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Where and when is the CORE meeting being held next week?
Why isn’t the May13th Is it true posted?
North Park Library, May 24 5:45PM
Thank you
If supposed business genius Donald Trump was going to invest in a company don’t you think he’d want to see all their financial information first? Electing a president is a pretty big investment. We don’t get to see his financial information. My guess is he’s highly leveraged and not nearly as rich as he says and he doesn’t want people to know that. I don’t even like Hillary but Trump is a con artist. Even if you put all of his slimy personal traits aside, he still is a horrible candidate.
You can’t tell a person’s wealth from a tax return. You can only learn what their income was for a single given year. To learn the information you seek you need a net worth statement. Tax returns don’t even ask about things like how much cash you have in the bank.
My guess is that every Trump property is owned by a separate company and that the bulk of his income is derived from K-1 reports. I am sure he is paid a nice salary, but that has nothing to do with wealth.
Well, you could derive some good information about wealth from interest paid but OK you’re right. You completely dodged my point though.
I don’t think it matters to any of the people who will vote for him. They don’t care about anything he has ever done, nor do they care about his moral values and character. They just want him to make America white again. The joke will be on them.
Exactly. Trump is now walking back nearly every campaign promise and his followers are too stupid to realize they’ve been duped. My main concern is his apparent ambition to squelch free speech. We could see gulags for political dissidents as early as next year. Why is it that these hillbilly “freedom” loving American sheep so readily embrace authoritarianism? The truth is the only amendment they give a damn about is the 2nd.
LKB….that comment (sic)…”they don’t care about Trump’s tax returns, policy positions, character, integrity, honesty, stability or faith…all they care is they just want him to make America white again.” Fantastic funny stuff. Good job. And it is totally, sadly full-on true.
I was not trying to avoid your question. Unless you see someone’s balance sheet as an indicator of their ability to govern it makes little difference what they make. Our choice this year is between Trump who is worth between $3B and $10B depending on who you believe and Hillary who has gone from having less than zero to being worth over $150 Million since the last time she lived in the White House. Trump is a capitalist and earned his money through investing in real estate deals. The Clintons leveraged a life of public service into speaking for fees that were really just bribes disguised as speaking fees. Both the Clintons and Trump, I expect have pulled every legal trick in the book to pay as little in taxes as they can. Expect tax rates in the single digits from both. The Clintons actually use a charity to hide their expenses and fat cats get to write off the donations (bribes).
When you go to a bank for a loan they ask for three years of tax returns and a financial statement. That is a reasonable request for people running for office. I also expect that both Trump and Clinton have such complicated statements that we will glean what we really already know. That is that they are rich and pay little in taxes. Choose your poison. I think I will be voting for Gary Johnson knowing he won’t win.
I saw a cute saying this morning on the difference in capitalism and socialism. “In capitalism rich people become powerful, but with socialism powerful people become rich”. The end result for most of us is that we are servants of a ruling class.
I saw a post earlier that said “Socialism without Capitalism leads to Communism. Capitalism without Socialism leads to Fascism. Democratic Socialism creates balance.”
Democratic socialism is a bad economic theory mixed with a bad governing theory. Its bengine name hides the position pill within a system which has given the world Stalin and Chavez. Democratic socialism is Venezuela.
Let me add that when some fat cat donates to the Clinton Foundation that the taxpayers of the United States are co-investors against their will. Let’s take an example where a fat cat (or Wall Street bank) donates $1,000,000 to the Clinton Foundation but has a tax rate of 50% which New York has this is how it works. The taxpayers are paying $500,000 of that and the banker/fat cat is paying the other $500,000.
Bill & Hill get the use of $1M and you and I foot half the tab. Ain’t life grand.
