IS IT TRUE do you agree with the newly proposed contract between the ICEMEN and the City that the Ford Center rent would be reduced from about $11,000 per game to, at most, $1,000 per game if rebates and revenue sharing cuts where made?

IS IT TRUE we are hearing that City Council Attorney Scott Danks replacement could be Robert Faulkner?  …Mr. Faulkner is presently the Democratic Party Chairmen of Vanderburgh County?  …Mr. Faulkner not only has strong support of the local Trade Unions but also past Mayor Jonathan Wieinzapfel?  …we wonder if Mr. Faulkner appointment becomes a reality could to be his reward for doing nothing in helping Gail Rieckens Mayoral campaign?

IS IT TRUE we hear that Chris Cooke is getting closer to announcing that he shall run for the soon to be vacant District 77 State Representative seat now held by Gail Riecken?  …we predict that if Mr. Cooke decides to run for Mrs. Riecken seat his chances of winning the Democratic primary is extremely good?

IS IT TRUE we like to hear whats on your mind this fine day?


  1. Does that mean Geary will be contractually required to hire some professional hockey players so the Icemrn can win? I mean losing to the Alaska Aces, come on.

    • Geary sold ice cubes to the Alaska Aces and his hockey team to a mayor desperate for a squatter for his monument. Evansville has always been a big hockey town: my long gone uncle used to warn me not to ‘step in the hockey’ when I was looking for arrowheads on his farm near Tell City. Some of our local hockey must have leached its way into Spencer County (and now made its way back). Probably also has something to do with the sweet aroma of our southside.

      One way or another Ron Geary extracted some money from your wallet this week, even if you never pay to see the cheap product he puts on the floor. Look for Winnecke to don the garb of a Michelin Man for another doomed promotion.

      • Bandana

        Thanks for sending me the e-mail about a needed correction. I just made the correction to the article we posted today. We thank you for your pointed and spot on comments you post on the CCO daily.


  2. So the Ford center goes from losing money to really losing money. This shitty little town can’t support a professional sports team. I said it as soon as this started, once the new car smell wore off this hockey crap it would fold like a deck or cards. It’s hard to fill a stadium when 98% of John Q public works for $8/hr.

    • Elections have consequences. This is just the first of many for the taxpayers. After all, the Winnie won by a landslide. That gives him the right to really stick it to us.

      • I got the Hell outta Dodge-fortunately before they can option income tax-to retrieve some of the money wasted by the idiots. They have the field, I feel badly for the citizens.
        Goodbye Roberts Stadium, where people used to watch the Aces play great games
        Goodbye Mesker Zoo, the powers that be dont care about it, so they’ll starve the poor animals, and run off that excellent curator who added so much to the zoo.
        Goodbye Mesker Amphitheater, where Harry Chapin once played, Winky will turn you into a landfill
        Goodbye McCurdy Hotel-you’re not historic enough, so they’re going to let that grandeur fade and crumble away.
        Goodbye Hadi Shrine Circus, they’ll figure out a way to starve that out too.
        Lloyd Winnecke must not have any good memories of growing up in Evansville, he’s wiping any of my memorable places off the map-maybe he got too many tap dance lessons…

        • Don’t forget: Goodbye Whirlpool and all of the other higher paying manufacturing businesses.

  3. “The John” continues to –“hemorrhage” red ink,
    and Corporate Welfare continues to have it’s way with the Taxpayer’s wallets
    — beyond reason,– in the name of “Old Downtown”.

  4. My question as a UE graduate is “will the Aces get their contract reduced down to $1,000 per game too”. UE is a non-profit private university that routinely asks its alumni for financial support. It may hurt fundraising if the Aces are seen paying 11 times what a for profit hockey team is for the same thing. What is good for the Icemen is good for the Aces.

    • +1! The move downtown has just about strangled the UE basketball attendance, so maybe the City should pay UE to play there.

      • The valuation shortfalls in Evansville’s downtown are driven directly by the poor logistical accesses offered by the archaic infrastructure in the old poorly planned downtown Evansville core.
        Add the standard utilities costing and convenience handicaps, along with safety of passage to and from events, then add the standing toxicities in most living and working spaces it all becomes a combination of a three toed foot shot cluster. The__ord center will never make any profit, and neither will the “Bait and switch Double wide tree high motel”. Retaining the expected medical extension school students and its employees in the same lousy locational application will steadily drive those folks to the safer more progressive sections of the surrounding counties and the more logistically advanced throughput as well. Its been a fail ,fail from its conception. Evansville blew it by not adding the medical learning extension in a more accessible logistically superior location. I won’t even mention the cost factor to the revenue base that’s struggling daily to have a clean unobstructed passage to and from their given destinations.

        (Logistics) Is the management of the flow of things between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet positive requirements of customers or corporations, and transportation relative industries.


  5. So Geary was paying $650K in lease and getting $400K back in “rebates”? WTH kind of convoluted kickback scheme is that? He was effectively paying 7K per game for lease. Now factor in all those sponsored elements they blast out at every stoppage of play as part of the “entertainment”. I assume they are collecting money for each instance of stoppage. You would think it would be enough to cover the lease for sure and then some. It appears Geary didn’t get a percentage of the concessions which is a dumbass move on his part. That would make the economics of his deal a bit more expandable, the more you draw the more you make. But what do I know about it?

  6. I sure hope what I heard about Faulkner is a joke! Another democrat said he represented himself 5 times last year and lost all 5. Is he really bad?

  7. It figures that Faulkner would be handsomely rewarded for being a total nebbish. I wonder how much he will cost us by offering wrong legal opinions.

  8. Our business plan is really beginning to come together, everything is falling in place. I actually believe by this time next year we will have located and leased,or bought either a location or a existing facility to begin our operational processes. Evansville and Vanderburgh have been eliminated from the site selection process. Utilities and very poor logistical accesses drive that decision. The I-69 Corridor is a major location plus, plus , however it’s more accessible from your neighbors surrounding you.
    We will also need a sizable fleet of utility type vehicles as well as some lighter more efficient smaller route type urban supply vehicles. We’re going to need some serious square footage to house our processes and equipment from start-up.
    The employee base will grow per regional franchise/facilities as well. Climate conditions and hours of operation and that’s projected logistical needs suits the warmer climates, however, the processes are needed more in the Midwest and mid south and some arid coastal sections in most of the metros up and down the entire coastal footprint of the United States. We’re looking into the fleet purchases for that local region right now, I can tell you who that won’t be as a dealer supplier relationship. You guessed , it will not be D-Patrick, with all the handouts they’ve cost the revenue base there I don’t feel they would appreciate our business as some of the other tri state auto dealerships. Another thing a working fleet must have maintenance support facilities that can meet our needs and expectations under all conditions as well. The money saving bridges,and Spencer, Gibson, Posey, and Warrick all have some attractive features as well. We like the skill set in Evansville, and that means an available living wage work force, We however will likely not locate within Vanderburgh county none -the less the Evansville city limits. Hey it is what it is, and we’re assured that won’t be improving inside of the next four years.
    We will be opening a brand new field of endeavor it will take a multiple of skill sets to train in and apply our plan, engineering, technical, sales and route logistics and management. We will be holding a online conference to outline first hire training and orientation procedure’s We’re seeking
    Human Relations professionals as well to help the hiring process go smoothly.

    We are a outfit that banks heavy on the sustainable methodologies to create and sustain the processes and products we’ll offer. Southwestern Indiana really lacks a viable footprint in the utilities needed to advance our business plans, for now, maybe that can change in the future,
    although we are not willing to bet on that possibility at this time.

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