“IS IT TRUE” will be posted on this coming Wednesday.

Todays READERS POLL question is: Would you support a Trump and Pence ticket for President  and Vice President of the United States?

Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled “HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS” posted in our sections.

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  1. NOTICE OF ASSISTANCE AND DONATIONS NEEDED: All those who shot off fireworks and enjoyed fireworks last night are needed to clean up the messes they caused. These include but are not limited to:
    1) all poop, pee and vomit from dogs and other animals who were terrified from said fireworks. Also injuries to the animals and to property caused by these frightened pets trying to escape from fireworks. A donation fund should be funded by at least 10% of the money spent on all fireworks shot off all weekend for vet bills and search efforts to find pets that ran away due to fright and may never be returned home again.
    2) all paper, sticks and other trash littered on everyone else’s property from your said fireworks
    3) all sleep deprived parents of infants who did not sleep last night need a nap, so offer to babysit for them so they, the parents, can get some rest.
    4) the writing of a new school program that teaches all children that fireworks are a reminder of war and that war is not beautiful. If fireworks are an absolute requirement in your life, they should be a reminder of those who suffered and died for our freedom.
    5) do not cause more pain for our vets, especially those with PTSD by shooting off fireworks within earshot of these wonderful men and women. Give them that respect.

    • Beautifully stated, Martha! Fireworks must be a nightmare for vets, especially those with PTSD. Here’s what I posted on Facebook for friends there. I’m sharing it here for my friends and “frenemies” on CCO, too.

      • OOPS! Here it is
        .I want to wish all of my friends a great day today. Enjoy your cookouts and family get-togethers. But please, please be careful with your fireworks. Better yet, please consider going to a public display and spend the money you would spend on fireworks donating to a local food pantry instead. Not only can it save your family a trip to ER, or worse, it seems to me that feeding our hungry and/or homeless is a better way to celebrate America than injuring people, frightening animals, and drinking too much.

        • Thanks Laure. It is all a matter of better choices with your common sense, your money, your health, and your respect for others. The food pantry donation is a great idea and of course there are so many needs in the community that would be better served rather than setting your money afire. Fireworks always saddened me even as a kid. Never made any sense.

    • Hey Joe:
      This was “a nuke deal,” right? I mean, if I say “We have made a deal they will not to eat bologna sandwiches,” ….and you say “I saw him eating donuts!! He’s breaking the deal!!!”…….it’s stupid, right? It means you don’t understand the deal, right?
      Cause you keep bringing up this Iran deal, and you talk about donuts. The deal involved NUCLEAR bomb material, right?

      • He won’t listen. His preferred solution was to keep doing nothing and watching them pile up more nukes. Or of course start another unwinnable war like Iraq, which of course he wants other people’s kids to fight. He’s a chicken hawk coward.

    • The Jerusalem Post instead of Breitbart?

      It took awhile but obviously Hope&Change is finally taking hold.

      Big O and Joe singing Kumbaya at the Democratic convention?

      As al sharpie would say, “right on……..right on………..you can take it to the bank…………….


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