2 Babies Surrendered In 2 Days At Indiana Safe Haven Boxes


INDIANA, Ind. (WANE) — Across the Hoosier state, two newborns were surrendered at Safe Haven Baby Boxes in as many days in the past week. according to Safe Haven Baby Boxes, Inc.

These were the first two babies surrendered in 2023.

The first baby was dropped off at the Cleveland Township Fire Station in Elkhart. Less than 48 hours later, a baby was taken at the Wayne Township Fire Station in Indianapolis.

Monica Kelsey, founder of Safe Haven Baby Boxes explained, “We are very blessed that
these mothers chose to lovingly and legally surrender their infant. It is an act of sacrificial
love for the best interest of the infant. These babies are so loved and are an answered
prayer for adoptive families that will eagerly add them to their family. We work tirelessly to
educate citizens on Safe Haven Law and create positive headlines rather than
heartbreaking headlines where lives are destroyed and lost. Our organization is succeeding
at protecting vulnerable women and their infants by being proactive rather than reactive.”

According to the organization, 26 infants have been placed in a Baby Box since November 2017. Nationwide, 125 surrenders have resulted from calling the National Safe Haven hotline.

Safe Haven representatives will share more information on the newborns at a dual press conference Monday morning.