Forbes: Trump net worth
“Wages are too high.” – Donald Trump
5: Inherited small or medium-size business and made it into a ten-digit fortune: Donald Trump
Forbes: [ Hillary Clinton ]
As my colleague Dan Alexander explains in his well-researched piece, Bill and Hillary left the White House essentially broke in 2001 (note that our valuations include spouses’ assets as well), only to make an incredible $230 million over the next 14 years through speaking engagements, book deals, and consulting gigs. To our own astonishment, their latest public disclosure lists a maximum of $53 million in assets (we valued them at $45 million). The Clintons make it crystal clear that despite disclosure requirements by the Federal Election Commission and the Office of Government Ethics, and even adding voluntarily revealed tax filings, the relationship between money and power remains fraught with obscurity.
Pressanykey’s support of Donald Trump is proving all of his past claims of the importance of conservative politics, conservative social values, the importance of a President’s faith in God and belief in the Bible…..ALL pure, total, unadulterated BULL—-.
Further….I know there are many people who like Donald Trump, find him funny and entertaining (and I am one of them, I like the guy), but NO WAY, no-no-never-never-ooh-aah-go-team-go would the EVER vote for him for President. Trump is totally unfit for the Office.
But I don’t HATE the guy. I mean, c’mon…I just won’t vote for him.
This much is perfectly clear to me however…..
Pressanykey….HATES Hillary Clinton. The hate drips from everything he writes about her here. He hates her so much, it strikes me that he has abandoned every ideal and conservative and faith/social-values principle he has claimed to stand for in the past….because he hates, I mean really hates…Hillary Clinton.
This is all my opinion of course. But I find it one of the most curious things I have watched reading the comments of the CCO posters here.
Fall from Grace…that’s what it seems to me.
Is this his right? Absolutely. I believe that. Suppress his speech? Nope, don’t want that either. But this, ladies and gents, I am stunned by reading PAK’s posts on the matter.
Yeah, that sounds real conservative and Christian. Actually DB you might have the DT shakes.
Just remember, your vote, or non vote, pus Hillary one vote closer to your worst nightmare.
Spell checker decided to correct my name.
I like it. At first glance it looked like “The Real Indiana Enoch.” Which would be a pretty good name. DT’s! I enjoy a beer a week maybe. Getting too old. Only like to have one, maybe two at the most. Gets fewer with the years. Whatcha gonna do.
Bobby, here’s yet another shining example of your liberal leftists stifling the free speech of others they disagree with.
Petty and irrelevant.
Bobby, here’s how the patriotic ‘Murkicans for Trump stifle those they don’t want around:
LKB your link does not work, but this one does:
Yes, my link DOES work. You should be ashamed of yourself. My point was that there are some real jerks on both sides, and you verified that nicely.
When Hillary gets indicted she and the 2 men can be cell mates , all they need to say is they are transgender
That should read “Joey”, not “Bobby”.
I don’t believe Hillary will be indicted, but it would be a good thing if she did. That would give the Democrats a chance to run a respectable candidate. The Republicans have already picked theirs, and he is absolutely devoid of morality and respectability.
Compared to Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump is Saint Paul.
Was St. Paul at the Last Supper? (No)
Did the “Apostle” Paul meet Jesus? (No)
When did Paul start following Jesus’ teachings? (3 years after Jesus died)
Never met him? (No)
Never? (No)
Does Donald Trump know Paul’s scribe wrote the Acts of the Apostles? (No)
Does Donald Trump read the Bible? (No)
…”Well, he did read ‘two Corinthians” that day on the stage…” (Yes, he called Second Corinthians, “two Corinthians”)
Does Donald Trump support equal rights for transgender people? (Yes, he does)
So, Trump believes a grown man can use the little girls bathroom? (Yes, he does)
“I thought Pressanykey was a social conservative. But he supports Trump?” (Yes, he does, apparently he was lying about being a social conservative.)
Bobby, here’s a link about the threatened violence by supporters of Presidential candidate ……
I caught an interview Lawrence O’Donnell did with Gary Johnson last night. If it is Clinton-Trump race, Johnson gets my money, effort, and vote.
