Home Breaking News READERS FORUM FOR AUGUST 5th and 6th, 2016

READERS FORUM FOR AUGUST 5th and 6th, 2016



“IS IT TRUE” will be posted on this coming Monday

Todays READERS POLL question is: Should City Council Finance Chairman Dan McGinn and Controller Russ Lloyd Jr start speaking out on the 2017 budget shortfalls?

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      • Pressanykey and JoeBiden:
        If you want to stop the Democrats fellas…you’re not doing a very good job.
        Seriously, Donald Trump is:
        1. Making Gregg the next Governor of Indiana instead of GOP Pence
        2. Making Dem Evan Bayh the next Senator from Indiana
        3. Turning control of the US Senate back to the Democrats (it’s one thing not to endorse, it’s another thing to HELP defeat the GOP Senators from Arizona, New Hampshire and on and on….)
        4. Doing EVERYTHING he can to make sure Hillary Clinton is the next President of the US.

        I mean, what happened? Your guy is HELPING Democrats…..
        James Carville loves you guys.

        • Gregg has about as much a chance of being Governor as Gary Johnson has of being President. Ditto Evan “the lobbyist” Bayh. Those who were going to vote for Governor Pence will now be voting for Eric Holcomb. So here is your pat on the head for the day.

          • Pressanykey, do you know who Baghdad Bob is?
            Because you have become, Baghdad Bob:
            “Baghdad Bob is best known for his grandiose and grossly unrealistic propaganda broadcasts before and during the war, extolling the invincibility of the Iraqi Army and the permanence of Saddam’s rule. His announcements were met with widespread derision and amusement by Western nationals and others with access to up-to-date information from international media organizations. In the US he was popularly known as Baghdad Bob, in the UK as Comical Ali (a joke derived from Saddam’s cousin Ali Hassan al-Majid, who was also known as “Chemical Ali”), and in Italy as Alì il Comico.”

        • ..it has been said that nations receive the government they desire ..either way we will have a buffoon or another crook/compulsive liar (makes Nixon look like your Sunday School teacher) ..and whoever it is will be a one termer ..why ..if anyone believes we can continue down this path of free beer and bigger mugs ..printing money as long as the ink and paper are available. ..well there is NOT a cow in Texas ..So, let the party go on ..

          • Keynesian theory? In order to effect economies, there are basically two tools in the toolbox? One is monetary the other is fiscal policy? The former is reduce interest rates and later is reduce taxes and increase spending. Since the Fed Res has the interest rates (Fed Rate) at inflation adjusted ZERO and the Gov fiscal policy (printing money at $2.7 billion per day) ..what is left? Reduce taxes? ..and what effect has this had on the economy? anemic growth, both in capital investment and GNP ..so what to we do what to we do .. if and when the chairs and tables are neatly shacked once the band stops playing ..those who came late and left early at the party normally are not stuck with the bill? “Eat, Drink, be Merry, for tomorrow, we die” ..

        • I’ve almost put poor PAK into the same category as Joe Bidet. His posts are so silly they are only worth answering when you want a chuckle.

      • Pussified Press (aka, Evansville’s “Baghdad Bob”)

        Posting links to Gateway Pundit and Jim Hoft, known worldwide as “The Stupidest Man On The Internet”, shows absolutely zero credibility. We all know you lack substance and credibility, but to prove it time after time….

        Here is some info on how “The Stupidest Man On The Internet” and Gateway Pundit cannot be accepted as having ANY credible information, when he posted back to back lies and misinformation


        • PAK is one of the most rational and informed thinkers on this forum and does not deserve to be insulted because he has a different point of view. That only shows the weakness of the other point of view.

          Trump may not win over Hillary.. I find that disappointing, but it will only because Trump can not control his personality and the Hillary and the media are capitalizing on it.

          Just because Trump would lose and Hillary would win does not mean that what is best for our values, for our nation, has prevailed.

          We have had 16 ears of poor to worse leadership, and I have seen nothing in Hillary to show that the nation will fair better than she will Her history has been one of self service not sacrifice, and I challenge anyone to demonstrate anything she has done which benefited others as much as herself. The only ones I can think of who have benefited from Hillary are the very 1% wall street tycoons you 99% berate.

          So I find the indignation towards PAK and others hollow and transparent If Trump was running as a democrat he would be as venerated as the DNC patron saints KKK Byrd and love them until you drown them Kennedy rather than called a racist and misogynist as they were.

