Todays “READERS POLL” question is :Do you feel that local Attorney Scott Dank’s can make the Vanderburgh County Demo Party competitive once again?

We urge you to take time and click the section we have reserved for the daily recaps of the activities of our local Law Enforcement professionals. This section is located on the upper right side of our publication.

If you would like to advertise or submit and article in the CCO please contact us City-County Observer@live.com.

City County Observer has been serving our community for 17 years.

FOOTNOTE: We would like to personally thank many of our readers for expressing their good wishes and support to our Publisher during the time of a major medical crisis. Special thanks to the outstanding doctors and medical staff at Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville, Tenn. for providing him with excellent health care over the last 17 days.

During the last several days he has been quietly resting at his Evansville home enjoying a belated Christmas with his family. Although his medical issues hasn’t been corrected we are becoming encouraged about his progress.

Next week we shall give you an additional update concerning his progress.


  1. The democrat party needs to rediscover and return to the heartland if it has any hope of representing anything more than urban centers.

    In Evansville it needs an identity apart from the machine.

    • Selling their current message to the heartland will be an exercise in futility. The democratic party is going to have to reinvent itself by moving away from the extreme leftists who have dragged it down to its present state.

      If we all wanted what was best for the COUNTRY, instead of what was best for the PARTY, there would be no need for a two party system.

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