FOOTNOTES: Our next “IS IT TRUE” will be posted on this coming WEDNESDAY ?

Todays “primary election polling question is: Do you think Donal Trump will make America Great Again?

TUESDAYPlease take time and read our newest feature articles entitled “HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS” posted in our sections.

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      • It’s gonna be a challenge for Trump for President Campaign. He wants to talk about winning votes and beating Hillary.
        But the media keeps asking him about…
        “Why so-and-so-GOP politician or donor isn’t supporting him?” or
        “Why so-and-so-GOP politician won’t campaign for him?” or
        “Why so-and-so-GOP politician refuses to serve as his Vice President if asked?” or
        “Why so-and-so-GOP politician said NO if he would serve in Trump’s administration?” or
        “Why GOP Congressional Candidate or GOP Senate Candidate refuses to be on the stage with Trump while Trump is campaigning for President in the candidates State or District?”
        Six months of this.

      • The “republicrat” Claybourn telling us that Trump’s defaulting on the debt is dangerous. Well Josh, just who created this debt as if it wasn’t dangerous? And what is your “safe zone?” Do we just keep adding more and more to the largest debt the world has ever known? Be against Trump, but why are you campaigning against him??? Yes, that is what you are dong. It is republicans like you who has caused Christin and contextual constitutionalist conservatives like me to stop identifying as republican. Keep the party, but we are done with RINOs and republicrats.

        • Donald Trump thinks America can’t default because we print the money. He has no concept of real economics other than his own bank account.

          If you want to learn more about the Donald Trump Debt Plan, look up Zimbabwe’s plan. They did exactly what Trump has said, just printed more money, and people were taking buckets full of money to the store to by bread because their currently devalued so badly.

          • Three things:
            1. “Defaulting on debt” is a different kind of dangerous than “having debt.” Indiana Enoch, you are implying they are the same. Now perhaps Trump could care less that you don’t see the distinction – and maybe he does but is OK exploiting people who don’t understand the distinction……….but let’s be CLEAR……credit institutions DO understand the distinction. Somebody has to be an adult voter on issues like this, for God’s sake!
            2. The Zimbabwe example is perfect. Great job illustrating the problem. The US occupies a position as “the standard currency of the World.” Trump can’t exploit bankruptcy rules and discard creditors like his business experience says he can…..and do the same with the US global credit position. This is a perfect example of how Trump has no idea about executive governing experience of knowledge. In one fell swoop, he will kill the US leadership of all currencies in the world….with such a naive and ignorant action.
            3. Trump voters don’t care. Right. They are like little children who tell their Parents when they want a new toy from the shelf: “Daddy, just write a check. It’s easy. Just write a check!” Exploited people who have been promised “God will cure your cancer if you give the Pastor a check.” “I can cure your cancer!!!”…the Pastor says. “I will make you great again!!”
            Exploited people.

          • You don’t achieve what Trump has achieved by not understanding economics. It’s the current administration along with its GOP lap dogs who believe QE eternity is an actual solution.

          • DB,
            1) if there is no debt then there is no debt to default on. And if you think we are not headed to default like Greece and other nations who did not control their debt then you might be a Brenie-brat.

            2) The better question is what is the republicrats plan?

            3) I mean really? what do you think the government in power is already doing to prevent default of they are not printing money? With what are they raising the debt ceiling? So we buy debt back at a discount where we can? I doubt we can find much debt to buy back, but it works. The Trump supporters I know are hard working people. Who contribute to society and feel they have a right to keep what they earn. I think were thinking about the Bernie-brats who want it all for free.

            BTW, who is our largest creditor?

          • IE you’re a damn moron. Nobody wants anything for free. We want our taxes spent on bettering society not on Israel and corporate welfare. Yes, we do ask that the rich that are paying no taxes do start paying taxes. Millenials need twice the education to make half the money their parents did, and for even being the slightest bit pissed off about that, you call them entitled brats. All young people are asking is to enjoy roughly the same quality of life that their parents did for about the same amount of work. I don’t think that sounds unreasonable. By the way, who raised millenials?