      • Press did you forget to wear your Tin Foil Conspiracy hat. Vince Foster? man you are digging deep for those worms. Get real. Do you think that Donald Trump is was responsible for the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa too? Silly birthers need to take a break.

    • Bidet


      a noun defined as “the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood and assessed”

      The EEOC ruled that the flag CAN (not shall) be construed as creating a hostile work environment, writing in their ruling “Whatever the historic origins and meaning of the symbol, it also has since been sometimes interpreted to convey racially-tinged messages in some contexts. For example, in June 2014, assailants with connections to white supremacist groups draped the bodies of two murdered police officers with the Gadsden flag during their Las Vegas, Nevada shooting spree”

      Don’t be such a dense idiot. The EEOC clearly states that the hostile work environment issue is based on context in SOME cases, not ALL cases.

    • Quit trashing Obama’s accomplishments. He has done more than any other President before him. Here is a list of his impressive accomplishments:

      1. First President to be photographed smoking a joint.

      2. First President to apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny he was a foreigner.

      3. First President to have a social security number from a state he has never lived in.

      4. First President to preside over a cut to the credit-rating of the United States.

      5. First President to violate the War Powers Act.

      6. First President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.

      7. First President to require all Americans to purchase a product from a third party.

      8. First President to spend a trillion dollars on “shovel-ready” jobs when there was no such thing as “shovel-ready” jobs.

      9. First President to abrogate bankruptcy law to turn over control of companies to his union supporters.

      10. First President to by-pass Congress and implement the Dream Act through executive fiat.

      11. First President to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S., including those with criminal convictions.

      12. First President to demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his political appointees.

      13. First President to tell a CEO of a major corporation (Chrysler) to resign. (Didn’t really disagree with that one.)

      14. First President to terminate America’s ability to put a man in space.

      15. First President to cancel the National Day of Prayer.

      16. First President to have a law signed by an auto-pen without being present.

      17. First President to arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional and refuse to enforce it.

      18. First President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly spoke out on the reasons for their rate increases.

      19. First President to tell a major manufacturing company in which state it is allowed to locate a factory.

      20. First President to file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN).

      21. First President to withdraw an existing coal permit that had been properly issued years ago.

      22. First President to actively try to bankrupt an American industry (coal).

      23. First President to fire an inspector general of AmeriCorps for catching one of his friends in a corruption case.

      24. First President to appoint 45 czars to replace elected officials in his office.

      25. First President to surround himself with radical left wing anarchists.

      26. First President to golf more than 150 separate times in his five years in office.

      27. First President to hide his birth, medical, educational and travel records.

      28. First President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING to earn it.

      29. First President to go on multiple “global apology tours” and concurrent “insult our friends” tours.

      30. First President to go on over 17 lavish vacations, in addition to date nights and Wednesday evening White House parties for his friends paid for by the taxpayers.

      31. First President to have personal servants (taxpayer funded) for his wife.

      32. First President to keep a dog trainer on retainer for $102,000 a year at taxpayer expense.

      33. First President to fly in a personal trainer from Chicago at least once a week at taxpayer expense.

      34. First President to repeat the Quran and tell us the early morning call of the Azan (Islamic call to worship) is the most beautiful sound on earth.

      35. First President to side with a foreign nation over one of the American 50 states (Mexico vs Arizona).

      36. First President to tell the military men and women that they should pay for their own private insurance because they “volunteered to go to war and knew the consequences.”

      37. Then he was the First President to tell the members of the military that THEY were UNPATRIOTIC for balking at the last suggestion.

      I feel much better now. I had been under the impression he hadn’t been doing ANYTHING… Such an accomplished individual… in the eyes of the ignorant maybe!

      And just think, we may have more of the same if the Hilbeast and her compatriot Bed’em Bill come to power. Oh, why couldn’t the Republicans get their act together an nominate a sane person?

  1. Our once Half Governor, the quitter and inveterate bigot Mike Pence, is out saying everything is well as the Trump clown car bounces off tree after tree. Nobody ever said Scowlin’ Mad Pence was truthful. He now lies on the national stage in the service of a raving lunatic. The performance he is putting on should just abut put the stake through his further political ambibitons. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.

  2. Speaker of the Wisconsin house just wrote that he is embarrassed by Trump. All the prominent Republicans, including Spot Walker, in Wisconsin are fleeing for cover until the rotten Tangerine clears after his appearance there today. They want to keep their seats. Trump is transferring his sludge to everyone he comes near now.

    The US Senate is poised to change hands. Ho ho ho. The Beast is pulling away. She just might roll into the presidency with enough votes in the senate to get that Supreme Court looking real good real quick.

