Each year, the Indiana State Legislature enacts dozens of laws during its legislative session.
Following each session, these laws are collected in a publication known as a Digest of Enactments. The Digest of Enactments for the 2013 session of the Indiana State Legislature is now available.
Here is how you can obtain your own copy:
•visit my website and click on the link you will find there;
•send me an email;
•call my office through the toll-free Statehouse telephone number of
1-800-382-9842; or
•send me a note with your request addressed to: Indiana House of Representatives, 200 W. Washington St., Indianapolis, IN 46204.
Connect with Us:
Contact Info:
Phone: 1-800-382-9842
Email: h77@in.gov
Website: www.in.gov/h77
200 W. Washington St.
Indianapolis, IN 46204