IS IT TRUE that Evansville went through a change over the past few years and there is both good and bad associated with the changes?…the changes associated with the national election of 2016 happened in Evansville in 2011?…the tipping point for Evansville came when the late great mayoral candidate Rick Davis wiped the good old boy network of the previous democrat leadership out of power?…many good old boys were shocked and amazed at how thin the ice that they were on actually was?…this purging do the old order was a good thing for the City Of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that downtown Evansville for the first time in many years has less buildings with “available” signs in the windows than there are actual businesses operating?…while the Ford Center has not seemed to have inspired any business growth, the plans to expand the Tropicana Casino to land combined with a Doubletree Hotel and a IU Medical School seems to have inspired some economic activity?…growth has been a long time coming and many taxpayer dollars have been used to incentivize this small growth spurt but the jury is still out on whether or not this really sticks this time or not?…it would be quite positive if all of these small start ups thrive, but we shall see over the next several years if this is lasting or just another head fake like the ones from 2007-2008?

IS IT TRUE that the McCurdy Hotel is finally beginning to look like there may be a spark of life on the horizon?…after eight and a half years of false starts and delusional expectations the old girl looks to be on the verge of actually becoming an apartment building as was promised by the mayor of Evansville in the summer of 2008?…reality is finally beginning to show some kindness to downtown Evansville and the City County Observer is pleased to see this positive activity?

IS IT TRUE that 2017 is shaping up to be a very good year economically for the City of Evansville, the State of Indiana, and the United States of America?


  1. As for the McCurdy, I wish it could have been retained as a hotel. It could have been a marquis piece of the waterfront for visitors, a real destination spot. The city’s money, I believe, would have been a far greater investment in buying and renovating it than the out-of-the-box motel we will have, which, coincidently, is now going to be undercut by private investment in another downtown motel.

    With the supposed astute realtors so immersed in city government, you have to wander what’s really behind the continual decline of our downtown’s attractiveness and character. There is nothing inviting about it any longer other than one-night events plus boutique restaurants or shops only frequented by those who work daily downtown. The Tropicana will continue as an island unto itself, but with a near Terre Haute casino being a real political possibility, it might suffer.

    Sorry for a rather long-winded comment concerning the poor, poor city administrations of the last 20 years, but downtown Evansville was one of my great places for many years.

  2. The present Mayor of Evansville will never be able to remove himself and the city from under the sword of Damocles until the city’s finances are put to rights. Virtue is sufficient for a happy life.

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