IS IT TRUE we have been informed that last Friday members of the Evansville FOP  voted to file an “legal injunction” against Mayor Winnecke and members of City Council because of the way they mishandled the terms of their Employee Healthcare benefits contract?   …we are also hearing that members of the EFD are also likely to joining the FOP in this legal action?  …we hear that the highly regarded attorney Charlie Burger shall represent them?  …we are also hearing this “legal injunction” may be called “Penguins. Over City Employees” suit? …this is a developing news story?

IS IT TRUE that CCO blogger “ROSES” posted the following in the CCO comment section yesterday that we found interesting?  …she posted “Evansville already has a medical campus, has since the late 70’s. Its on the campus of USI now and will simply move when the new bldg. is ready. No new students, no new employment unless they get a grant of some kind for research (a possibility)”?  “The legislature failed to fund the Ivy Tech portion due to low graduation rate. Ivy Tech should definitely be a part of this project”. “The result of the legislature’s action will be to encourage Ivy Tech to pass students along whether or not they deserve it” “But the failure to fund Ivy Tech was not the Mayor’s fault or Dan Adams or even Steve Becker’s”.?   …that Evansville is  going to be the 9th IU Regional Medical School Campus in Indiana?  …attached below are links for them?

Indianapolis,  Bloomington,  Fort Wayne,  Terre Haute,  South Bend,  Lafayette,  Gary,  Evansville,  Muncie

IS IT TRUE when our elected officials agreed to donate $57 million dollars to the downtown IU Medical School because it was guaranteed  that 1,500 Ivy Tech medical students would  be part of this project? …since the 1,500 Ivy Tech medical students aren’t part this project we wonder if you feel that we should request that part of the $57 million dollars be given back to the city because of an obvious breach of contract by the IU and State officials?

IS IT TRUE we are hearing that the decision by State officials not approving the funding of the Ivy Tech Capital request to be part of the IU Medical School-Evansville could be hurting the Holcomb-Crouch ticket for Governor?  …that are getting a political backlash because this is happening under the watch of a Republican controlled State House and Senate and Governor offices? …that the Holcomb-Crouch tickets could generate a big pool of votes by publicly stating if elected they would support Ivy Tech students becoming a part of the IU Medical School-Evansville project?

IS IT TRUE we are hearing that John Gregg won’t touch the Ivy Tech Medical student issue with a ten foot pole?  …some of our friends at Ivy Tech are very upset with Mr Gregg because they thought he had political guts and was a candidate for the common person?

IS IT TRUE hat yesterday’s “Readers Poll” question generated an impressive 479 votes?  …the question was “If the election for 1st District County Commissioner was held today who would you vote for”?  …the results were: Sean Selby (R) 243, Ben Shoulders (D) 215 votes and 21 voted in the  None Of the Above section?  …throughout the two and half days of polling the lead changed hands about 15 times?  …it looks like the race for Vanderburgh County Commission District #1 is going to be a political burn burner?

IS IT TRUE we are being told that any candidate that enjoys the political support of Missy Mosby,  Dan McGinn,  Jonathan Weaver and Mayor Winnecke may cause them some political backlash with members of the Evansville Fire and Police  Departments and County voters who are upset with them for taking away the 2% Homestead Tax Credit for 2017?

EDITORS FOOTNOTES:  Todays READERS POLL question is: Do you feel that we should pull the plug on the $57 million commitment to fund the IU Med School since Ivy Tech is no longer part of the project?

Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled “BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS” posted in our sections.

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  1. The IIT today seems upset that the Gregg campaign is doing well.
    And Editor being frustrated with that, seems to be saying….”Hey. I know the education performance metrics of Ivy Tech are very bad historically, but why don’t we play the ‘they’re being unfair to Ivy Tech by holding them accountable,’ and just throw some of that mud at Gregg and try to slow this guy down?”

    (BTW, Pressanykey is losing with Trump SO badly, and is SO desperate, sweating SO badly, no way he will contain his posts today to the content of the “Is It True” topics.)

    • You paid Hillary shills would like me to go away, but it is not going to happen. I am just getting started.

      • Started? You’re an infant Press. You need to FINISH, not get started. And you are clearly not finishing…..

        (Who is being paid? Desperate paranoia is at hand!!! “We’re losing because the other CCO posters who realize Trump is a dangerous fool…ARE ALL REALLY PAID AGENTS !!”)

      • PussyPress

        Oh for Pete sake, you are FINISHED, and so is Drumpf.

        You need to take advantage of the ACA and get some psychiatric help. They should medicate you ASAP

    • The internal polling looks good for Gregg. Maybe CCO editor is upset that it looks like Suzanne Crouch isn’t going to be Lt. Governor and Trump will never be POTUS.

      • ….indeed LKB, that appears to be the case.
        It is STUNNING that Trump may make Gregg Gov of Indiana.

  2. Originally, the City of Evansville was to put up $51 million plus soft costs of $6 and the State was to through in $50 million ..with that comment, in 2014 the City Council approved bonding in the amount of $57 million. Editor, you are right in saying that the local gov officials moved on the state representation.

