IS IT TRUE JUNE 13, 2016


IS IT TRUE we just heard that all phones, radios and computers were down at Vanderburgh County Central Dispatch offices?  …we have just been told that the radios and phones are now back on line but the computers are not?   …our officials are working on restoring full services soon as possible? …we have no idea when full services will be restored at the Vanderburgh County Central Dispatch offices?

IS IT TRUE all system at the Vanderburgh County Central Dispatch offices are back on line as of 11:55 am?   …the problem was reportedly caused by a power serge?

IS IT TRUE that legal arguments will be heard this week in the suit by Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky against Indiana’s new abortion law?  …the US District Court Judge Tanya Walton Pratt will preside in the suit? …we wonder if the law is overturned, will Governor Pence spend more public money on an appeal?

IS IT TRUE we thought that Deaconess Hospital officials announced last week that they are going to be less aggressive in the collecting of debts from past patients?   …last week one of our staff members received 7 phones calls from Deaconess Hospital collections department and a collections letter from their attorney located in Indy?  …the total sum of that our employee owed  Deaconess was a whooping $13?  …we won’t be surprised to hear that Deaconess Hospital officials next  move is to hire  “Dog The Bounty Hunter’ to collect this $13 debt?

IS IT TRUE we are getting a kick out of Evansville DMD Director Kelley Coures stating that he is looking for the land bank projects that prove to be budget-conscious?  …if Mr. Coures statement is correct,  we wonder why he selected Evansville Brownfield Corp to be in charge of the awarding of future land bank projects?  …wasn’t  the Evansville Brownfields Corp in charge of past land bank projects that wasted many millions of dollars of our hard earned tax dollars?

IS IT TRUE that Mayor Winnecke wants to construct a new pool at the present Lloyd pool area on the Northside?  …we wonder who is going to be responsible for the funding of this pool?  …the major users of the pool is Evansville/Vanderburgh County School Corporation? … the Evansville/Vanderburgh School Corporation should play a major role in paying for the construction of the new Lloyd pool? …shouldn’t they  also be responsible for the maintenance of this soon to be built pool?

Todays “READERS POLL” question is:  Do you feel that the Evansville  Redevelopment Commission should provide the general public with annual audits, copies of there meeting agendas and approved minutes?

IS IT TRUE we made a mistake in posting that a firm doing excavation work for DMD was located
in Henderson County?  … the operator of the excavator firm was “from” Henderson but the firm contracted do the work for the city is from Evansville?  …we just took down the post because it was incorrect?

Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled “HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS” posted in our sections.

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  1. I have no problem with the City building a new pool to replace the dilapidated, out-of-date, chronically in need of constant repair Lloyd Pool IF they can fund it. That said, the EVSC and the local parochial school systems should build pools for ALL HS facilities within their corporation and not saddle and constrain the general public by tieing up the usage of a public facility. The EVSC and the local parochial school systems are the only school systems in the State of Indiana, that I am aware of, that do not provide an on campus swimming/PE program. I can not believe that the EVSC built the new North High School complex without a swimming pool. I can not believe that Memorial HS and Mater Dei HS,have both undergone major renovatio and expansion projects,and did mot include a swimming facility.

  2. “…HS have both undergone major renovation and expansion projects and did not…”.
    We really need an “Edit Comment” feature. Especially on Monday mornings.

    • (….more gray links from the Planned Parenthood, pro-choice supporter, Pressanykey)

  3. Editor, is there any due diligence here? Who are the demolition firms in Vanderburgh County vying for City demo and remediation contracts? Is there any substance to Editor’s comments that a Kentucky demo firm is winning these contracts inappropriately? Does the CCO have any information about questionable practices in the awarding of demo contracts? Where is the due diligence?

    • The Editor waa not a Journalism Major. Unfortunately most of today’s media talking heads and print maven bloggers aren’t Journalism Majors either….

    • Thanks for drawing this to our attention. The mole who brought this to our attention of a picture that identified an employee of “Steamily Excavating out of Henderson, KY” posted in the local paper and mistook it for the address of the company. We have corrected it. Thanks for reading the CCO!


  4. C&P article yesterday shown equipment own/rented by a firm with a Vanderburgh County address.
    Did Henderson County annex the far East Side of Evansville where this business is? Was the mention of the operator of the excavator, who was “from” Henderson, threw the dogs of CCO off the scent trail? If there is a “Henderson” company that has “cornered the market”, it needs to mention now!

  5. I wonder if Central Dispatch being down has anything to do with its outdated system. That is scary.

  6. If the staffer owes the $13 why didnt he/she pay it with the first phone call? The next 6 wouldn’t happen then…

  7. I just now found out about this and I’ve had my TV on all morning. Shouldn’t they have had something up in the media about what to do if you had an emergency? I heard that the people in charge of central dispatch weren’t around there much, but this is crazy?

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