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2021 Indiana Balance of State Housing Inventory Count and Point in Time Count Results


The Indiana Balance of State (BoS) Continuum of Care (CoC) results for the 2021 Housing Inventory Count (HIC)  and Point In Time Count (PIT) are now available at the Indiana BoS HIC/PIT website here. At this site, you will find the 2021 Housing Inventory County Chart displayed by region and BoS, as well as the Point in Time Count results by BoS and region. You can also find historical archives dating back to 2010 for these key federal reports.

The PIT and HIC are conducted every year by the BoS CoC during the last few weeks of January.  The results of this count help tell the story of homelessness in Indiana by highlighting what one night in January can look like for those experiencing it. This year’s count was particularly challenging but necessary to conduct.  The Community Services staff and BoS CoC board utilized several precautions to affect the count during a global pandemic. Those included a shorter survey and the allowance of a head count methodology. In turn, no staff or volunteer were reported to have contracted COVID-19 because of their involvement.

The results of the PIT Count show the total number of persons experiencing homelessness was 3,029, 25% fewer when compared to the 2020 count of 4,037. Some of the factors that could explain the decrease include the precautions communities were allowed to take as well as other factors. Communities had fewer volunteers to conduct the count and regions were allowed to opt out of the unsheltered count.  There was also an increase in funding available to prevent individuals and families from entering homelessness.   IHCDA provided $15 million in homeless prevention that has helped over 4,500 people stay in their current housing situation to date.

This event could not take place without the immense efforts of local PIT coordinators, regional chairs, the CoC BoS board, staff, volunteers, and participants.  At a statewide level, the Community Services division of IHCDA coordinates the count and the HMIS team. While the PIT/HIC are conducted over a few days for local participants, the HMIS team works for months to organize the data collection and analysis.  IHCDA would like to thank all the PIT coordinators, regional chairs, staff, volunteers, HMIS staff, and participants for making this year’s count a success!