FOOTNOTES: Our next “IS IT TRUE” will be posted on this coming Friday.

Todays READERS POLL question is: Are you pleased with members of Evansville City Council voting on important issues without little discussion?

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  1. City council has grown too big for their britches. I don’t know who gave them the athority to make their decisions without public input.

  2. Our next “IS IT TRUE” will be posted on this coming Friday.
    Is that true?
    What happened to Wednesday?

    • Maybe CCO has had budget cuts and are understaff, as like the local paper?

      Happy “FLAG DAY” for those who still respect the flag and what it stands for!

    • Still picking nits, Posey County Dutchma? Posey County Dutchman used to do the same thing?

      • You need to learn to dot your i’s and cross your t’s if you want to earn any respect.
        The CCO has slipped into the realm of the local print media and “investigative reporter” “exclusive, you’ll only hear ut here” TV station intern talking head news host.
        They have no Copy Editor to check their facts or their grammar. They have slipped into the yellow journalism, muck raking standards of the NewYork Daily News and the Washington Post.
        And I have no idea what happened to the “n”. Maybe “it” was appropriated by “it” to form “nits”.

        My point is, the Editor of the CCO needs to perform some due diligence and review what they write (or have someone else review what they write) before they hit the “Post” button.

  3. I’m no fan of Morning Joe, but I happened to catch this, this morning. I hope Bratton does make the case for charging the 54 senators who voted to let people on the terror watch list buy guns, with aiding and abetting terrorism.

    Yesterday, Trump accused POTUS treason, while Trump himself did all he could to incite more incidents of terrorism. He read a series of lies off his teleprompter that are clearly aimed at alienating more American Muslims and the sheep who follow him continue to bleat approval. At least, some people are waking up.

    • I agree about the allowing those on a terrorist list to buy firearms, but we can’t go about denying people a constitutional right because they are being watched. The only way one might pull that off is to declare Islamic extremist organizations an enemy of the state, but that has it’s problems also.

      A better and more feasible solution is to make sure adequate exists are available if an active shooter and educate our students in what to do in an active shooter situation.

      Obama once again under reacted b avoiding calling this shooting what it is, an act of islamic terrorism. Trump likely over reacted, but if he were POTUS it would be erring on the side of right. We must start from a position of strength not one of wait and see. Hillary would go to bed.

      • I would think progressives would be against a terrorist watch list altogether, since it is an unabashed, unapologetic exercise in profiling. The various lists are also rife with errors – a 2007 DOJ audit showed nearly 40% of records contained inaccuracies.

        So, you get put on a government ‘list’ (based on what, exactly? looking at the wrong websites? having coffee with the wrong people?), and start having rights taken away. How can LKB possibly think that’s okay?

        ALSO, I’m waiting for the folks who decry the ‘militarization of domestic law enforcement’ to start raising hell that Orlando PD had access to armored vehicles (which they used to breach a wall at Pulse and rescue hostages while assaulting the gunman), evil black rifles, and ‘military grade body armor’ (which kept at least one officer’s wife and kids from becoming a widow and orphans during the final shootout). Perhaps a case could be made that the officers tasked with policing our citizens should be at least as well armed and equipped as the citizens they are policing, or is that a bridge too far…?

        • I-E:
          1. You’re smarter than this. And more reasonable to fail to acknowledge safeguards to prevent the wrong people from the gun store counter are a good idea. This is common sense, not a political issue. All this “he refuses to use words I like” stuff? This is Reality TV Course 101. C’mon man!
          2. The correct reaction is to be more effective in training students around an active shooter? What? The military guns are the issue. This training on dealing with an active shooter is a distraction. You’re being sucked in.
          3. You nonchalantly mentioning Trump overreacting… unbelievable. He is pre-disposed to this. He doesn’t like a ruling, so he wants to remove an American born Judge based on his ethnicity? Superceding judicial authority? Trump would absolutely do that as President, and ask for forgiveness later. He would. People like Paul Ryan are AGHAST at what they see might happen if Trump overreacted IN THE OVAL OFFICE. It is a HUGE problem. This is not political. Even YOU can agree the Oval Office is different than a CEO real estate developer’s office. Nuclear weapons and the Military are involved. I am NOT using hyperbole. Trump is way too dangerous to be President.

        • DB……you’re brining up questions I don’t know the answer to….balancing freedom vs. security. But assault weapons on the neighborhood corner? Anyone can buy? We surely can agree on that…..that it is an ignorant policy.

          • Don, technically not ANYONE can buy an AR-15, at least from a gun store in Indiana. A background check is required, and there are a host of things that can get you denied. Private sales and gun shows? Not so much, at least as far as I know. I personally am all for expanded background checks to cover gun shows, that seems like a pretty innocuous requirement.

            As far as requiring person to person sales to conduct background checks? Not sure how I feel about that, although I’m not knee-jerk against it.

            The downside to all this checking and double checking? A guy who stole a gun isn’t going to run a background check on the fellow felon he/she sells it to. Also, a law-abiding citizen is only law-abiding up to the point that he/she opens fire in a crowded schoolyard.

            I’m pro second amendment, but we’ve gotten ourselves into a mess in this country, and I’m not sure there is an easy fix on the horizon.

