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    • …like the “former Secret Service agent” who wrote a hearsay book…. ‘I think this is what they might have said, or we all joked they might have said that’…..this Film, and that Book….are RED MEANT FOR BONY DOGS during an election year. “We can make some money if we throw this stuff at the bony dogs! Yeah! Push that crap! They’ll buy it!!”
      (Only $19.95!!)
      JoeBiden…you work hard for your money. Why do you let these thieves exploit you and take it from you?

      • …the report. It didn’t do what they wanted it to do. There’s no prosecutable crime here Joe. This is what you wanted….but didn’t get.
        So I’m not sure “the Benghazi talking point” even survived either.
        (Setting aside the conspiracy guys….but hell, they believe in the Kenya thing, and that the Vietnam War was really just a bet that Howard Hughes lost to Aristotle Onassis. THEY will continue to push this, but the House Report exonerated everyone as far as the LAW is concerned.
        Sorry ole buddy.

    • This is what a Hillary administration would look like. Of course we already know what she can have he friends at the IRS do to her perceived enemies. How she is above the law when it comes to securing government documents. How she can have her own home brewed server to handle official government business, how she can delete (scrub) any information she wishes from any system she uses, home brewed or official government, and how she has managed to delete entries from her official calendar for the entire period she spent as Secretary of State.

      Anyone want a “gangsta government”? If you do, she is your candidate.

    • Press, its always the leftists and socialists that want to silence any dissent. It’s what communist regimes do, oppress and criminalize dissent. We saw that the Obama justice Dep’t is threatening criminal prosecution for Americans who stand to oppose the idiotic relocation of the “peace loving” fundamentalist sect of Sunni Muslims that spawned ISIS and Al Qaeda.


      • ….including a link to WND is dumb as hell. Total propaganda, a public relations site.
        No different than getting your news from Breitbart of Mother Jones News.

  1. The great Pat Summit died yesterday…………….Her work ethic and strong relationship with Jesus Christ allowed her to be a mentor to thousands………..…..

    • She was a great coach and an exemplary person. I bet there were no safe spaces on her practice court. She was all about performance and ethics. She got greatness out of the women who had the courage to play for her. Only Geno up at UConn comes close.

      • Agree Joe………Gives us hope for America that people still admire ethics faith and hard work……….

  2. “Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee,” McCarthy said on Fox News’s “Hannity.”

    “What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping. Why? Because she’s untrustable,” McCarthy continued.

    “But no one would have known any of that had happened had we not fought and made that happen,” McCarthy said on Fox while making his pitch to become the next Speaker. – Yes, Kevin McCarthy, the one time presumptive Speaker of the House who totally blew it by doing something politicians rarely do, tell the truth.

    So 7 million wasted dollars later, beady head Trey Gowdy says, “The military failed.”

    When suggested by a reporter that because of his committee Hillary has a “Hillary lied and Americans died” tag attached to her, Gowdy stated, “I never said she lied, never will and that is not in the report.”

    47 million chunched out into a ditch by Ken Starr and now another 7 million wasted by Gowdy.


  3. I would suggest you read the op-ed piece by Dr. Richard Moss in today’s City-County Observer. Of course the left-wing, socialist, sociopath, neo-nazis will have a difficult time understanding why there is so much resistance in this country to the attempted dismantling of the Constitution of the U..S.A.

  4. Editor/publisher of the C-CO: Are you guys having problems with your server or host? Or have you beem hacked? I have been a registered user for several years but for the last week every time I’ve tried to post I’m asked to provide my eMail address, prove I’m not a robot, and re-log in. What is going on? And I am not the only one having this issue.

  5. I just heard Trump read his speech on trade. He didn’t appear to be sedated this time, so his handlers must have gotten the dose adjusted.
    He did tell the usual lies and make promises that a president could not keep, though. He talked about “politicians” moving manufacturing out of the US. He didn’t point out that he has most of his “Trump-branded” items manufactured outside the US, nor that it was businessmen (like he claims to be) who moved manufacturing overseas. He told a smaller lie this time about US taxation. This time, he said we are “one of the highest taxed nations in the world” instead of the “highest.” The reality is that we rank between the 17th and 31st highest taxed nation in the world, which isn’t unreasonable considering the size of our economy.
    We still haven’t gotten the “candidate’s” reaction to the Benghazi report. His new staff is apparently having difficulty deciding what he thinks, since Gowdy refused to say that Hillary or the President lied.

  6. There is terrible news coming out of Istanbul. What appears to be a terrorist attack took place at Ataturk International Airport. Reports are of 10 dead, but that is unconfirmed. It was in the International Arrivals area and there is no word on nationalities involved.
    @ Joe Biden: You need to find out how the conspiracy theory hacks blame this on Barack Obama.

    • It will all depend upon which “reliable” news source you tune into. Take your choice:

      * It was an attack by a radical Islamic terrorist organization. They’re all radicals and a threat!
      * It was an attack by a small unaffilliated group of people protesting their lack of opportunities.
      * It was a demonstration against Turkey’s government’s refusal to allow Syrian refugees to enter or pass through Turkey.
      * It was a protest against Turkey’s government for allowing any Syrian refugees to enter or pass through Turkey.
      * It was a protest against Turkey’s government for shifting from a religion-based, Middle East centric form of government to a secular, pro-western government.
      * It was an attempt by ISIS to demonstrate it’s power and expand it’s sphere of influence.
      It was,a demonstration by Sponge Bob Square Pants protesting his captivity in the Black Sea.

    • Elkaybee:
      IF IT RAINS ON THE 4TH OF JULY!!……..Press, Al Sharpie and Joe blame Obama. These guys lack accountability for anything in their lives. And on the things they want to change?……They keep voting for the wrong guy. (Which is why the REAL reason they will even gripe about Obama’s 4th of July rain…..cause they are TIRED of losing.)
      This isn’t about anything else.
      They are tired of losing…..all that is left to do – is gripe.
      Pressanykey is so tired of losing…..he’s promoting a guy who says he will do the opposite of everything he USED TO SAY was important! Tired, tired, tired….of losing. This about nothing else.

      • I can understand the “poorly educated” (losers) loving Trump, but how can someone as intelligent as PAK listen to the Orange Buffoon speak and be fooled by him??

        • ….I do think about that, and it is amazing to watch a Pressanykey abandon all personal values and conservative political positions, even closely held Christian voting standards.
          and…….WHY?……because he is angry and bitter.
          No matter who wins, PAK will feel no joy. He just wants to make sure the other guy doesn’t feel any joy either.
          It ain’t about policy or politics. He’s just angry. He just wants to watch it all burn down.

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