As you drive into the D-Patrick parking lot, located on the corner of the Lloyd Expressway and Green River Road, the first thing you’ll notice are the German Flags displayed on the light poles. The reason for the German flags is because D-Patrick’s focus is in selling all of the German-made automobiles.
CCO had the opportunity to sit down with D-Patrick’s General Manager Tony Ricketts in a one on one interview. In our discussion, Mr. Ricketts discussed his background, German vehicles, and D-Patrick, where he has worked for 29 years. D-Patrick is Evansville’s primary seller of the 5 automobiles made in Germany. These vehicles include the Volkswagon, BMW, Audi, Mercedes-Benz, and the Porshe. D-Patrick specializes in selling all of these franchises.
Tony Ricketts grew up on a Spencer County farm. A portion of the farm Ricketts’ family lived on was once owned by Thomas Lincoln, father of our 16th president. He attended Heritage Hills High School. In college, Ricketts studied Aviation at Indiana State and Business at the University of Southern Indiana. He’s been married for 26 years and has 2 sons in their twenties. Ricketts calls the west side of Evansville his home and has lived on Reitz Hill for 24 years.
Ricketts has worked in all facets of D-Patrick during his 29 year career. This includes sales, finance, insurance, sales manages, to his current position as general manager.
So what fueled Tony Ricketts’ passion for cars? “My dad and grandfather always were interested in cars. My dad was interested in Porsche’s. My grandfather was always interested in (the discontinued) Etzel and he used to work on Mercedes Benz.”
There you have it. D-Patrick’s GM Tony Ricketts, passionate about cars, and has been able to make a living off his passion.
We and the family have been devoted customers of D Patrick for. His entire career, he has always so fair and honest with the entire family, standing behind each purchase, he does the right thing at the right price. Let me suggest To y if you are in need of or want a vehicle. He will not steer you wrong.
I claim him as a great friend.
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