Home Breaking News 2015 Fraternal Order of Police PAC Endorsements

2015 Fraternal Order of Police PAC Endorsements


The Evansville Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 73 announced today it’s 2015 City Election endorsements. The FOP Political Action Committee (PAC) interviewed candidates during the month of August and held a candidate night at the FOP Lodge on September 16th. Based upon the interviews, and the feedback from our membership that attended the candidate night, the FOP PAC committee has chosen to endorse the following candidates:

Mayor – Lloyd Winnecke

City Clerk – Laura Brown Windhorst

City Council Ward 1 – Dan McGinn

City Council Ward 2 – Missy Mosby

City Council Ward 3 – Anna Hargis

City Council Ward 4 – Henrietta Jenkins

City Council Ward 5 – Tom Shoulders

City Council Ward 6 – Jim Brinkmeyer

City Council At Large: Dr. H. Dan Adams

Jonathon Weaver

Michelle Mercer

The Evansville Fraternal Order of Police Lodge is looking forward to working with these candidates in 2016 and beyond. This is a very talented group and brings a fresh face to the Evansville City Council.  The FOP urges everyone to register and get out and vote in the 2015 City Election. The future of this city is looking bright and electing the above candidates will ensure that bright future.

Michael Sides

President  FOP Lodge 73

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  1. I wonder how important they will feel when a majority of their endorsements lose?

  2. Mamma taught me that the cops are the good guys. Why are they endorsing the bad guys?

  3. Can’t believe they endorsed Weaver. ….. Not surprised that all are Repubs an Winnecke lap dogs. Endorsed yes , but we don’t have to vote for them except for Dan Adams. He is the only good one in the group.

  4. What a band of idiots. Only good one in that group is Dan Adams , the rest of them are not smart enought to come in out of the rain .

  5. The FOP endorsement has now become an embarrassment, a negative. These are the people that will go to the mat for the worst cop who commit the most heinous acts imaginable.

    They would also support a militarized, authoritarian government to “keep order”

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