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  1. The new Trump White House called its first Press Briefing yesterday….and for what?

    Business reports? (No.) National Security? (No.) Ok, updates on deficit reduction? (No.)

    What then? RATINGS. The President was throwing a fit over his ratings!!
    DOES ANYONE NOW DOUBT we have a Reality TV Star Diva in the White House? You guys voted for a female version of a Beverly Hills House Wife…….!!!

    And he’s worried about his ratings…..his Inaugural attendence: SUCKED. (And I could care less, but he’s a reality TV Star, so he worrries about that more than the Country.)

    WALL STREET JOURNAL, Sunday, January 22, 2017
    WASHINGTON—In its first Press Briefing, the Trump White House disputed estimates that suggested the crowd gathered for President Donald Trump’s inauguration was smaller than those for the inaugurations of former President Barack Obama, contradicting available evidence in both confirmable data and plain publicly available photography. “These attempts to lessen the enthusiasm of the inauguration are shameful and wrong,” Trump White House press secretary Sean Spicer said in a statement made in his first briefing room appearance Saturday.

    The data and photographic evidence clearly does not support Mr. Spicer’s statement or the Trump White House.

    The Washington Capital Metropolitan Area Transit Authority offered numbers it posted ridership numbers. 193,000 trips had been taken on its transit lines for the Trump Inaugural. That number was 513,000 for the same time on the day of President Barack Obama’s Inauguration in 2009.

    • Times are a changin Becker.

      I watched a black ex-President shake hands with the new President and it was brought to my attention that the one with children by 3 different women was the white guy.

      By the way, it’s a good thing those bikers showed up or it looked like Trump would have been talking to himself.


      • “Black”? Ate you one of those racist bigots that contends one drop of “black” blood makes you “black”?
        Obama is bi-racial. His momma was Caucasian and he was reared by his Caucasian Grandmother.

        • You would be better off asking al sharpie that question.

          I have a black Grandson just like Obama and damn proud of it.

          Let me know what al says Red Ass HotMama….

      • Uh…….Press. It’s the Wall Street Journal, not me, that you think is wrong.

        (And they’re not wrong.)

        Hey REG…..! These guys get PISSED when you present facts. So, they make up “alternative facts.” (called LIES)

      • Joe, you’re the only person I know who consider FACTS boring. But at least they are accurate!

        ( I STILL cannot believe, CAN NOT believe…….the Trump Presidency began with Trump’s Press Secretary being shown as a LIAR by the Wall Street Journal.)

    • Press. Not only is Katie Hopkins a brilliant writer (she hits the nail squarely on the head here), she can do a pretty impressive feat with a 24 oz. can of Coors Lite!

  2. Trump is definitely going to be a transformational President.

    In just one day he has transformed the Presidency from being the most challenging position on Earth to second most challenging behind the Press Secretary.

    Reagan’s Press Secretary got shot. I look for Trump’s to shoot himself.


    • I think someone needs to call child protective services on these so called “adults”!

  3. WASHINGTON D.C., January 22, 2017 The new President, Donald Trump, chose to spend the first 48 hours of his presidency feuding with the news media over crowd sizes, crowing about low ratings in front of a wall of killed CIA agents, spreading inaccurate information in his first Press Briefing leading to the worst start of any President in US history.

    But it showed the likely hallmarks of the Trump administration:
    His team will be very combative, even when the facts are not facts at all. They are lies. But Trump’s political base will believe them even if they are lies (…..Jesus, that is PRESSANYKEY and JOEBIDEN…who traffic in deliberately constructed lies they read on Russian websites.)

    “If he doesn’t have people who can tell him no, this is not going to go very well. It’s a horrible start. Horrible.”

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