Home Breaking News “Spirit Within Conflict” Masterpiece By Michelle Vezina Peterlin

“Spirit Within Conflict” Masterpiece By Michelle Vezina Peterlin


“Spirit Within Conflict” Masterpiece By Michelle Vezina Peterlin

We a pleased to present an Acrylic On Canvas masterpiece painted by well  known local artist Michelle Vexzina Peterlin.  Michelle painted this exciting picture in her Kasson Studio on Big.Cynthiana Road, Evansville.  If you would like to see additional paintings of Michelle Peterlin you may contact her at 812-760-6352 or e-mail her at mvpeterlin@gmail.com.

This is a picture of Lukas Macke. He is a local man, born and raised on Evansville’s Westside. he is married and the father of 4 girls. This is portrait was done from pictures Lukas supplied. The site depicts a real life event. Lukas is flying in a Chinock helicopter which is taking him to Kandahar Air Base where he will find a plane to take him home. The light is coming from the back of the scene because the back of the Chinock was open. There was a military gunner suspended in the opening manning a 240 gun and his job was to scan and shoot down enemy fire.

Lukas served with the Navy Seabees and was a heavy equipment operator. Lukas was not young when he joined the military, he was 32 and running close the age limit. He was married and had at the time 2 children at home. He had always wanted to serve but other things kept getting in the way. When he finally had the opportunity he went for it.

This painting is part of a show under development called “Spirit within Conflict”. It is set to launch in 2017 and will be shown nationally. The exhibit will honor service men and women within the armed forces, law enforcement and first responders. The models are local people who are in these areas of community service. See more local models,  please visit Michelle Vezina Peterlin Fine Art Painting on her Facebook fan page.

The piece is entitled “GO”. It is 24″ x 26″, acrylic on canvas.

EDITOR FOOTNOTE:  Copyright 2015, All Rights Reserved on this painting by local artist mvpeterlin,


  1. How’should her hubby, Frank “tea party” Peterlin doing these days? He’said been kind of quiet and under the covers lately.

  2. If clicking on the picture showed the work at a larger size it would make the art much more viewable.

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