IS IT TRUE it looks like the “good ole boy” system is alive and well within the Evansville Police Department?  …during the last few days we have gotten several calls in reference to an alleged injustice. directed towards a long time and highly respected EPD Supervisor? …its been alleged  that this EPD Supervisor reported another EPD employee for not doing their job? …instead of  the EPD Administration directly dealing with this problem employee in a reasonable manner top management re-assigned the Supervisor?  …we won’t be surprised to see this issue be handed over to the Evansville Police Merit Commission?

IS IT TRUE we ask Gail Riecken how would she cut the 2016 City Budget?  …her response was; “My intent is to look at contracts for legal, IT,  and  accounting, which total millions of dollars and of course to look for efficiencies in city departments.”   “I can’t comment on the cuts made by City Council because I was not a part of the budget hearing process”.  “I know the Mayor failed to provide leadership to set the budget in the right direction”.  “I don’t remember a budget committee meeting when I was on City Council  that the department heads weren’t there to answer questions”.

IS IT TRUE that Mr.Riecken really surprised us when she also said  “If elected, Mayor of Evansville  I will not take a pay raise in any year of my term.”

IS IT TRUE we are surprised that the Evansville Courier’s and Press endorsed At-Large City Council member Jonathan Weaver for re-election? …we don’t understand why they endorsed  Jonathan Weaver over a very impressive newcomer to the local political scene,  Alex Burton? …we urge you to consider casting your vote for Mr. Burton.? …Alex has an impressive resume and we consider him to be a first class, moral, ethical and intelligent individual?  …we ask you to reject Jonathan Weaver attempt to serve another term on Evansville City Council because of the unacceptable way he has conducted himself during his first term in office?

IS IT TRUE last night the Courier and Press ask their readers who they support for Mayor?  …Gail Riecken received a whooping 1,431 votes (76.2%)  Mayor Winnecke received only 430 votes (22.9%) and Steve Wozniak had a disappointing 17 votes (0.9%)?  …we ask you to figure this one out?

IS IT TRUE todays ‘Readers Poll” question “is  the City of Evansville better off today than 4 years ago”?

Please take time and vote in today’s “Readers Poll”. Don’t miss reading today’s Feature articles because they are always an interesting read. Please scroll at the bottom of our paper so you can enjoy our creative political cartoons. Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without our permission.


  1. IS IT TRUE last night the Courier and Press ask their readers who they support for Mayor? …Gail Riecken received a whooping 639 votes, Mayor Winnecke received only 269 vote and Steve Wozniak had a disappointing 12 votes? — 👍👍👍👍👍

      • Weavers a pig, from what I was told and when visited your town on business he proved it. I don’t think hes ever sober, and watch your drink if weavers close by, the pig.

        • If the Courier wasn’t just a bunch of liars and dumb asses, they would print the restraining orders that both of his wife got against him. He hits women and stalks them. I bet what he did to you wasn’t the first time he slipped somebody a roofy. The cops won’t do a thing to him because he’s big deal in this town.

  2. Who will win the mayoral race?
    Lloyd Winnecke 20.86% (377 votes)

    Gail Riecken 78.25% (1,414 votes)

    As of 6:30AM this being the C&P readership makes it more damaging. If you can not do any better then this on your cheerleaders page you might be in trouble.

    • Oh My God. I first thought that was the CCO readers poll results. But if that is from the C&P Rag then Whinny really is in trouble.

    • As I commented on the other thread, a Google search reveals that not one of the Winnie Whiners on the ECP is a City resident. They are leeches who want to live where the taxes are low and the streets are safer, but feed off our tax money when it comes to seeing a show or going shopping. The disclosure about Whiney’s donors shows them to be carpetbaggers looking to grab our money and take it home with them. It is looking like Gail has gotten her message out without the vulgar amounts of money that Winnie has gotten.

      • Wake up BP!!!!! The poll is from the Jack Pate Rightwing Rag, also known as the Courier. It was taken by the rightie rag after it endorsed Whiney. The “endorsement” was pathetic. They really couldn’t give a good reason to vote for the failed Mayor, but they urged us too, anyway!

    • I hope the poll is correct, but I have about as much faith in what the C&P publishes as I do the Easter Bunny.

  3. I am not willing to go across the board and holler crooked cops. A few who have been placed beneficially for serving HRH don’t speak for them all

    I do as the EPD to recall that Russ Lloyd got the EPD support and turned around and hoisted them on their own petards?
    Just sayin……

  4. I am not willing to go across the board and holler crooked cops. A few who have been placed beneficially for serving HRH don’t speak for them all

    I dorecall that some years ago Russ Lloyd got the EPD support and turned around and hoisted them on their own petards? I even recall a police protest in front of Russell Lloyds home.
    Just sayin……

    • I agree. For the most part, we have a good police force. The current administration has put power in the wrong hands, because it has suited their questionable purposes, and I am sure that is one of the first situations that the Riecken Administration will correct.

  5. “They are leeches who want to live where the taxes are low and the streets are safer, but feed off our tax money when it comes to seeing a show or going shopping.”

    I thought we WANT outsiders to come to town and SPEND their money on local goods and services. Your argument is backwards.

    I agree with your premise that the CP outsiders tend to endorse policies/programs/people that they don’t have to deal with regarding taxation.

    • Let me clarify my statement. Of course we want everybody to come here and spend money. The people I was referring to were interfering and trying to get us to vote for the man who is spending us broke. I aimed my remarks at the few pro-Winnecke posters on the Courier, none of whom live in Evansville. Since they don’t live here and pay taxes here, I don’t think it is right for them to become so involved in an election that has no direct impact on their tax rates and financial solvency. I don’t think they want their towns in the shape they are trying to put Evansville in.

      • Yep, an apt description of the recently deceased Steve Small; wouldn’t you agree Dick Engbers?

      • Please, don’t apologize. Of course, we don’t want to foul our city with Republicans. It is true that we do want their money, but in the form of taxes that comes back in the form of welfare and other government benefit programs, with a generous amount raked off the top for us progressive leaders, naturally. We also need to isolate our young people from Republicans so that the progressive youth don’t get any ideas about becoming productive citizens, working hard, or paying back debts they have incurred.

        J. Coddington “Comrade Hugo” Fetlock IV
        Maximum co-coordinator
        Organizing for Idiocy
        Evansville Cell

  6. Citizens for Unification 2012:

    disbursements: Limestone Strategies Consulting—-$22,500.00



    Kevin Ober is a founder and principal of Limestone Strategies. He has spent nearly all of the last 19 years in Indiana politics and is a veteran of Republican campaign work dating back to 1995. He spent a combined eight years on the staff of the Indiana Republican Party, including three and a half years as executive director. Most recently, he has served as general consultant to the successful campaigns of Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke and U.S. Rep. Susan Brooks.

  7. Put an “EYE” on the southeast stinky flower tomorrow, just make sure the spirts don’t flow until the polls actually close. Note to the excise police, no booze on election day until the polls close………

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