IS IT TRUE JUNE 13, 2016


IS IT TRUE this is just one of many statements that Jackson cited in his farewell address?  …Andrew Jackson said:  “The men who profit by the abuses and desire to perpetuate them will continue to besiege the halls of legislation in the General Government and will seek by every artifice to mislead and deceive the public servants?  …you have no longer any cause to fear danger from abroad; your strength and power are well known throughout the civilized world?  …It is from within, among yourselves – from cupidity, from corruption…and inordinate thirst for power – that factions will be formed and liberty endangered?

IS IT TRUE Rev. William Payne’s just posted an on line petition entitled “” that calls for the resignation of Missy Mosby as President of City Council?  …we are presently trying  to contact Rev. Payne so we can get more information concerning thee reason for this petition?

IS IT TRUE that Missy Mosby’s denial that the now dubbed ‘FREEDOM OF SPEECH” ordinance wasn’t aimed at blocking public participation in public matters is laughable?

IS IT TRUE  we hear because of the way that couple of City Council members insulted Alex Burton during his well thought out presentation concerning future race relations is one of the reasons why the young and well educated  people of color are planning a peaceful protest for equality in Evansville proper?

IS IT TRUE we are hearing that a diverse group of energetic people are now vowing to get involved. in future decisions being made by Evansville City Council?

IS IT TRUE when Councilwoman Michelle Mercer stated that by State law this City Council doesn’t allow free speech is extremely questionable? …this statement makes people questions Ms. Mercer intellectual judgment?

IS IT TRUE many people believe when Mosby, Weaver and McGinn privately amending the current  Freedom of Speech ordinance was a way to silence their critics?   …that City Council attempt to stop intelligent individuals from coming before council asking embarrassing questions has back fired?

IS IT TRUE we want to give kudos to Council persons Connie Robinson and Dan Adams for standing up to protect our 1st Amendment Rights at the Monday night Council meeting?

IS IT TRUE our poster Zenarcher submitted the following comment, which we found interesting and worth re-posting?   …Zenarcher posted the following;  “Have you noticed  City Council attorney Josh Claiborne becoming more mouthy, not just on legal matters, but confronting and answering questions that should be solely up to the ELECTED officials”?   …his role is for legal advice to the council, not to be their mouth-piece on public matters, and he should not engage with the public”?

IS IT TRUE CCO poster JoeBiden said”  “Very ironic that Jeb (Evansville City Council Attorney Josh Claiborne) of Warrick County claimed Trump was unfit for public office (after Jeb got his smiling picture with Trump)”?

IS IT TRUE we are hearing that local Clergy were stunned to hear that Evansville City Council have decided not start future meetings with  an invocation?  …we consider this to be a developing story?

IS IT TRUE CCO poster Martha Stott remarks really got our attention?  …she said “Maybe I am missing something here.  Did these officials not run to represent the citizens in their area?   Should they not know what they are voting on? Do they not get paid?  Shame on Anna. (Anna Hargis).  Well at least she admitted it. Citizens, keep your elected officials accountable by organizing, calling, and letting them know you are watching their votes. That’s how you keep them accountable”?

FOOTNOTE:  “IS IT TRUE” will be posted on this coming Friday?

Todays READERS POLL question is: Would you vote for Evan Bayh to the United States Senate in this coming November General election?

Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled “HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS” posted in our sections.

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  1. They shouldn’t be praying at city council meetings anyway. Despite what fox news tells you, this is not a “Christian nation.” It was hijacked by some zealots for a while, but we have to fight back against that. Imagine the racist uproar from the Evansville teabillies if they held a Muslim prayer facing Mecca to start.

    • This is not a secular nation either Ghost. We are a nation with freedom of religious expression. Ever since Ben Franklin congress has opened sessions with an audible invocation. Our state legislature opens with an invocation. So how is it that haters think our council is above or national or state bodies in not imploring the providence of God as Ben Franklin saw necessary?

      • …whew! This conversation is old. The majority of Americans get this, integrating religious laws, activities and prayer (Islam, Christianity, Taoist, take your pick) into government and governing is a bad idea. Being smart, effective and wise to avoid religious integration into the Courts and Governing does not make you a hater. Religion is a private matter, and citizen’s activities with their religion should be respected as all private individual rights should be. But it should be in the domain of private matters. (Everyone who knows Sharia law advocates are wrong…knows this. Discarding such a stupid idea applies to all religions, too.)

        • Don ..just an observation 1963 the Supreme Court held that prayer in our schools was a violation of the constitution ..based on statistics ever since 1963 our SAT scores have declined, our schools are battle zones are murdered in the so-called gun-free zones ..drugs are plentiful ..of course there are those who say, “what does the elimination of prayer in schools have to do with these deplorable conditions” it true that possibly only the true believers know the answer?