          • We already have the “just continue printing money without anything backing it” concept in place and in action. It’s called the Federal Reserve System. When this country went off the Gold Standard (soundly supported by the Democrats and their elected President) is when this country started it’s economic decline.

          • And you call me the moron EB with your simplistic world view? So Bernie has not promised free college for everyone? What the millennials need is the education they are paying for not the indoctrination to liberal utopianism they are getting. I’m sorry you missed your chance at becoming rich. Guess if you can’t make it here you can’t make it anywhere, but what you want is for a big government to give to you what another man earned. Bob, it’s not going to happen. Big government does not care anymore about little Bob than big corporations.

          • No, I have never claimed to be an independent. I claim to be a conservative, a Christian, contextual constitutionalist, conservative to be accurate.

      • Fine example of lack of wisdom. I will mark it up to youth, but what should be giving the people heartburn? He’s the City Council attorney. He needs to study presidential election history. This situation occurred in 1952 when Eisenhauer, who was an outsider of the republican est. not necessarily a repub or dem, but a nationalist. So, hopefully Mr. Claybourn will bone up on his history.

  1. Another quick reminder, republicans. You’ve nominated a guy who touts his penis size as a qualification for president!

  2. In today’s legals in the Evansville C&P the Vanderburgh County, Indiana Redevelopment District is advertising $5.7 Million in Advance Refund Bonds.

    Some background:

    [Advance refunding is popular because it provides short-term budget relief. As the interest rate on the new debt is lower than the yield on existing debt, advance refunding decreases the municipality’s interest cost between the pre-refunding date and the date at which the original bonds could have been called.

    Unfortunately, however, advance refunding destroys value for the issuer. By pre-committing to call, the issuer surrenders the option not to call should interest rates rise before the call date. The value lost to the issuer, and transferred to bondholders, is the value of a put option on the bonds. In addition, since the assets in the trust are Treasury securities (SLUGS), the transaction provides free credit enhancement for the bondholders, also at the expense of the issuer. Finally, the intermediaries who create the trust and issue the new bonds collect fees to do so.]

    • I should have mentioned that the Vanderburgh County, Indiana Redevelopment District covers all of Vanderburgh county EXCEPT the city of Evansville.

      • ….such a thing is often sold before it is advertised or issued.
        It is a good catch. Great work PAK.

  3. Press, I also noticed the two curious legal ads from the Vanderburgh County Redevelopment Commission in the newspaper today. One says the VCRC voted on May 5 to “issue special taxing district bonds” in the amount of $5.7 million “to be used to advance refund” the Vanderburgh County Redevelopment District Tax Increment Revenue bonds of 2008. The other ad says the VCRC will hold a public hearing on May 26 to consider appropriating the proceeds of the bond sale. The maturity date of the new bonds will be Feb. 1, 2023.

    • I believe they are discussing the Burkhardt Road TIF. Could it be that TIF is not producing the revenue it was projected to produce?

  4. I was listening to the radio yesterday evening and it said they were sending Cruz out to Oklahoma to help with the tornado clean up.

    I thought, well good, maybe this guy isn’t all that bad after all….

  5. He voted against using Federal relief money for Hurricane Sandy. He really IS that bad.

  6. BY THE WAY……to all of those Trump supporters who rail and rail against the US Debt being too high?
    This is Donald Trump talking about that……oh, just on May 9th..:

    Donald Trump: “I’m the king of debt. I understand debt probably better than anybody. I know how to deal with debt very well. I love debt.”

    There are some Trump supporters in here at the CCO who are invalidating everything they ever said they stood for. I guess all of that talk was a lie.

    • The Republican sheep like JoeBiden don’t care about that. Once a guy talks bad about minorities and makes empty promises about a wall they’re in like flint with brainless idiots on the right.

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