …so far 10 US troops have been killed so far this year?
IS IT TRUE that given the statements of the month made by President Trump about the events in Charlottesville, Virginia that resulted in a riot and the death of a young woman, many Americans are loudly calling for the President to be impeached?…one British publication even published that the United States Senate is just 6 votes shy of have enough vote to impeach him and the amen chorus in the USA has seized on it?…it is clear that the British publication and the US Citizens who are buying the story need to go back to the 9th grade and take a civics class because they do not even have a clue what they are talking about?…since we seem to have forgotten as a country President William Jefferson Clinton was impeached but not removed from office?…that the process worked and much to many peoples surprise at the time impeachment did no mean removal from office?

IS IT TRUE that the only house of congress that has anything to do with impeachment is the House of Representatives?…to impeach a President requires that charges be filed in the House of Representatives which then holds a trial and votes either to impeach or not impeach?…that is not a sufficient action to remove a President from office?…what impeach really means is that an impeached President will then stand trial in the Senate to determine if removal from office is appropriate?…if the house votes to impeach, then the Senate conducts a trial?…at then end of that trial, a vote of senators is held to determine if the President who was impeached shall be removed from office?…that is how it works and believing the British press or making deals with oneself will not change that?…it seems that the words of the month are intolerance, impatience, and outright ignorance?

IS IT TRUE since a child’s brain is still developing, lead can lead to intellectual disability and symptoms may include behavior problems, low IQ, poor grades at school, problems with hearing, short- and long-term learning difficulties, and growth delays?…a high, toxic dose of lead poisoning may result in emergency symptoms including severe abdominal pain and cramping, vomiting, muscle weakness, stumbling when walking, seizures, coma, and encephalopathy, which manifests as confusion, coma, and seizures?
IS IT TRUE a lawsuit alleges that Poland Spring Water is deceiving consumers with evergreen labels that say their bottle contains “100 percent natural spring water” that hails from Maine?  …a class-action lawsuit filed recently in federal court in Connecticut claims that parent company Nestle Waters North America is bottling common groundwater that doesn’t meet the federal definition of spring water?  … a Nestle Waters representative alleges that the water meets all relevant federal and state regulations for spring water?
…that Nestle Waters settled a 2003 Connecticut lawsuit claiming Poland Spring’s water was not sourced deep in the Maine woods?
IS IT TRUE we appreciate Saint Vincent Hospital Public Relations Department for sending us news of interest concerning the happenings at their facilities system wide?
Todays “READERS POLL” question is: How do you rate the job performance of Present Trump since he’s been in office?

Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled “LAW ENFORCEMENT, READERS POLL, BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS” posted in our sections.  You now are able to subscribe to get the CCO daily.

If you would like to advertise in the CCO please contact us City-County Observer@live.com. or call 812-454-1713.

EDITOR’S FOOTNOTE:  Any comments posted by our readers in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City County Observer or our advertisers.


  1. Its easy to tear down the president. He is not a politician. He was a loud and controversial man before he became president. He is 70 years old. He speaks his mind without thinking about the consequences. That is bad for a president but not for an old guy. He was elected by the people.

    He has an great agenda but the political machines will not allow it and will stop it at every turn. That is not great. USA will become stagnant. We need to find common ground and get the work started.

  2. The ignorance of most citizens concerning their Constitutional republic and it’s government are at the very least shameful and those who take advantage of their ignorance are deplorable. Anyone with a computer or access to a public library can read the Constitution, the Constitutional Convention minutes and notes, and the Federalist Papers to erase their ignorance. They would be amazed at what has been allowed to become the unconstitutional authority of the federal government and it’s bureaucracies. Perhaps a little enlightenment might yield better representatives and presidents in the future.

  3. MAGA TRUMP will get it done……10 count them 10 anti American radical left senators up for reelection 2018 in states that MAGA won BIGLY……………..keep it up radical commies tear down statues…………attack the President with fake news @ every turn…………russia russia russia that’s the ticket….😁😁……oh……………let’s not forget the old stand by …….racist…….racist….. racist……….liberalism is without a doubt a mental disorder…………….😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

  4. Your racism and bigotry are disgusting, and your idiocy will see the downfall of the right-wing and trump in 2018

    Keep up the hatred, you are making it so easy for America to remove all evidence of trump, who has already proven that he will be forgotten as the worst President in American history.

  5. I’ve never known McConnell to be humorous. But when he said today about Trump, “Reminds me of a groundskeeper at a cemetery, everybody is under you but nobody is paying attention”.

    It made me want to cheer for him to have sex with a Chinese woman before he dies.

    But even the rich and powerful can’t have everything.

    Elaine is “no doubt” hoping that’s the case anyway….

  6. just as MAGA TRUMP has shown the light on the fake little msm……………I al sharpie has shown the light on the liberal mental disorder………………..see the comments above………lolllllllll………..proof in the pudding…..racist racist racist.😀😀😀😀😀dont change a thing libs just keep LOSING…………

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