    This was all predictable. For a long time the national Republican party has put up candidates and platforms that were simply inhumane. Anti-women, anti-blacks, anti-gays, anti-their brilliant poor white base & lately anti-Hispanic. They got so far out there that something like Drumpf was pretty well inevitable. He is America’s Hitler, albeit one that won’t be coming to power.

  3. Confused? ..on Mosby’s facebook page she is posed with Joe Donnelly (D) at the annual JJ Dinner ..and on her facebook page standing with Bucheon (R) together with Weaver (D) and of course Santa Lloyd along side .. that’s find to be in those sort of pics ..but why is Messy and the Weasel at the JJ Dinner ..are they not in the Republican Party ..allegedly, they asked Sir Winnecke if he wished they switch to the Repub Party ..his answer, “you better serve me as Dems”

    • That JJ dinner was very well-attended. Mosby and Weaver decided to show up because so many real democrats were going to be there. The really interesting part of it was that the old guard was there in force, but the new, fresh faces were there in force, and they were recognized during the dinner in the same way the “old salts” were. There were definite signs of life in that packed room, and a lot of folks left humming “Happy Days Are Here Again”. Christina Hale gave an inspiring keynote address that left the political operatives in the room ready to go out and do their jobs.

      • ..much like the days of Benedict Arnold, who was a trusted General of Geo Washington who he relied and without fate about his treachery being revealed, could have shipwreck Washington’s success ..so, unless the Dems rid themselves of their Arnolds, successes will be in jeopardy ..plainly spoken ..they know exactly who they are ..

  4. President Obama must think the American public is a bunch of sheep. He tells us that the 6 world nations agreement with Iran is working and Iran is not working on developing a “break out” nuclear weapon. Well, since we have no observation capabilities, because the agreement called for Iran to “self report” on it nuclear development, he can have no actual information on whether that is true. He is trusting the information that Iran is feeding him.

    The art of the deal: do you think for one minute that Donald Trump would ever have signed off on a deal where the United States of America gives Iran $100 Billion not to build nuclear weapons or fund jihad, without a trust but verify clause in it?

    Democrats can not be trusted with the security of this Country. They have proven it time and again.

    • PRESS…..Would Trump do that? ARE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS????
      Dangerous fool Donald Trump wants to give Russia Ukraine for God’s sake!
      You can’t lecture ANYONE on Trump being tough with international policy…..when he is on record as being fine with Putin expanding Russian borders.

      The United States government has a policy of fighting Russian expansionism since Eisenhower, Truman, Kennedy….RONALD REAGAN for God’s sake.
      But Donald Trump wants to capitulate to Russia…..AND PRESSANYKEY wants to lecture on this?

      You really are Baghdad Bob Press. You’ve lost touch with reality.

      • BTW……Trump’s capitulation to Russia and Putin?
        Critical error. Forever damning on his judgement. He doesn’t know what he’s doing.

        Reinforced everyone’s doubts about whether he was a dangerous fool or not.
        Confirmed…….He is.

    • Maybe this will be the year when the sheep tell the lame stream media to get stuffed!

        • The Hildebeast has a fearsome team. They endeavored to deliver an early knockout blow to the buffoon this week and just might have done it. I realize it will still be a race but the leads the Beast is running up now look to be such that they’re going to leave shorty a little short come November 8th.

          Can’t discount military and other moves by Putin to try to help his sleeper agent, Agent Orange. When they occur the Beast’s machine will answer in real time.

      • Only Baddad Bob would say such a foolish things. Making fun of the media is a silly thing to do. Just as silly as Trump saying that the election is rigged now that he is way down in the polls.

        Hey Baddad Bob, do you see the US M1a tanks down the street from your radio broadcast booth? They are coming for you sooner rather than later. Say Goodnight and sigh off now . Soon your radio signal will be turned off. The electorate is not drinking your cool aid.

      • I have a higher opinion of her than you do, but not all that much. The difference in us is that Trump’s misogyny and racism endear him to you and repulse me. I have noticed that you seem totally unable to make any positive point for Trump in anwh of your prolific posts.

        The Hildebeast leaves a great deal to desire in a potential President of the United States, but compared to Trump, she is far and away the better choice of the two. The only things that he has going for him is his false promise to return our society to the 1950’s, and that only holds appeal to old white guys and white nationalists. There are enough of them to turn out impressive crowds at rallies, but their numbers will not win a national election, and few if any statewide elections. That is part of the reason we will have John Gregg and Christina Hale in the State House and Evan Bayh in the Senate. Judge Arradondo will be a great AG for this state, who won’t be at odds with the governor for exercising responsible professional judgment, the way Zoeller has been with Pence.

