“IS IT TRUE” will be posted on this coming Monday

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  1. 1. Highest and best use of old Roberts Stadium? Green space. There are enough strip malls folks.
    2. Will the City have something to do with it? Of course, right? What is the alternative?

  2. Questions:
    1. Why would the principal advisor to Donald Trump, his daughter Ivanka Trump, take off on vacation to Croatia the week of the decision to “shake-up” the Trump campaign with the bomb-throwing Breitbart Bannon?
    2. Why is Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner taking their vacation week in Europe on Democratic VIP Major Donor David Geffen’s yacht?
    3. And the rest of the next generation Trump children….are they working with the flame-throwing Breitbart’s Bannon on the “We’re Gonna Win the White House” Trump Campaign? Where are they anymore?

    • Baron and Eric are both vampires and have to limit their public appearances.
      The ridiculous latest waste of taxpayer money, the penguin exhibit, is worse than I’d thought. 🐧

      ‘… Mesker Park Zoo’s request for $660,000 to start the design and engineer plans for an outdoor penguin exhibit.’
      (This is gift money, not a shovel of dirt will be turned for your $660,000. It will get you an ‘artists rendering’ that you may or may not be allowed to view).

      ‘Zoo Director Amos Morris said the penguin exhibit would cost $10 million, with the city paying for half and the other half coming from private donations’. âžœ Right.
      These folks are shameless. Penguins everywhere should unite, pick up the pitchforks and storm the Civic Center. No more incarceration without due process. A vote from our City Council, as currently constituted, is not due process.

  3. Non-profit organizations grants will be chopped again which will help that Zoo pit design. Weaver is crowing
    that unlike last years cut ($512,000 to $259,000) which were sudden, this year they have a two month warning! Mayor had budget $301,000 for 2017, council is planning on cutting on that amount!

    Long live those “penguins”!

  4. Did anyone else spew their coffee seeing the editorial cartoon in the C&P this morning?

    Pic of Trump with the end of a “assault rifle” as a mouth, and a ballot box as the silencer!

    • No such thing as a “silencer”. There are only suppressors and some of those don’t work too well.

    • GOP is pissing in the wind on education! One can not teach to the so called students when they have
      no desire/ability to learn. You can have all the “best” buildings, teachers, and administrators out there,
      when there is a lack of effort from the student, it is all pissed away.

      Issues with multi-generations of government supported families, generations of families that once were
      employed but are now unemployed thru no fault of their own but because of so called “globalization”,
      once small neighborhood locally own businesses are gone, parent(s) may not be home much
      because of working multi “part time” jobs. etc. ,etc..

      My son teaches freshman civics at a high school on the west side of Louisville. The “no kid left behind”
      law has allowed these kids to skate thru school knowing they will be past to next grade. By the time
      they get to him, about 75% of them are comprehending at a 2nd grade level. Around a quarter of them
      have no respect for anybody, their behavior is uncivil. These are the ones are/will at some point of time,
      involve with criminal behavior. Granted, there are allot of kids that “are” having a hard way life, but they
      “are” trying to do right, and these are the ones my son gets satisfaction from teaching!

    • Sowell always has been recognized as a leader of the African-American community and is sure to swing a ton of votes for Trump, or maybe NOT!!

      • He’s 86 years old and has long been a traitor to his race. He’ll be aging out soon, possibly to be replaced by Sleepy Ben Carson.

  5. Paul Manafort has had enough humiliation and is low-motoring back to Russia for a mandatory debriefing. He’ll get to make his case to Putin for his failure to get the dummy to fly the Russian flag at his rallies. He could well contract some loathsome disease before his plane touches down. That sometimes happens to agents who fail.

  6. We can all laugh now and crack jokes about Obama paying ransom. Absolute worst president ever, and Mrs. Clinton would be even worse, were she elected.

    I would not advise taking that foreign vacation, now that Barack Obama has placed a target on your back.

    • “Obama” placing that target? Really? GOP has been beating this dead horse, trying to compare apples
      and oranges into a campaign issue. In the business world that GOP live in, maintaining a upper hand on
      any transaction is the best maneuver! This is what happen here. Two separate issues were being
      resolved. Twist it any way you want it to be!

