IS IT TRUE it looks like that the Evansville Thunderbolts semi-professional hockey team could finished their first season in the Ford Center at a cut rate rent of $1,000 per home game?  …that the former Evansville IceMen were charged around $10,000 per home game?…the Thunderbolts did not step up and set their bush league on fire are losing about three times as many games as they lost?  …the Thunderbolts have 3 remaining home games left in the season?  …it looks like the Bolts will finished 10th out of a 10 team league and may barely reeked out a 10 or 12 win season?  …its to bad that the former minority owner Mike Hall wasn’t allowed  to use his hockey knowledge and management skills in helping to build a winning team? …we are told that Mr. Hall is extremely likable and personable? …the only patient by blind investor in this hockey folly is the good old City of Evansville that can’t seem to find a lost cause that they don’t want to sink taxpayer money into?

IS IT TRUE we wonder why we haven’t heard one comment from City Council Finance Chairmen Dan McGinn and Council President Missy Mosby about the Evansville financial involvement in the Thunderbolts?

IS IT TRUE that Evansville City Councilman Jonathan Weaver speaking through his attorney recently said    that he is innocent of allegedly violating a restraining order because he didn’t contact his ex-wife in December?…Councilman Weaver faces a Class A misdemeanor charge of invasion of privacy for allegedly violating a restraining order by coming into contact with his ex-wife, Amanda Gatson?…Councilman Weaver has been accused of violating this order at a December 2016 event at the Ford Center while she was working in a bar concession area at the venue?…Weaver’s assertion is that he was never ordered not to go to the Ford Center?…Amanda Gatson however was employed that night at the Ford Center and the restraining order against Weaver allegedly states that Weaver cannot go to her place of employment?…its also been alleged there is no exception stated in the restraining order for Ford Center or any other location?…the ultimate challenge to the restraining order would happen if Ms. Gatson ever got a job at the Civic Center?…Mr Weaver couldn’t even serve as a City Councilman if she got a job there?…it will make for an interesting trial if it goes that far because if a judge literally interprets the restraining order Councilman Weaver may be in a heap of trouble?

IS IT TRUE that Indiana has long been known as a state that is so conservative that it often cuts off it’s nose to spite its face?…the latest target of those who shame “dark ages” laws are the archaic laws that Indiana has with respect to alcohol sales?…an entrepreneur who owns some convenience stores where cold beer sales are forbidden found a way to get around the dark age law by installing some seating so people can eat inside making his business qualify as a restaurant?…restaurants unlike any other business including liquor stores can sell cold beer?…the list of states that forbid alcohol sales on Sunday keeps getting shorter and soon it will be down to one and that one is likely to be the temperance league Republic of Indiana?…there really are a lot of idiotic laws that survive on the books of many states but preventing a convenience store from selling cold beer is just picky?…that similarly for not selling alcohol on Sundays in stores when one can get inebriated in a restaurant just defies logic?…this is almost as silly as the federal law that prohibits people who earn less than $200,000 per year from buying stock in start-up companies but allows poor people to gamble in casinos and buy lottery tickets?…if you are looking for logic, government on any level does not seem to be a good place to look?

IS IT TRUE that the words used in the listing of the Tin Man Brewery look very much like this is simply going to be an asset sale as opposed to selling a going business with any cash value from a profitable operation?…the words chosen are all about brewing equipment being state of the art where no expense was spared and even touting the nice tables and chairs to use in a restaurant operation?…the CCO has no idea what was actually spent to outfit the Tin Man operation but the reality in an asset sale is that the prices paid are typically less than 25% of what things sell for new?…this may offer a good opportunity for some budding entrepreneur to get into the craft beer and restaurant business on the cheap?

IS IT TRUE every day we are looking in the local paper to see if County Commissioner Musgrave and Shoulders have decided to be transparent and advertise the now vacant position of Director of Burdette Park? …so far we haven’t seen such an ad published in the Evansville Courier and Press?

FOOTNOTES: Todays “READERS POLL” question is: Do feel that the taxpayers of Evansville should cover the financial losses generated by the Thunderbolts

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  1. I remember when they changed the law for restaurants.Sunday morning coming down. I was a young lad at Evansville college. Me and three of my buddys would go to the pizza joint on Division st. and order a small pizza and a pitcher of beer and a pitcher of beer…

  2. It appears that the Iceman paid a substantial amount of
    rent for using the Ford Center and even though the rent was considerable lower, it appears the Thunderbolts also paid for the privilege of playing their home games at the Ford Center and I’m sure the Shriners pay to sponsor the circus over the Thanksgiving holiday. Even though the Guns and Hoses event is a tremendous fund raiser for our community, just wondering if anyone knows if they are charged for using the Ford Center.

    • They are not charged. The first year at the Ford Center they were. However, 911 Gives Hope asked for that rent to be waived. After the folks in this non-profit were raked over the coals, the city council begrudgingly gave them free rent for Guns and Hoses. The Ford Center keeps all proceeds from concessions (go figure).

    • No axe to grind as it is for a good cause. But Guns ‘n Hoses should at least pay for the utilities (electric, water, waste) and the cost of clean up.
      After all, I mean, what’s a thousand dollars? Surely that’s it woud cost if that’s what the Thunderdolts are paying for a one-night stand. (Sarcasm intended)

  3. Why are we surprised to hear that Butterfly McGinn and old Yeller stand silent when the Ford Center is losing hundreds of thousands of dollar. Wasn’t old Yeller part of the Team Weinzapfel that gave us the Fraud Center? In regards to the dismal financial condition of our City, we only hear crickets. Especially in regards to supposedly the only financial expert on this City Clowncil, Ms Hargis, our third ward representative ..remember the Ward that has provide us with notables in the past.

    • The Ford Center is a classic case for study, as all these projects take the same path and only the sticker price ever changes. Who lost and is still losing on the Ford Center project? The taxpayers. Who gained on the project? Well since local approval was needed to do the project, a certain amount of the local establishment had to be in line for a payday or the project would never get off the ground. Consulting firms, architects, engineers, attorneys, banks, bond specialists, underwriters, construction firms, insurers, real estate firms………did I leave some out?

      Mix in $127. million price tag, with an additional $100. million in interest, and you have just forged the chains that will bind your grandchildren in tax slavery for a good portion of their life, and for WHAT? We already had an arena with much better parking and ingress and egress, and we could have upgraded that facility for a fraction of what was spent on the Ford Center. In my mind, the Ford Center will always be the poster child for demonstrating the power of the local establishment over the finances of Evansville’s citizens.

  4. Hey, spoke with a very good friend who is associated with the Ford Center ..he absolutely declares that the Guns & Hoses event is using the Ford Center FREE ..!!!

  5. Re: Weaver and his domestic situation. The Ford Center, like the Civic Center, is a public place. I suspect Weaver’s attorney will argue (and reasonably so) that Weaver can not be restrained from public places. Nor can he be restrained from making a purchase at public event. He can be restrained from her place of private employment. However, I suspect the judge will modify the Restraining Order to prohit Weaver from approaching or nearing his ex within “x” feet in public locations.

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