    • In order to finance this $57 million give away, by and large the source of revenue is the downtown TIF. When Grand Ripids, MI established their downtown medical school, it took nearly 20 years to see the benefit. In review of the main sources of revenues within the downtown TIF, you will discover that the ONB & Vectren Buildings represent 30%. There has been rumblings that ONB corporate maybe relocating to Indy and Vectren might sell off the electric concentrating on Gas which, if occurred, might persuade relocation to Indy. If these possibilities ever occurred, the value of both buildings could be significantly reduced. Of course, the new Hotel has property phase-in and the Med School property is exempt. Hope somebody explains to Winnecke the principles of Murphy’s Law.

      • @Benedict:

        I thought the Ford Center was slurping up the TIF money ? Enough TIF to fund both projects ?

    • Grateful, could you explain what the City of Evansville $ 51 Million + $ 6 Million was to be spent on ? Also, what was the State’s $ 50 Million contribution supposed to be spent on ?

      I am trying to figure out if the decision to exclude Ivy Tech hurts the City but not the State ? Or, will we just have a large facility, 3/4 empty ?

      • Which one will be empty? The new IU Med Center if the State doesn’t fund the Ivanhoe Tech student portion? Or the loss of 1500 students at Sir Weinnyzapfl’s First Ave quasi-college if the State does fullfill it’s funding of the IU/IVTech Medical Center?
        1500 medical students currently at the First Ave IVTech campus? I find that hard to believe. Is there that much need for LPN’s and aides? Pretty sure they don’t offer an RN program there (but could be wrong). Or is the 1500 student number a “grow to a potential” student population size postulated by the IVTech administration?

        • The obvious question is whether or not the education of these IVY Tech nursing students will be compromised by not moving downtown. My expectation is the answer is no. If that is the case, why the heck spend $50M on a new building. The one on First Avenue is less than 10 years old.

  3. Federal prosecution of election offenses falls under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Dept. of Justice, Criminal Division, Public Integrity Section.

    We know that Robert Creamer has visited the White House at least 340 times, and 42 of those times he met directly with the President of the United States.

    We know that since the time Bill Clinton met with Loretta Lynch on her plane in Phoenix, the United States Justice Department, and the FBI has been compromised.

    Knowing all of these documented facts, does anyone think that Robert Creamer and the operatives who worked for him will be prosecuted by the Obama administration’s justice department? Would President Obama call an investigation down on himself to expose his part in this illegal activity?

    There are going to have to be EXTRAORDINARY ACTIONS taken by the Congress of the United States in order to head off what will be a very nasty crisis if no action is taken to deal with this situation.

    • Hey Press’s the situation ..when Hilliary becomes President, Putin will use the most incriminating emails to black-male Clinton in the purpose of Russian advancement such as in the Mid-East. For those who study biblical prophecy, Russia maybe the Bear of the North ..oddly, the longitude from Jerusalem to Moscow is nearly exact.

      • Those emails won’t mean anything once she is POTUS, but Trump will still owe hundreds of millions to Russian billionaires that Putin created. He owes $650,000,000 to the Bank of China, as well.

        Besides, Trump says it wasn’t a hack by the Russians. The bottom line is that a foreign power is trying to influence the outcome of our election in Trump’s behalf. Your arguments are very flawed, SBA/Grateful Dead, et al.

        • I see the Poster of Many Names and Malaprops has also brought back the persona of Ruffus back, too.

          • LKB……IN FACT……it seems as though the dead people Pressanykey claims votes?

            Those dead people are posting in here under several different names.

      • Which one will be empty? The new IU Med Center if the State doesn’t fund the Ivanhoe Tech student portion? Or the loss of 1500 students at Sir Weinnyzapfl’s First Ave quasi-college if the State does fullfill it’s funding of the IU/IVTech Medical Center?
        1500 medical students currently at the First Ave IVTech campus? I find that hard to believe. Is there that much need for LPN’s and aides? Pretty sure they don’t offer an RN program there (but could be wrong). Or is the 1500 student number a “grow to a potential” student population size postulated by the IVTech administration?Despite I

      • Although I don’t proscribe to the racist theory that “one drop of black blood makes you black” (Barry Obama is multi-racial, he isn’t black), you must, as I find it interesting you used the term “black-male” instead of the correct “blackmail”. Was this just a Freudian slip of your mind to affirm your realization if HRC is elected POTUS it will be nothing more than a continuation of Barry O’s failed leadership?

      • PussyPress

        Go ahead, dumbass, file a complaint based on Jailbait O’Keefe’s lies.

        I’m sure your cellmate Bubba will love you, sweet cheeks. Hope you like jelly……

  4. Looks like hillary ‘s bus dumped a big pile of Obama on a GA. City street,it was so bad Hazmat was called out…………

  5. I’m not sure how accurate “Roses” comment was. If memory serves, there was no plan to move the USI nursing students to the downtown campus. The project should be scrapped. The goal of getting D-Pat out of downtown has been accomplished and the “riff-raff” is being moved out of the EHA towers.

