IS IT TRUE DECEMBER 25 and 26 2015

IS IT TRUE State officials will be reviewing IVY TECH Indiana’s statewide because of low graduation rates.  …full time students completing their classes within two years is around 5 percent? . ..this percentage is well below the national average?

IS IT TRUE IVY TECH is searching for a new president because of the upcoming retirement of Thomas Snyder?  …that we hear that Chancellor of IVY TECH, Evansville and former Mayor Jonathan Wienzapfel is interested in replacing retiring President Thomas Snyder?

IS IT TRUE Lt. Governor Sue Ellspermann will be applying for the position of the next President of IVY TECH statewide?   …it looks like Lt. Governor Ellspermann shall be selected as the next President of IVY TECH because Governor Pence supports her move?

IS IT TRUE we felt that former Evansville Mayor and current Chancellor Wienzapfel would had been a good choice as the next President of IVY TECH?

IS IT TRUE we hear that Missy Mosby  and her search committee is passing out Christmas presents and Democratic Party Chairman Rob Faulkner didn’t get one?  …City Council President elect and her search committee has decided to give the City Council attorney job to a well respected and known Republican from Newburgh?

IS IT TRUE we hear that Democratic Party Chairman Faulkner supported everybody that won re-election on the “Winnecke Slate” ?  …the Democrats will control the 2016 City Council by a 5 to 4 margin?  …we wonder why the of the Democratically controlled City Council decided not to give Faulkner this political patronage appointment?

IS IT TRUE todays  “READERS POLL”  question is; Do you feel that George Lumley effort in exposing DMD and Brownsfields bad business decisions is worthwhile?

IS IT TRUE we wish you and yours a MERRY CHRISTMAS?