      End result will be that the world will see these ********GOP on broadcast tv claiming it is ransom, when it
      is not, and using that to create “real” ransom threats! GOP will be wearing this around “their” neck!

    • So Reagan sent this dispute about Iran’s money they sent us back in 1979 to the Hague for resolution. The Hague was getting ready to make a judgment that we owed Iran $10 billion dollars because of interest. Obama agreed to give Iran $1.7 billion to settle the case and Iran agreed. Iran got $400 million of their own money the same day we received our 4 people.

      Obama saves the U.S. $8.3 billion dollars and the financially liberal Trump voters are pissed about it.

      Barack Hussein Obama – The only fiscal conservative left in America….

    • Manafort was brought in to guide the team through the primary process. It was never intended that he would direct the whole campaign. He is still on the team. You will like this next phase in the campaign, which Trump alluded to as “taking the gloves off” a couple of weeks ago. The new people are in place and the first general election ad hit the air the other day.

      • PRESSANYKEY…….What the hell is going on with the Trump campaign?

        His campaign chairman Manafort resigned. What the hell kind of candy-ass crap is this?

        Will the Trump White House be so unstable?

        What the hell is going on with the Trump campaign? Why all of this instability Press?

      • No, It was Corey Lewendowsky that was the one they used the “guided us through the primary” lie on. Manafort was to be the general election man, but he couldn’t stomach it.

      • Pussified Press

        “He is still on the team”

        No, dopey, he is not! Drumpf accepted his resignation.

        You need a reality check if you think Manafort resigning means he is still “on the team”

        • Read the article, Trump is still using him in an advisory capacity. He IS still on the team whether YOU like it or not.

  7. Bannon’s influence on Breitbart was apparently recognized by the Trumpster. If you think he said some incendiary crap before, wait until you see where this takes him. Kellyanne Conway isn’t going to be able to sugarcoat Bannon’s bigotry.

    • She’s currently trying to pre-coat it in anticipation of the outright lies, dishonest faked videos and other things in the Dead Breitbart media arsenal that they will resort to. Once they turn Bannon loose it will get entertaining. He has a history of uttering some of the most extreme and patently untrue things ever said on earth.

      The Dummy is still polling at around 1% with ‘the blacks’, and that includes the lawn jockeys. They are wise to him. His pleas to lily white crowds on behalf of ‘the blacks’ are just something his brilliant followers have to sit though to get to hear what they came to hear.

      • Mitt Romney’s Finance Chairman just came out with a full-throated endorsement of Hillary Clinton for President. He cites Trump’s temperament as the deciding factor.

        • He has defined himself for all time. The Beast wisely gave him a shovel and let him rock. It doesn’t matter who they bring in next, after Kellyanne. His filthy racism and inability to grasp the most basic things a presidential candidate should know are properly etched in the voter’s minds. Hope he’s happy with that thin slice of the electorate, some of the Republican primary voters, because that’s what he’s stuck with and it’s not nearly enough.

          Trump has said he has ‘one of the great temperaments’. He is little more than a circus act at this point. I hope his health holds out until the election, it’d be a shame to see him keel over. On Pence.


      Why is the Trump campaign switching Chairmen so often?
      Why is there so much instability at the Trump campaign?

      Can you explain this?

  8. It is laughable to see all the Hillary Clinton’s kool aid drinkers on here buying into the old legacy media propaganda as if a referendum has not already been held here in Indiana in which Mrs. Clinton suffered an overwhelming defeat.

    Donald Trump polled: ……….591,514 votes

    Hillary Clinton polled: ………303,705 votes

    Trump beat her by: …………..287,809 votes

    If you own the media, I guess you can try to fool the people into thinking those numbers favor Hillary Clinton, but anyone with half a brain knows better. She will lose the general election also, and probably by an even larger margin.

    • Press is using the term “old legacy propaganda” today.

      I mean….WTF?