      • The only difference is that you have no choice but to vote for who the democrats give you and you prefer to believe the media fantasies about Trump than the bigoted history of the democrat party If Trump was a democrat you would vote for him.

        • Of course I have a choice of who I vote for, and I have chosen to vote for Hillary instead of Johnson because I don’t want to. Yes, we all know about Robert Byrd, who renounced the Klan decades before his death. The third grade argument of “I am rubber and you are glue. What you say bounces off me and sticks to you” isn’t very effective here, either.
          FYI I’m supporting some Republicans on the local level, but Trump may get them beaten by lesser candidates.

          • That first sentence should read “because I don’t want to take any chance on a third party pulling so many votes that the election is thrown to the House.” I was interrupted, and my train of thought left the station without me. I don’t multitask well.

        • Trump IS a democrat you fool, and all his kids too. In fact, they couldn’t vote for dad in the primary because of their party status and NY is not open.

          • Eric Trump is a vampire. He owns the night but can’t vote anywhere due to the sunshine laws some in some states.

          • @ Bandana: Eric the slicked-hair is a vampire. That explains why he’s always killing elephants (bad juju for a Republican) and water buffalos. He needs the blood to drink. He and Don are supposedly out of the country on a hunting trip right now.

    “Robust Jobs Report Eases Worry Over U.S. Economy”
    U.S. employers hired at a steady pace in July, a sign of underlying strength for the labor market. Nonfarm payrolls increased by a seasonally adjusted 255,000, sharply topping expectations, while wages rose 2.6%. The jobless rate was flat at 4.9%.

    • Terrible news for PAK, but he will deny the truth of those numbers. I expect to see some link to some crazy website where they peddle the story that the numbers are falsified to benefit Hillary.

      • Never a falsehood ..they will correct in the next two months ..the data comes from many sources which in many times, lags in responding and in their place estimates are made based on prior factors. Kinda reminds us of what Vectren and the City Water/Sewer Utility will do from time to time.

      • What the jobs numbers means for July is only a dot on the graph ..what’s needed is what was that dot in July of 2015 & 2014 ..if you have the notion your research will discover that the trend line is downward ..also, what may be of interest: Buffett’s love affair with Hilliary but his recent statements about the GNP and Capital Investment levels being an average of only one percentage over the last five years. Before the next president’s first year in office has ended, the DOW will have seen a decline of nearly 35% ..Trump or Clinton will not be able to avoid the coming financial calamity. The dye has been cast ..the inept Congress and a President who needs to stop playing as much golf has had it’s toll.

        • ..a bet of advise ..keep your arms and legs inside this moving vehicle and by all means, belt-up!!!

  6. BREAKING NEWS: Donald Trump is expected to eat his own crap on national TV during the opening ceremonies for the Olympics. No, it won’t be part of the ceremonies, it will take place on other networks, in hope to draw as little attention as possible.

  7. Well, so far this week we have been inundated with images of Donald’s #3 and potential FLOTUS in all of her buff beauty and Obama’s mama in her soft-porn Christmas and bondage outfits. Please, please, let’s just hope no one has any photos of potential FMOTUS BillyBoy or potential POTUS Hillary in their birthday suits. I’d have to rinse my eyes with bleach.

  8. Hillary is looking great in the polls where it matters the most in this upcoming election. The undecided states are trending towards Hillary over Trump. That is GREAT NEW!.

    • You should have vetted your Hillary shill a little closer. It seems he decided to leave before he was fired for his action described below. Another person who had dealings with a Clinton, and came away tarnished and regretting it. Now he is trying to put lipstick on this pig, but no one is buying it, except maybe those like you who did not do your homework.

      Deputy CIA Director Michael J. Morell Resigns (June 12, 2013)

      The deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency Michael J. Morell resigned on Wednesday, according to the Associated Press. Morell served as the deputy director of the CIA since May, 2010, and has held a variety of leadership positions including acting director of the agency prior to the confirmation of CIA Director John Brennan in March, 2013.

      Morell will be succeeded by Avril Haines, a former White House counsel and legal advisor to the State Department. The White House says that Morell will continue to serve the public on the president’s Intelligence Advisory Board.

      Morell was involved in the framing of the talking points relating to the Benghazi attacks and was reported to have “independently decided to remove” from those talking points references to regional threats that State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland found concerning.