          • I certainly see the connection. If it’s Wednesday it will probably rain today. Never fails. Don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows –Bob Dylan.

          • ….AND California wildfires have become a major fixture of annual catastrophes in the western State. You forgot to add that one.
            Oh wait.
            Maybe it makes no sense at all to attribute these things like wildfires and the prominence of cell phones to integrating religious activities into government and the schools. I mean, it would be preposterous to throw everything into the kitchen sink and say those things happened because of lack of school prayer in the classrooms!

          • By the way SusanBAnthony……You like to say, “is it true that possibly only the true believers know the answer?”
            I hear that a lot these days….from the “true believers” who insist everyone else is wrong….and THEY know the truth…from the likes of ISIS and the Westboro Baptist Church “religion has a place in schools, government and law advocates.”
            MAN……you stepped in that one SusanB.

        • Prayers before public meetings, religious inscriptions over public buildings, ‘In God We Trust’ on money, etc. – these things are allowed under the doctrine of ‘ceremonial deism’. Means they are so watered down and benign as to be essentially meaningless. Just nothing there to advocate for a national religion. Religion should be a personal thing.

          We supposedly have religious freedom in the United States but you’d never know it listening to the soon to be Republican nominee. Thank God this is a secular nation.

          • There was a good solution suggested at the City Council meeting. It was that a moment of silence be observed. That way, anyone can offer a prayer to whatever deity they wish or get one more text message in before the meeting starts. There is no reason why this should be an issue, but we have plenty of things that should be.

    • Recommended Reading ..”The Light and the Glory” by Peter Marshall ..there is little doubt that the Christian Churches should concentrate their missionaries in parts of our Nation vs sending them abroad ..

  2. Maybe I am wrong but I think I recall the county commissioners meeting starting with a prayer. Maybe the difference is that a majority of the council members don’t have time for prayer at the meeting because they have to get to their nightlife bar scene with their circle of cronies without delay from prayer and public concerns?

    • Dear George may have something here ..has anybody noticed that Weaver the Weasel spending much time looking at his text messages ..what is it ..either he must be receiving instructions from Sinister Schaefer or lining up chicks for the after-council drunkfest ..of course he no time for silliness such as an invocation.

  3. Why did Connie Robinson and Dan Adams do away with prayer when they were president? I’m confused about why they didn’t have it when they were president but now suddenly want one.

    I’m still upset Jeb Claiborne didn’t endorse Trump, but I watched the meeting and didn’t think he was mouthy. A lot of people asked legal questions he was answering. He’s a lot less involved in council policy discussion than I expected.

    What upsets me at council is that there’s no way to know when your time is up. There should be a timer or bell.

  4. I heard the ordinance termed the gadfly ordinance. Then I was termed a gadfly. Didn’t know to take it as an insult or complement. Being of limited vocabulary I had to google it.

  5. ‘
IS IT TRUE that Missy Mosby’s denial that the now dubbed ‘FREEDOM OF SPEECH” ordinance wasn’t aimed at blocking public participation in public matters is laughable?’

    I’d say no. It is an outright lie. Old Yeller is off the rails. There is really nothing that can be done about these people until they have to run again. The sleepy electorate is so ignorant they will probably be reinstalled. Governor Winnecke can simply drop some more pelf into that sewer and they’ll send her right back to front and center, where she can glow like the Lucky Ole Sun, merrily embarrassing Evansville as she squats. Or is that shine, flop and stink like a mackerel in the moonlight (apologies to John Randolph but none to those who would silence a good gadfly)?

  6. IS IT TRUE that HER HIGHNESS wishes to amendment the ordinance to require once a speaker is granted an audience before HER MAJESTY that they must back away from the podium until seated not to allow their ass to be seen by HER MAJESTY ..of course we all see Nosby’s ass on a regular basis ..excuse me ..HER HIGHNESS.

    • Backing away from the podium seems a wise choice to me. I think it may be best not to turn one’s back on Mosby and Weaver because of trust being an issue. If you don’t believe me, ask Alex Burton.

  7. Rump is visiting Pence at his house in Indy right now. I don’t think he did that with the others he was floating out there. Somewhere a 2 ton bridge closing bully seethes.

