EDITORIAL: We Are Enthused About The CORE Reorganization Effort


Regular readers of the City-County Observer have noticed that we are enthused about the CORE reorganization discussion that is to take place at the North Park Library at 5:45 on Tuesday, May 24th. We have high hopes for a truly nonpartisan people’s group that represents the public’s interest and good public policy will attend this worthwhile event.

The non-partisanship of such a citizen’s group is absolutely essential to the effectiveness of its efforts. We cannot emphasize that enough. It is our strong suggestion that anyone who holds an elected or appointed governmental position, or a candidate for office, should be barred by the by-laws from holding a seat on the board or any subcommittees affiliated with the group. We also believe that no political body or organization should be accepted as a sponsor for the group. Any board or committee member who decides to become a candidate for elective office or accepts a political appointment should also be required to resign immediately. Further, the same rules should apply to members of the media, both “mainstream” and the alternative sites, their owners, publishers, and employees.

Our reason for being so vehement about political and media influences being kept our of the leadership in this effort is that the group would lose credibility as a representative of the public interest if it is associated with political or news organizations. Any hint of a conflict of interest or influence peddling will harm the new CORE’s influence in the realm of “good public policy.” It is far easier to keep a sparkling reputation than it is to polish one that has been tarnished. This group must maintain a laser-like focus on the best interests of the tax-paying public, while hearing different opinions and suggestions without bias. We are not suggesting that anyone in government or the media should not participate in the group, but they should not be in leadership roles. All taxpayers and residents are encouraged to speak their minds, but should do so as individuals, not as representatives of their employer.

We believe the renewed version of CORE is the key to a renewed Evansville and Vanderburgh County, but only if all appearance of any impropriety is carefully avoided. To do less would reflect poorly on this city, and enough questionable dealings have already taken place here.

It is time for our elected officials to  “clean up their act” and spend our hard earned tax dollars more sensibly. Its time for the taxpayers of this community to challenge nepotism,  political patronage and the backroom political wheeling and dealing of our local board and commissions and take them head on!  We feel that CORE reorganization could be a GODSEND for our community to force “good public policy”!  

Its time for “We, the People to come forward for the betterment of our community and attend the discussion that is to take place at the North Park Library at 5:45 on Tuesday, May 24th sponsored by CORE!


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