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  1. Rump had some of his donors begging for a meeting between him and the Koch’s yesterday in Colorado. They wouldn’t meet with him. Orange Slime is very tough to wash off.

    The guy who wrote his Art of the Deal book for him said Drumpf is a very damaged human being. Took him right apart. Had total access to Orange while the book was being written.

    • Tony Schwartz, the ghostwriter said he has spent nearly thirty years trying to find ways to atone for having written the book that made Ole Orange a celebrity. He and Khzir Khan were on Lawrence O’Donnell last night.
      Mr. Kahn’s speech at the convention was one of the most moving I have ever witnessed. I suspect the Trumpsters have avoided hearing what he had to say about their draft-dodging hero who commented that he considered avoiding an STD was his “own private Viet Nam.” I’ve noticed that his “brave” sons have never served in the military, either. Yesterday Don Jr. was in Philadelphia, Mississippi to campaign for his father and encouraging the racists there to keep the “Confederate flag” on their state flag because he likes tradition. He also reassured the crowd that he and his father believe in states rights.

    • Did you even bother to read this “poll” or did you just grab on to some figures that looked encouraging to you? I know it’s hard to find anything that looks that good for Ole Orange but if you don’t want to look foolish, maybe you should read it before you put it up.

      • Well If you had bothered to read it’s not about who is mot likely to win but with whom your views are closest. Trump views are 87% like mine so he must be a great upstanding American. Silly.

    • Nate Silver is a statistician, not a pollster, although he does one forecast using only polling data and one that uses other data as well. You may have heard of him, as he is quite famous for the accuracy of his predictions. Here’s a link, if you want to educate yourself on valid forms of predicting outcomes. http://fivethirtyeight.com/

  2. I would have posted this link above, but have recently learned that if there is more than one link in a post, the CCO system goes bonkers and holds it for quite awhile before posting it. Real Clear Politics is a good summary of the more respected polling results. I have it and 538.com on my “favorites list” so I can check them regularly without much effort. Here’s that link: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/latest_polls/

  3. One more post, and then I’m out of here. I am challenging Trumpians to listen to what Captain Kahn’s father had to say at the DNC convention. Many of you didn’t get to hear it, because Fox did not air it. Please hear what he said, and then see what kind of a defense you can make for your draft and STD dodging candidate and his big game hunting sons and their wonderful patriotism. http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/slain-soldiers-father-delivers-stirring-dnc-speech/

    • I and every other Veteran honor Khizr Khan’s son for his service and his sacrifice. I am sure his son would want to protect this Country, after all, that was why he was serving. Part of that protection, the most important part, is setting up a better way of vetting those who want to come to this country. Given what is at stake, the lives of citizens, it is reasonable to institute these safeguards, rather than throwing the doors wide open to all, no questions asked.

      For most reasonably informed people who watched Khizr Khan’s speech that is the takeaway, his son was vetting bad actors over there, and it cost him his life. The bad actors are increasingly trying to infiltrate this country, and to the extent that we let that happen, not only the sons and daughters in our military will be at risk, but rather the population as a whole will be at risk.

      That is why Trump’s message resounds, there is logic behind it, logic that will save lives. You wont achieve your sought after egalitarian society by allowing more terrorists into the United States of America.

      • One further comment on this issue. In 2004 when Humayun Khan told his squad to stay back and he would check out the threat ahead, unfortunately he was killed before he a chance to assess that threat and call for a response team.

        That was not the case with Patricia Smith’s son Sean Smith. At the United States Embassy in Benghazi the threat was immediately identified and repeated calls were made for a response team. There was time for a response, but it never took place because President Barack Obama could not afford to admit that a United States Embassy was attacked by Muslim terrorist, and a United States Ambassador brutally killed. It is these facts that Hillary Clinton was trying to divert from the public at the DNC convention by attempting to shift the focus to Donald Trump’s call for better vetting of Muslims coming into this country.

        It was typical, classical, Hillary Clinton political subterfuge that is deliberately contrived to mislead the uninformed. It had just the reverse effect on veterans, who understand what it means when corrupt politicians are given the power of life and death over patriots in arms.

    • LKB, I don’t need your challenge and you don’t need to be challenged. You already know that Hillary is a bad apple. At least Trump is the republican candidate because he bucked the party rather than being the chosen one. I understand you’re in a pinch being left with Hillary to vote for just like I told you would happen, but preserve some integrity and vote Johnson. Show the DNC that liberals like you really are independent thinkers. Or vote Hillary and show them that you are what they need, a voter dead from the neck up.

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