Supposedly Trump and Clinton are currently tied at about 38% of the vote, with 16 percent saying they might vote for another candidate. Gary Johnson’s favorables are at 11% . That means that even if all of the 16% decided to throw their support to Johnson, he would have 27%, still far short of the mark to catch either Trump or Hillary.
That is enough to get him on a debate stage, which will open some more eyes. I bet on who I think will win at the racetrack. I vote for who I think will do the best job for the electorate. At this point I’m thinking Johnson will be the best choice I have. If Hillary is indicted or Trump has to withdraw for any reason, I will rethink my decision.
Btw, 27% is a good start in a three-way race. I think a lot of US Reps would vote for Johnson over Trump if it went to the House, too.
I doubt very seriously that he could capture the entire “undecided” 16%. Here is some data on U.S. Libertarians:
I believe the Holy Bible should be taught in schools instead of science.
I believe the government should put corporations first and people second.
I believe others should pay taxes but not me.
I believe Jesus believes in 50 round clips and concealed carried.
I believe those who don’t think like me should not have a voice in society.
I believe healthcare should be only for those who can afford it.
I believe if I’ve got mine, then that’s all that matters.
I believe I have the right to know what goes on in the privacy of your bedroom.
I believe my beliefs should be everyone’s beliefs.
I believe liberals are evil because they’re open minded, educated and know facts.
I believe everything Fox News tells me because I don’t believe in facts.
I believe it’s okay for our government to torture prisoners if a Republican is President.
I believe it’s okay for our government to spy on its citizens if a Republican is President.
I believe I’m a super patriot even though I never served in the armed forces.
I don’t believe in a minimum wage.
I don’t believe in work place OSHA safety regulations.
I don’t believe in the luxury of clean air or water if it affects corporate profits.
I don’t believe in holding corporations accountable for illegal business practices.
I don’t believe in compassion, charity, understanding, or a lifestyle other than my own.
I don’t believe the government should help people unless it’s me that needs the help.
I don’t believe a black man should be in the WHITE House.
Will my fellow Americans please join my team and vote GOP in 2016?
“I believe those who don’t think like me should not have a voice in society.” (EB)
Well Bob at east you were honest about this one. You sure spend enough time on here trying to convince people of that fact.
Never Hillary.
I never thought you would sink to the “I know you are, but what am I?’ level of childish political discourse. Apparently I had more respect for you than you have for yourself.
Laura , it’s not Press that’s messed up
Yes, he is and so is this:
@DB: We are in full agreement. It is a shame that someone with the reputation Pak built here is so joyously destroying it with hatred.
Make that https://www.facebook.com/OccupyDemocrats/photos/a.347907068635687.81180.346937065399354/1138142436278809/?type=3&theater
If I do not agree with Laura, Don Becker, Ghost then I am “joyously destroying my reputation”? I guess that I have this to look forward to in the future every time I post something in support of Donald Trump:
….Pressanykey…….”no one is pointing your disagreement.” You are attempting to distract from the issue.
The issue….is that you claim to be for conservative economic and conservative social issues, and then PREPOSTEROUSLY and suddenly abandon all of the principles you claimed to stand for and support Trump. Trump’s record on pro-choice, pro-Planned Parenthood, pro-debt, pro-government taking of private property and pro-transgender rights is well established.
You look like a hypocritical fool Pressankey….and THAT is what LKB and others are pointing out. Driven by hate to abandon your so-called values voter history.
What a fall.
Save it Laura. I do not know why you are so invested in Hillary. One would have to turn a blind eye to a multitude of sins in order to even consider her for the top office. I never thought you were so incapable of letting emotions get in the way of reason. It would truly be a travesty is a person of her character were elected the FIRST woman president of the United States. Have you ever thought about what that would say about our country? What message would that send to the rest of the world?
Make that “capable” instead of “incapable”.
