Todays “READERS POLL” question is: How do you rank the Vanderburgh County Commission job performance in 2016?

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FOOTNOTES: Todays “READERS POLL” question is :How do you rank the Vanderburgh County Commission job performance in 2016?

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    “Not satisfied with choosing a friend of Vladimir Putin to represent the United States abroad, Mr. Trump has spent the past two weeks running interference for the Russian president here at home. It is obvious to just about everyone that Mr. Putin preferred Mr. Trump to Hillary Clinton. He certainly had good reason to do so. Confronted with intelligence pointing to Russian interference in our election, the president-elect responded by questioning the professionalism and even the political impartiality of the CIA.”

    This is not going away. Immature, insecure, infantile idiots in here keep wanting to talk about Hillary Clinton. The election is over. What? The GOP, the CIA, the FBI, the NSA…they are all stupid Hillary supporters? US Republican leaders, the CIA, the FBI, the GOP Intelligence Chairmen, the GOP Senate Leader and true US Patriots who keep pointing out Trump’s problems here….Calling these people liberals and Clinton voters makes you look weak, insignificant and immature.

    • Another childish troll, Josh. Your constant cry for attention is starting to wear thin on us adults.

        • (….well, those comments, while afraid to acknowledge the facts, AT LEAST don’t try to pound this dead hillary clinton routine.)

    • Old news Becker. I’ve been busy lately but I’ve even seen where the Ruskies admitted trying to help Trump so I’m sure everyone else has also.

      What’s more important is we all team up and see if we can get rid of that Muslim sleeping under JoeBiden’s bed.

      It’s obviously making Joe grouchy and by nature Joe doesn’t have a grouchy bone in his body.

      What say?….

      • Regulator, Obviously there is nothing to worry about from what Obama calls the “Religion of Peace”

        “The Islamic State published the names and addresses of thousands of churches in the United States and called on its adherents to attack them during the holiday season, according to a message posted late-night Wednesday in the group’s “Secrets of Jihadis” social media group.

        A user going by the name of “Abu Marya al-Iraqi” posted an Arabic-language message calling “for bloody celebrations in the Christian New Year” and announced the group’s plans to utilize its network of lone wolf attackers to “turn the Christian New Year into a bloody horror movie.”


        • Nothing should scare you more than cancer and what Trump said yesterday about nuclear weapons Joe. But since you find the Muslim thing more scary, don’t forget we have always had and will always have bad people in this country that need X’d out. An example;

          On April 18, 1980, Philadelphia Mafia consigliere Antonio Caponigro had Angelo Bruno killed without The Commission’s approval. Caponigro and his brother-in-law Alfred Salerno were taken to an isolated house in upstate New York and tortured before being killed. Salerno had been shot three times behind the right ear and once behind the left ear. The autopsy showed that a rope had been tied around his neck, wrists, and ankles, and most of his neck and face bones shattered. Caponigro had been suffocated, beaten, repeatedly stabbed and shot, and was found in a garbage bag. Around $300 was stuffed up Caponigro’s rectum as a sign that he had become greedy.[58]

          But no one has advocated all Italian-Americans as being bad. Hell Joe, 10% of all American doctors are from Muslim countries and the NYPD has 900 Muslims on its’ payroll plus how can you get more patriotic than the Gold Star Khan family.

          Fear is one of the main tools ISIS has in its’ arsenal. Personally I’m not bitin….

      • at this point what difference does it make reg………………………………………………………

        • Well put tommy.

          That reminds me, I’m having trouble finding any new news about Hillary’s e-mails.

          It was wall to wall back a couple months ago now zilch.

          What’s up with that?….

  2. “Growing list of post-election ‘hate crimes’ turn out to be hoaxes” My favorite:

    ….A Mississippi man arrested and charged with first degree arson in the burning of an African-American church that was spray-painted with the words “Vote Trump” is a member of the congregation, the church’s bishop said….


    Who knew the loony liberal leftists would make up lies to promote their narratives? Shocking!

  3. given the posts above . . . are we now saying the Vanderburgh County Commissioners are Russians, and hacked the DNC ?

  4. merry Christmas to all my deplorable friends………….America will be great again…………………

  5. Evansville now has a Black Chamber of Commerce,,,WHY ? to me it sounds like we are promoting racism in Evansville

  6. Frankly, I prefer Donald Trump…….BY A LONG SHOT……over Mike Pence. At least Trump is a greedy….a”Yes I will break the rules” businessman, and you always know what to expect from that. And thank goodness Trump is not a crazy Christian like Pence. (Those nuts are dying off anyway. Catholics rule. Good riddance to the crazies.) But Trump? Never was. Never will be.

    BUT…… Trump is probably the best candidate in US History for having done things that will lead to impeachment. This Russian connection is unbelievable. It is NOT going away. (I know this subject is taboo from the likes of JB, Press and others. They’re too scared to even acknowledge it.)

    And the leaders of the impeachment? Ha! It’s gonna be the Republicans in Congress.
    Forget the Democrats. That party is in disaster mode.

    • Whine, whine , whine. Sheeeeezzzzzzzz you are pathetic. The man has not spent a single day in office yet and you have it all figured out? Hell, you didn’t get a damn thing right about the election, so why should anyone listen to your ranting now?

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