    • Hmmm. You’re right. Pence appears to be the pick. Appeal to the Christian Right.
      Jesus….literally…..I am 100% certain there are some smart people in the Christian Right who know,
      and I mean KNOW….that Two Corinthians Trump is not only NOT a faith-based person, but that he is purely exploiting them and would ditch them (…and he WILL ditch them and put pro-choice advocates on the Supreme Court – Trump’s daughter won’t allow another Scalia on the Court) at his first, opportunistic deal making moment.
      Follow that crazy man Pressanykey over the cliff…religious right, and back surprise, surprise born-again Trump!!

    • Corker and Ernst brought family when they visited Trump and his family. The point here is Trump is bringing his family to size up the Pences. Trump knows Christie’s and Gingrich’s families already. The smart money is against Christie because he sent Jared Kushner’s father (Ivanka’s father-in-law) to prison. He didn’t just prosecute the senior Kushner, he humiliated him by bringing hookers and other icky stuff into the prosecution. I expect Trump would name Christie Attorney General.

      • If Ernst wouldn’t have tried to castrate the doofus at their meetup it would have enhanced her chances. She answered the call of her genes and it pretty much took her out of the competition.

      • Donald Trump’s daughter, Ivanka Trump – Trump’s closest advisor and influencer – is a modern, well-educated, enlightened business professional person…who NO WAY……let me repeat…….NO WAY is against a woman’s right to choose. She is pro-choice.

        She will NEVER, EVER support a restrictive pro-life appointment like Scalia to SCOTUS in a Trump White House. She lives and works in NYC for God’s sake.
        What you will get? A moderate. Right. Trump will appoint a moderate.
        (Which means, a reasonable pro-business, but also pro-choice SCOTUS Justice.)

        • You make a really good point. Ivanka isn’t encumbered by any right-wing evangelical foibles. She is, afterall, Jewish.

  8. Is anyone else noticing that the overwhelming win the Winnecke team enjoyed in the last election is morphing into “pride goeth before the fall” and other over-reaching behavior? Leading to unforced errors?

    • I think you’re over estimating the intelligence level and motivation of the Evansville electorate. Most people are more interested in who has the best tweeter account than the candidate’s voting record.

      • Ghost you are probably correct in your assertion. Like Martha Thacher once said, ” all things are great until you run out of other peoples’ money” or the quote by Clint Eastwood, “a man must know his limitations” the world of Sir Lloyd he apparently does not discern the differences. Less he engages the services of Janet Yellan and very soon the kids’ candy will be removed and that my friend will be his Waterloo.

      • Monday’s City Council meeting makes me feel a lot better about Evansville. It think a lot of good, intelligent people, especially young ones had gotten too caught up in their own struggles to do due diligence about local politics. The current Council leadership has shocked them back to reality.

    • My dear Don Winnecke World no is never an answer ..his arrogance and perception surpasses all understanding. An individual once told me that she entered the sanctuary of her church were little Winnecke attended to witness him acting from behind the podium. What can one deduct from this? The world is a stage for Sir Lloyd Winnecke and we are the fools in the audience?

      • Sunny…..that’s funny…..alas, i think some of those under the Winnecke umbrella will make the more rookie mistakes of overreach, not sayin Winnecke won’t too.

    • I complained that the downtown was getting preference over neighborhoods that have to wait five years to get burnt structures razed so maybe they decided to be fair about it and wait five years. Another option is that they have to get the bugs worked out so that in the end their picked cronies get the benefit of their actions. Possibly have a Brownfields transaction where it is first sold to cronies for $5,000, then the Brownfields purches it for $500,000 and then they sell (give) it for $10,000 to another cronie along with a gift of $200,000 of our Hud funds targeted for low income housing and neighborhood improvement (similar to the Hanies corner transactions) and make another night club to promote the night life and attract millennials.

      • This would be justified with something like – if we do not get those federal dollars and waste them some else will. Lots of money to be made in the real estate business if you are in the right circle. I think that is great when it is open to the public but when it is a secret deal funded with our dollars I think they have gone too far and it becomes corruption.

      • Did you notice that, according to the Courier, the City’s demolition of the building that burned on Main St. until they “get the money”? I thought the City had plenty of money.

      • If legitimate developers would have worked with the little guy he’d be able to get those buildings gone by sundown. The hammer would be just a phone call away.

        • You have a good point there Bandana. I say if the had use the blight funding “as you say legitimately” the only abandonded houses we would have are the 50 being added each year. Not the 3,000 backlog. Even SBR who was pushing for the land bank admitted that to get a million to go toward real demolition you would have to give the brownfields 2 million. It appears to me we have been getting about 40 cents on the dollar for the money “going to blight elimination and the other sixty percent is going to crony capitalism.