      YESTERDAY…..he was posting articles from SIX MONTHS AGO.
      Who’s the hypocrite now Press? Who’da hypocrite now….!!!???

      • Its not my fault that Mrs. Clinton has 30 years worth of lying out there in the press. Don’t you think the public has the right to know ALL about her sordid past?

    • Pussified Press

      Nice try. dimwit. I notice you left off the real story (like twits like you do with Drumpf to lie)

      Hillary Clinton 303705
      Bernie Sanders 335074

      Jeb Bush 6508
      Ben Carson 8914
      Chris Christie 1738
      Ted Cruz 406783
      Carly Fiorina 1494
      John R. Kasich 84111
      Rand Paul 4306
      Marco Rubio 5175
      Donald J. Trump 591514

      When the Hillary and Voters combine, Drumpf loserville

    • Apple and oranges!
      Indiana is a GOP leaning state anyway!
      11 electoral votes is 259 short!

    • Oh yeah newsflash! Trump will win Indiana. We’ll call you Scoop from now on.

  9. But don’t let those figures and reality stop you from posting your lame regurgitated legacy media propaganda, post away if you are not to blind to see the keyboard.

  10. Drumpf has fouled more gas station restrooms that Ryan Lochte. That alone disqualifies him from ever becoming president. Plus, the votes aren’t there.


    What the hell is going on in the Trump Campaign? What happened to the 2nd Campaign Chairman (who was touted as replacing the Primary Campaign Chairman……for Manafort as “The General Campaign Chairman.”

    But he’s gone now. SO…..Press/Baghdad Bob……tell us some lies about the instability at the Trump Campaign?
    What is going on? Why the problems?

    • Baghdad Bob/Pressanykey:
      Best known for his grandiose and grossly unrealistic propaganda broadcasts before and during the war, extolling the invincibility of the Iraqi Army and the permanence of Saddam’s rule. His announcements were met with widespread derision and amusement by Western nationals and others with access to up-to-date information from international media organizations. In the US he was popularly known as Baghdad Bob, in the UK as Comical Ali (a joke derived from Saddam’s cousin Ali Hassan al-Majid, who was also known as “Chemical Ali”), and in Italy as Alì il Comico.

  12. Melania just scratched Kellyanne’s eyeballs out. She’s seen this before out of Drumpf, she knows the clock is ticking down on her too. The old adulterer is getting ready to make his move. Kellyanne will be sporting dark Ray-Bans on her TV appearances until the ocular prostheses are ready.

  13. Putting your hopes on stealing another candidate’s backers or an indictment of the probable winner is a very poor electoral strategy.

    I’m worried about Drumpf’s health. He seems unsteady and his eyes don’t look right. His coloration is a bit off too.

    • “If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old”
      ― Peter F. Drucker

      Like voting for old legacy politicians who have been around for 30+ years, and have done zip, with the single exception of dramatically INCREASING the welfare state!

  14. Trump just getting in the way of rescue and relief operations in Louisiana. Louisiana Governor said Trump should go back home.

    • He thinks nothing of taking valuable resources away from the relief efforts down there so he can have a photo op. In this case his self-aggrandizement could cost lives. In any event he’ll leave the stench of a rotting tangerine when he finally does leave.

  15. THIS IS LIKE THE BEST TIME EVER reading comments at the CCO.

    PRESSANYKEY….says more f’d up flat out lies like have never been seen here before.

    And he’s in such a panic mode……he spits them out at fever pitch.

    It really is pure “Baghdad Press”…..
    ….wonderful entertainment.

  16. It is amazing how the Clintons have conditioned the American public to their lying and treat it as if it is to be expected from the two of them.

    Wake up America, you do not have to settle for destructive behavior. This constant lying is destructive to our country, and it sends a poisonous message to our children.

    • Press…….you got ’til November to continue spewing this stuff. Then, it’s over.
      We will all miss it, unless you got some kinda second act.

  17. Press will be sad come November when Hillary wins the election. Poor Press will be so dejected he won’t know what to do with himself. Much like Baddad Bob after the war in Iraq.

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