      * * * * * * * *
      If you have any doubts just do a search on “Michael J. Morell resigns”.

      • I know it hurts, but what Morell (and Plame) wrote is the truth. Attacking the messenger seldom works and always make the attacker look weak. Thanks, but I have no doubts, any I had you just erased. Matter of fact, I think you failed miserably in your attack on him. Really nothing there.

        Trump is unfit for any elected office and the electorate is in the process of making that clear. Some will never see. All they see is another 4 or 8 years of attacking the Clintons, they don’t really know why, they’ve just been told it’s the thing to do. They salivate at the prospect, just like Pavlov’s salivating dog. Only worse.

        • Valerie Plame is a really impressive speaker, who clearly has the “chops” to speak on national security. I think she’d be a real asset to the Clinton State Department.

  9. What a weakling. They just made the Orange Poltroon endorse Munster, Ayotte & McCain, three people he loathes. He’s owned. His masters and dominatrixes were waiting backstage to lamp him if he went off the script they apparently scribbled out for the old fool on a 3″x 5″ card.

  10. DOES ANYONE KNOW Who said this,
    and Why he was forced to say it:

    “The 1930’s taught us a clear lesson: aggressive conduct, if allowed to go unchecked and unchallenged, ultimately leads to War…
    Russia has said “There is no need to search for missile sites beyond the boundaries of the Soviet Union.” That statement was false.
    Russia also said “Such armaments would be offensive weapons, and the Soviet Government would never become involved in rendering such assistance.” That statement was also false.

    Within the past week, unmistakable evidence has established the fact that a series of offensive missile sites is now in preparation in Cuba. To halt this offensive buildup, a strict quarantine on all offensive military equipment under shipment to that imprisoned island is being initiated.
    It shall be the policy of this Nation to regard any nuclear missile launched from Cuba against any nation in the Western Hemisphere…as an attack…by the Soviet Union on the United States, requiring a full retaliatory response upon the Soviet Union.
    The cost of freedom is always high–and Americans have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender or submission.”

    • Joe….:
      1. Is Putin more of a “I take what I want Stalin-style Russian leader” or a “new era leader like Gorbachev”…?
      2. Putin said he was not invading Ukraine’s Crimean state. Then Putin invaded Ukraine with Russian military forces and took Crimea (it’s like taking Maine, it’s land and economy, and it’s ports, shipyards in the US)
      3. Russia has a history of invading and absorbing neighboring countries. It has done it 14 times. A few: Estonia, Georgia, Lithuania, Hungary, Romania…
      4. Putin invaded Georgia in 2008. Putin invaded Ukraine in 2014. United States immediately led global economic and NATO military sanctions damaging Russia’s oil economy until Russia returned Crimea to Ukraine.

      Candidate Donald Trump has said as US President, he is willing to abandon claims that Russia return possession of Crimea to the nation of Ukraine and recognize it as new Russian territory.
      And Trump wants economic sanctions against Russia removed.

      US Military, NSA and CIA Leaders throughout the United States have been saying repeatedly over the last several weeks that Donald Trump is too unprepared and uninformed about US policy leadership to be President of the United States. That he seems to have no knowledge whatsoever about Putin, Russia and the axiom “The 1930’s taught us a clear lesson: aggressive conduct, if allowed to go unchecked and unchallenged, ultimately leads to War…”

      Seriously JoeBiden. Can you explain why Trump is willing to capitulate to Putin and Russia?

      • You keep running this #NeverTrump campaign, but you still avoid a direct answer to my simple question. Who do you prefer as our next president, Trump or Hillary? Under which one will your conservative values and your grandchildrens’ future fair best?

        • Indiana Enoch:
          Are you not reading? I have answered this repeatedly and at great length.
          If you don’t read other’s posts I-E…that’s your own fault.

          You and this lost cultural war you want to re-fight. You will sacrifice everyone, at any cost.
          We can endure Hillary and keep her to one term. Be alive to gripe afterwards.
          With Trump, just being alive, or a Russian, is a gamble (that YOU are more than willing to take….all over your cultural war.)
          The evidence is overwhelming, the well-considered opinions of US Military, Intelligence and Security officials OVERWHELMINGLY state Trump is a danger to the country, and should never get near the Oval Office.
          I HAVE grandchildren. Take your cultural war vote….and vote for Trump.