      • While he is digging maybe he can find enough to demo the blighted drug store on north main that they acquired at a cost of about $600,000. That or they could sell it for the fair market value of $100,000 before we dump another half million into it and then give it away. Cut our losses now and admit it was a $500,000 gift to cronie capitalism.

  9. Ah the peace loving New Black Panther Party planing on packing heat to intimidate Trump supporters at the GOP Convention in Cleveland.

    The Southern Poverty Law Center, a hate group watchdog, describes the New Black Panther Party as “a virulently racist and anti-Semitic organization whose leaders have encouraged violence against whites, Jews and law enforcement officers.”

    • How come we never hear ANYTHING about that little Clinton lackey who is running things in Chicago? He was their chief-of-staff, the guy who made it rain. Hell he must be out of the country for all we hear about him.

      • Do we need any other evidence you know your guy is inept, Pressanykey. You never invest any time discussing Trump’s terrific plans and ideas as the reason to elect him. (Uh, he has no ideas. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about, in fact.)
        INSTEAD….you have to go to……the Mayor’s office in Chicago for God’s sake!… look for stuff.
        Too thin.
        I’m telling you Press…..your guy, he’s going down – not because of Dems or Hillary…..It’s gonna be the GOP that helps him lose in the Fall. Trump’s a dangerous fool, and he’s ain’t getting any pitch to hit.

  10. Supreme Court Justices, it is true, are bound by no official code of conduct, something that most people would find astounding. The very nature of the job they perform for the citizens of the United States makes it plain that partisan political statements, especially about a candidate seeking the office of President of the United States, should never be made publicly. And yet, that is exactly what Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg did. IMHO this has shown that she does not have the temperament to continue serving as a Supreme Court Justice, and, if she has a shred of dignity left, she will resign.

    I would say the same about any of the Justices making similar public statements about any political candidate.

    • No you wouldn’t. You’d applaude worm farm Scalia if he criticized Clinton.

      • That is your problem pup, you put party over everything, including Country. You truly are the type of Kool-aid drinker that is born of, and cultivated by the democrat party. Hillary’s current downward spiral in the polls is evidence that many in your party are abandoning her. Obviously not everyone in your party is so fond of Kool-aid.

        • …..oh, HERE is the pot calling the kettle black!!! Jesus Christ! You show no fondness for the best interests of the country AT ALL!
          Press…your hands are smelly and dirty with lighter fluid trying to help Trump burn the country into ashes.
          What a priceless post. Ghost is his own kind of liberal mess (but at least sincerely), you on the other hand Press are determined to make sure everything burns.

          • Your idea is that you would rather have Hillary Clinton as president then a “businessman”, and you say you are a businessman? Who in the hell can make sense of your rants?

          • Give me a break Press. These are plain, English words:
            Trump is a reality TV star, a dangerous fool. Let’s be clear, the GOP is aware that Clinton is not their choice, but losing to “centrist” pro-military Hillary Clinton is not a “loss” when a dangerous, foolish, amoral Trump is the candidate.
            Nearly the ENTIRE Republican Party is skipping the Trump Convention.
            Trump is going down, and it will be the GOP that does it.

        • Press, +1. Ghost probably a liberal arts major that is envious with others that have real jobs. Sad.

    • So how do you feel about Clarence Thomas and his wife profiting from her association with the Tea Party? I’m sure you cried out for the resignations of Scalia and Alito when they accepted gifts from parties with cases before them. Right?

  11. Lost in all this is that a former nude model could be first lady. Just imagine the howling from the right if a Democrat ran with a nude model wife. I want you to answer me honestly PAK or JoeBiden. If Hillary refused to release her tax returns and Trump had released his, would you REALLY say it’s no big deal? I don’t think so.

    • Ghost, what the heck is wrong with attractive women? Real American men like that alot.

      • It isn’t a matter of attractive women. The problem is that an attractive woman who would be First Lady is so classless as to pose for nude photographs for money.

        • Trump’s wife speaks 5 languages Laura. The only other person I’ve ever known to do that is Lloyd Jr. explaining Evansville’s budget.

          H. W. Bush chose a nitwit for his VP. John Kerry chose one of the most immoral and lying SOB’s I’ve ever seen in politics.

          Other than Trump….

          • You’re 100% right. Politics is a dirty and sometimes stupid business. Melania Trump is likely very intelligent, which should have made it easier for her to achieve success with her clothes on. I just like pointing out the double standard practiced by some of the posters here.

    • The righties bawled at the top of their lungs about the “vulgarity” of Michelle Obama wearing sleeveless dresses that showed off her fantastically toned arms.

  12. Remember the two tea party nut jobs that spent time at the bundy ranch who killed the cops two years ago in vegas? Where were the blue lives matter crowd then?

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