2015 Legislative Session Begins


Indiana senators returned to the Statehouse this week to begin the 2015 legislative session.

The next four months will be busy and productive as members of the General Assembly carefully craft a state budget to fund essential services for the next two years.

Indiana is recognized nationwide as a model of responsible budgeting. We are a state that keeps taxes low and spends within our means, focusing on areas that benefit Hoosiers like public education and road maintenance.

In addition to crafting the state budget, my colleagues and I will be examining and voting on a wide-variety of legislative proposals.

To help Hoosiers stay informed and engaged, committee hearings and session meetings can be watched online by visiting www.in.gov/legislative. Event calendars, meeting agendas, vote tallies and proposed legislation can also be found on this site.

By law, the 2015 legislative session must be completed no later than April 29.