        • There is nothing wrong with a terror watch list, although I suspect you are being facetious. As for the police being as well-equipped as the citizens, I’m all for that. I just don’t think the Second Amendment was meant to okay the kind of tools of mass murder we now have. I think rights to own muskets shall not be infringed, though. I don’t believe municipal police departments need tanks, etc.

          • Maybe I was being a LITTLE facetious… 🙂

            I understand your position on the historical lethality of firearms during colonial times versus what we have now, but I’m firmly of the camp that the 2nd was primarily intended to serve as a bulwark against government shenanigans, and you’ll note that the founders didn’t say anything like “…the right to keep and bear arms that are just a LITTLE BIT less effective than what the military and police carry shall not be infringed…” when they were writing the 2nd amendment. They didn’t specify a lethality level, but it seems reasonable to assume they wouldn’t expect the citizenry to be limited to slingshots while the crown had plasma rifles. The first amendment does not apply only to things written with quills or printed on moveable type manual printing presses, after all. It has kept up with technology rather nicely.

            Also, no domestic LEA has ‘tanks’. Many have armored cars or other armored vehicles. Comparing these vehicles to modern main battle tanks is like comparing a kitten to a lion. If you’ve ever seen a tank in action, you would never mistake the Guardian (or similar vehicle) with one.

    • They legal authorities should start with Pelosi and Feinstein and Boxer.

  4. Trump just gets by with big lies. No, the Orlando killer wasn’t born in “Afghan”. He’s from New York.

  5. Silencing the free press and free speech, and being a flat-out racist and bigot, ARE NOT cases of willing to be politically incorrect. Are NOT. A declining, dying breed of voters disagree. Good luck with that mistake fools.

    But here’s the thing:
    Indirectly…….precisely because Trump is a bad candidate incapable of discretion, is a racist and a bigot….HE IS GONNA PUT HILLARY INTO THE WHITE HOUSE. And Hillary will appoint Justices who ban assault weapons, who protect the right of the government to restrict some people from buying a weapon, who protect women’s right to choose, and on and on.

    Pressanykey thinks by supporting Trump he is helping his cause. Wrong. PAK and others like him who support Trump instead of a real Republican candidate? They are chewing off their own foot. Killing their own values.
    Good luck fellas.

    • It appears to me that PAK’s main value is bigotry. Those who are left supporting Trump are simply those who feed on his message of hate.

      • Wow, this has turned ugly and I wasn’t even involved. Funny how Trump suddenly became a racist bigot at the same time he became a threat to democrats and RINOs.

        • Indiana Enoch!
          Who is left? Who?? The Speaker of the House of the US Congress (GOP), GOP US Congressmen and Senators from TEXAS for God’s sake, The freakin’ Leader of the United States Senate (GOP)…..are all standing there, not on a campaign stop, not at an election rally, not in an anti-Obama, anti-Democrat rally………standing there saying Trump is campaigning for Office using bigoted racist language running for President!

          WHEN are you gonna stand there are stop saying it’s just commie liberals and RINO’s????

          • ….you can’t BAN people from coming to the US because of their religion. It is textbook bigotry. Even level-headed Indiana Enoch sees that is true. You’re losing your bearing Sir.

        • He is a threat to this country, and most republicans are recognizing that fact. Trump didn’t “just become” a racist and a bigot. He’s just made it so obvious that anyone who wants a future in politics has to back away from him. The turmoil going on in the heads of people like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell must be awful.

  6. Anyone who thinks that after the Orlando mass shooting Hillary’s stock has gone up must have crap for brains. Democrats can not be trusted with the security of this country. Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama are prime examples of presidents who failed to keep our citizens safe.

    Hillary is no different. She got caught in another lie yesterday about her refusal to call Islamic terrorism what it is. She has lied so much in the past she can not remember all of the lies, and therefor gets caught more and more as time goes on.

    All in for Trump!

    NEVER Hillary.

    • Anybody who ignores the numerous lies Trump spewed out yesterday has crap for brains. Trump is a treasonist.
      Btw, didn’t you forget the President who was the biggest failure at “keeping us safe”? You surely remember that 911 happened on Dubya’s watch, along with the market crash.

      • Pressanykey… swimming in the soup SO BAD, he is foaming at the mouth LOST on daily common sense.

        The issue is NOT that Hillary Clinton’s stock went up. The issue is that other than among the dying and declining racist old white guy crowd, Trump’s stock is dropping like a rock among the Republican Party and the majority of general election voters.
        Trump is guaranteeing a Clinton White House. Guaranteeing it.

        • ….this guy, he DOES NOT want to be President. Trump wants the spotlight for a while, he enjoys the camera. But it is clear Trump isn’t interested in doing the hard work of understanding what it’s going to take to govern the White House.
          Cause he don’t want the job. This is all show.
          PAK seems little other than another one of the exploited old racist white guys who love Trump the reality TV star. He don’t want the job.

  7. Here’s something for all of you conspiracy theorists out there, chew on this. The Russians stole the DNC’s opposition research on Trump. It appears to me that he is conspiring with Russia to take over the US government. Any arguments?

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