Press, do you ever read anything I post, or do you just assume the person you are addressing just fits the pigeonhole you assigned them to? You apparently would know you’re off the mark if you had bothered to read the post where I pledge support to Gary Johnson. I am almost as averse to Hillary as I am to Trump. I don’t understand how you or anyone else with a three-digit IQ can be so invested in Trump.
Your post above was the first time I have heard you mention Johnson. He is not a viable candidate at this point in time.
@PAK: Then you DON’T read posts. I can remember when Barack Obama was not a viable candidate, too. Whether he wins or not, he is the third party alternative to both of the losers on the major party tickets. If it is a choice between Hillary and Trump, it’s Johnson for me, viable or not. I’m not “so invested in Hillary.”
Bobby, you really need help. Cuba has free socialized medical care. Its a perfect fit.
Can you not read? Are you clueless?
Donald Trump is for universal national healthcare. Single-payer healthcare!
I mean, CUBA stuff. (your words, not mine, Sir.)
This just reinforces the Trump supporters are pure-knuckle dragging “clueless what they’re voting for” voters.
He’ll do some kind of delusional mental gymnastics to sat Trump didn’t mean that when he said it. Kind of like Trump is all over the map on every single issue so idiots like JoeBiden can reference a different trump quote that contradicts it. Which means they have no clue what he actually stands for, they just know he’s white and says racist things that are like music to the ear for a teabagger.
I am so hoping that the revived and reimagined CORE organization meets expectations. It will be hard to avoid having those with their own political agendas from taking over, but being nonpartisan is absolutely necessary to its success. We really need this to succeed.
That leaves you and half the posters on this site out in the cold…
The “Bloody 8th” may turn ugly. It was a close Demo primary.
Let’s see what Boro the Jew has to say about….
I might reconsider my vote for Gary Johnson if Hillary can get Borowitz to run with her as VP.
I know Evan Bayh was going to be her running mate last time but I’ve not heard even a hint of his name this time around.
Trump – Coulter would be cool since their popularity derives from the same gimmick but I believe Trump would find her a little too flat chested to be his VP.
But Boro is correct in finding humor in it all because this time Laura, it’s become a joke….
If I don’t laugh at this mess, I’ll cry!
Guaranteed……there’s a sub-standard Vice President choice coming from Trump. No one of any substance, integrity or quality will accept the role as his running mate.
She and Evan Bayh have a lot in common:
He probably would rather not relive all of this now, he is too busy raking in more as a K-Street lobbyist.
Even though it is only Tuesday, here is a good contender for “Drumpf Flip-Flop/Walk Back of the Week”:
Good lord. CCO is becoming a news aggregator website with all the links being posted…
DeltaBravo….the links….they’re an excellent feature. A real asset. The bomb. The cat’s meow. Piece of gold. Found money. An Haubstadt Elite.
“An alternative public health policy–one that the United States used for decades in the latter part of the nineteenth century and early twentieth century–is to test immigrants and refugees for infectious disease before they are allowed into the country”
Hey Joe!…while you’re discussing public health policy, I’m assuming you are for socialized medicine, or Trump’s universal national single-payer health care like they have in Cuba. You go Joe! Go, go Joe! (Sorry ole buddy, you stepped in it real bad on your Cuba comment earlier today….just having some fun pointing that out.)
@ don becker……..you are with out a doubt a ball lost in high weeds………………Mr.Trump has Mr. Sessions and Mr Carson working with him as of right now……..they both without a doubt are of the highest integrity and to say otherwise is just ignorant………….but you are funny along with the ex evansville housing inspector a riot i really like them caps you use………..so keep POSTING AND THE LAUGHS A FLOWING….don pecker for mayor………..
Hi Al:
Missed you.
Look. No one is going to change David Duke’s mind about anything.
We get it. Same with you Al.
You got some other stuff in that soup of a comment there Al….disjointed-speaking-in-tongues-stuff.
Maybe V isn’t dead after all.
Smart Trump backers should pray that Hillary doesn’t get indicted. She is the only person who could conceivably lose to Trump.
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