      • no dummy Right Wing Extremist GOP operative. You are wrong again.

        CNN stands for Cable News Network. Duh

        It was the very first Cable News Network that gave us 24/7 news on the TV. They were the leaders.

        They you have the political news network as some call it FIXED NOISE. No journalism and nothing but pure political right wing propaganda.

  6. Laura: I am offering this in an effort to broaden your horizons a little, and because I know you never check things out below the surface. You seem to have an affinity for RCP so just listen to this broadcast by Tom Bevan, co-founder and executive editor of RCP.

    Did you even know about Bevan, or the fact that he does a radio show in RCP’s home city of Chicago? I just thought you might benefit from hearing observations from both sides that are at a little higher level than the gutter banter here.

  7. I couldn’t get audio on your link, so I’m really not certain what you’re getting at, but I’m guessing you’re implying bias and/or conspiracy. I am well aware that there is an exchange of ideas on a much higher plane than CCO. I also count many good conservatives among my friends and have some lively, fun conversations with them. It is hard to find reason in any pro-Trump thinking, but I guess Kellyanne Conway is probably the best person there is in your corner, and I just watched her be chewed up and spit out on an interview this morning. I feel sorry for her, trying to defend someone she knows is indefensible.

    If you’re really interested in “educating” me, why don’t you just answer a question I asked you yesterday? I copied-and-pasted it here.
    “I’m probably going to regret this, but I do wish you could explain your thinking to me about why it is okay for Trump to admit to criminal activity as he did in the Access Hollywood tapes and then “erase” that conversation by calling himself a liar. That’s kind of a big deal, but when O’Keefe gets a Demo operative on tape saying he committed a crime, would you excuse him if he said it was just “boy talk” and he really didn’t do it?

    I want to be clear here. I think the operative should have been fired and if there is evidence that he did what he said, he should go to jail. I just don’t understand why you give your choice for the leadership of this country a pass on the tapes. Evidence against him is mounting, you know.

    Thank you.

    • Unfortunately the American public doesn’t consider a sexual act (either Trump’s or BillyBoy Clinton’s) the same as a civil criminal act (HRC’s). The American public has long demonstrated a tolerance to Oval Office hanky-panky – FDR, JFK, LBJ, WJC and others. As far as the American public goes, it’s okay by them for the occupant of the White House to get a little on the side as long as the nation is on stable ground and the ecomomy is improving.

        • You can tell TRUMP IS LOSING big time, by reading what Pressanykey wants to talk about:

          1. Pressanykey is concerned about Dem campaign staff being mean to people at rallies. No one in here complains about Trump’s Roger Stone, and that guy….he is Satan. But they don’t complain about Stone….well, cause they’re kicking Trump’s ass. Press is reduced to whining about the other team’s campaign staff. Ha!! Perfect indicator…YOU ARE LOSING.
          2. Press and others want to talk about a campaign bus sewage issue. Really? Seriously? Bus sewage? YOU MUST BE LOSING.
          3. Press is upset that “the media is unfair!!” Really, really, really…..Trump has gotten $2 Billion of Free Media. And you still complain? The media is unfair? You whine this? IT’S BECAUSE YOU ARE LOSING.

      • I get what you’re saying, but that isn’t my point. I want to know why PAK gives Trump a pass on calling himself a liar, but will go to his grave screaming about a dumbass who was trying to look like a big deal and was clearly lying.

        • LKB:
          You just pointed out the credibility problem Pressanykey wears around his neck from now on.

          It’s not that he supported Trump. It’s that he totally sold himself out and his soul to do it.

          Advocate for Christian values and morality? Bullshit. Advocate for small government? Bullshit. Advocate for low debt? Bullshit. He’s got bullshit all over him….and for what?

          The losers bench.

  8. Who in here thinks Pressanykey should change his Poster/Name after Trump loses?

    1. Before the election: “Pressanykey: “Trump for President”

    2. After Trump Loses: “__________________”: “We got cheated! I want to whine! Four years of me whining!!”

    Any suggestions on the Whiner name for Press’?

  9. More fallout from the “genius” foreign policy from the Ivy League liberals Obama, Hillary and Kerry. The national media blatantly ignores the current Americans held hostage in Iran to help elect Hillary:

    “Iran is seeking “many billions of dollars” in payments from the United States in exchange for the release of several U.S. hostages still being detained in Iran, according to reports by Iran’s state-controlled press that are reigniting debate over the Obama administration’s decision earlier this year to pay Iran $1.7 billion in cash.”

    • Press:

      Your guy needed to overwhelmingly win tonight.

      Didn’t happen. Back to the Losers Bench Pressanykey.
      (Buying your bench seat cushion, I know. Good luck.)

      PAYMENT DUE BY: November 8, 2016
      (Pressanykey’s little boy credit card…….Expires on Election Day.)

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