          • So you favor Hillary. You have pontificated at great length. Answering the question only takes one word. That is how twisted your mind has become. Remember this post come November 2020. Your grandchildren will thanks you,

        • You do realize this is a free country and nobody is obligated to answer your question, no matter how many times you ask. I suspect DB would like to see Jeb, Scott Walker, John Kasich, or even Chris Christie in the White House. My preference is Bernie Sanders. Reality is that our first choices are not possibilities, and we are coping the best we can with that truth.

          In short, Eenie, quit trying to act like your schoolyard bully hero. Take your questions and stuff them.

          • @ Evilltaxpayer: No, genius he wasn’t. He was a full-on fascist. I know the Nazis were the National Socialist German Workers Party, but they weren’t socialists in the sense you think. A little knowledge is a truly dangerous thing, a fact that you continually prove.

          • Man EvilTaxpayer……I don’t know who told you that Hitler was a socialist…..but they were trying to sell you something.

            Hitler. Fascist. Totalitarian. Total control….

            I mean, c’mon. (Maybe LKB is right. You saw the label….)

      • Like ex-CIA agent Valerie Plame said yesterday, and her informed opinion carries more weight than most, Putin is much smarter and wilier than Trump and has played him. Essentially enlisted him without his knowledge, something KGB agents are taught and a skill Putin learned well. Egomaniacs are helpless when flattery is used on them. They can’t help it and nobody intervenes to tell them, lest their heads be chopped off. Plame also said the Trump campaign asked her to support the tangerine as a way of getting back at Karl ‘Turd Blossom’ Rove.

        The Mean Tangerine says he’s got ‘one of the great temperaments’. I guess we’ll have to take his word for that. He thinks everybody is as stupid as his primary supporters, he is finding out differently. His public capitulation to McCain, Ayotte and Eddie Munster last night was fun to watch. He could hardly read their names off his card. Madder than a wet hen and still managed to look like a cuckolded rooster. His worldwide humiliation is nearly complete.

        Doesn’t matter what he does or says now, he’s marked as a lightweight, someone without a clue about foreign policy or any other thing a presidential candidate should be versed in. If they ship him offshore tomorrow to try to staunch the hemorrhaging, it’ll still be too late. His greatest hits have been video recorded and will be played during some of the coming advertising onslaughts by the well heeled Hildebeast. The air war she has ready to go will be like something unseen since Göring’s Luftwaffe.

      • More TWEETS from Baghdad Bob. Wants a President who tweets his State of the Union
        “The US is screwed. I’m tired of this. I thought it would be cool to be President. I’m going to Palm Beach for a while. Kasich can run the country.”

        • Unfortunately, it will be our own failed ex-governor Pence he would be leaving in charge. That’s scary.

      • That Isenberg book (White Trash) mentioned in the article you posted above looks like it’s probably worth the 12 bucks or so. I think I’ll order it too if I order ‘Hillbilly Elegy’. The article itself gave quite a bit of insight into what happened to the Trump supporters. Can’t know too much about them, they are on the march. Fortunately for America there is a cliff they don’t see, right up ahead. They’ll frantically try to learn to fly with a smug, all-knowing, Hillary-hating toothless smile on their faces.

      • One little sub-demographic that he is doing well with is the KGB. He is known to them as Agent Oранжевый Дональд. They just love him.

        • I don’t know which is worse. It is bad to think that he is consciously collaborating with Putin, but to think that he could be compromised by Putin playing to his vanity may be even worse.

          I would usually pretty much ignore polls this far out, but it appears that voters’ opinions of him are already set in stone. There are enough old racist men and younger neo-Nazis to turn out a good crowd at a rally, but not enough to win an election.

          • And they will be some hot suckers November 9th. Had again. He’ll probably spit on his supporters on his way out the door, on the way back to his tower.

            A lawsuit is almost assured if the erratic Aгент Oранжевый Дональд gets within 5 pts. I’m sure, given Bush winning the presidency in the courts, Hillary’s got people working on that scenario.

  11. We hear all the time that Trump surrounds himself with all of the best people in their fields. I really have to doubt that after seeing the latest ad they’ve decided to spend money on. It is clearly just a thinly disguised lie that will only appeal to the most pathetic of the Chumps, and the campaign doesn’t have any money to waste. Last month’s improved fundraising totals are still not so good and they spend money on amateurish things like this. http://wonkette.com/605197/trump-campaign-releases-laziest-dumbass-ad-of-2016-campaign

  12. EDITOR – your site is acting up again. Once again you have to input your eMail address, add two numbers, and submit them to be allowed to post. Please check with your web host and straighten this out.

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