Open Letter from Jim Obergefell to Kim Davis
Dear Kim Davis:
As you may know, when you fall in love with someone, you hand your heart and soul over to them. Anyone who has committed to sharing their life with another human and forming a family unit knows that it is the biggest and most rewarding adventure you will ever take.
You know that all of the laughs and all of the tears won’t fall on the echo of an empty room, but will instead be received in the warm embrace of someone who has pledged to see you at your best and love you at your worst. You know that person is there to help pick you up on those days when the odds are stacked against you. You know that you never have to do the dishes alone.
When I met John, I had no idea that I would spend the next two decades building a life with the man who would one day inspire me to demand our right to be recognized by our country. I earned the right to lawfully call him my husband, just as you have a right to call your husband such. Love transcends gender.
You’re imposing the same indignities on couples in Rowan County that John and I suffered when Ohio would not legally recognize us as a married couple. Thankfully, the law is now changed so that nobody should ever have to experience the injustice that John and I endured. No one is above the law, Kim, not even you.
Read the rest of my letter to Kim Davis, and add your name here:
Jim Obergefell
ACLU Client
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Marriage (defining a relationship between two legally consenting individuals) is a religious term. Governments (Federal, State, or Local) should not be involved in religious events. Governments should not be involved in marriages or issue “Marriage Licenses”. Governments should only issue Civil Union Contracts. Once the consenting, legally allowable partners have applied for, paid the appropriate registration fees, and have recorded/documented such a contract defining rights, responsibilities, and privileges of said legal contract, they should be allowed to celebrate said union as they (religiously on non-religiously) so see fit. The terms “husband” and “wife” should not be defined by any governmental body. The term “Domestic Partner” should be utilized to describe those individuals entering into said legal Civil Union. How those individuals (or their religious organization if so inclined) agree to describe their “roles” or “identities” (other than “Domestic Partner”) should not be defined by any governmental entity. Whether other individuals or groups recognize or ignore the defined role names is irrelevant and should have no bearing upon the legality of the Contract, nor should it negate the right of others to disagree with the “identity” of those who have entered into said legal contract. The terms “Civil Union” and “Domestic Partner” should be the only terms recognized by any governmental agency.
BUT it ain’t that way, the government IS in the business of issuing marriage licenses, PCD. “Brandon-M” thinks his personal copy of the Bible should be the law of the land. BUT it ain’t that way, the US Constitution IS the law of the land, not his personal copy of the Bible.
On Kim Davis: it is amazing to me that many of the religious right, like Mike Huckabee and several in the Southern Baptist Convention, hold that Kim Davis is a Christian role model (ummm filed for repeated bankrup…uh, I mean was repeatedly “saved” after years and years of life chaos – children out of wedlock, three divorces, four marriages, etc) for refusing to do her sworn legal County Clerk duty. The Value Voters Summit gave her an award last week in Wash DC!! The ironic thing is that Kim Davis got all those marriage divorces, and all those new marriages….from the County Clerks office! Some Christian role model. Some authority on what marriage ought to be. We have a “foot-washing/pedestal sitting Baptist neighbor” who calls her “an adulteress.” Whew!
PCD. Why should marriage be limited to TWO legally consenting individuals?
People like Davis and Brandon M need to realize this is not a theocracy. I could say my religion calls for killing babies whilst smoking meth. Practice your religion, just don’t impose it on others. If you want to live in a theocracy try Iran. Tea party and ISIL, both religious right wingers cut from the same cloth. One has Jesus, one has Muhammed, but the message is the same.
Who writes your stuff? Too funny.
Baghdad Bob. There is a religion that condones killing babies (and selling their dead body parts) whilst “smoking” meth. Its called the church of DEMOCRAT.
Yes, and the criminal politicians in San Francisco who are ignoring federal immigration law need to join Ms Davis in jail. Unless of course there is a separate federal law for conservatives and liberals.
And I agree…. the criminal politicians in San Francisco who are breaking federal immigration law need to join Ms. Davis in jail……. unless we have separate federal laws for conservatives vrs liberals.
Yes, we all agree….. politicians who break federal law need to join Ms. Davis in jail. That includes the city officials in San Francisco who violate federal immigration law and Hillary Clinton for violating federal laws regarding handling classified documents. Unless of course there are separate laws for liberals vs conservatives in the Constitution I missed when reading it.
When I was a kid, it was just wrong to be queer. Then, as time went on it became more acceptable. Soon it will be mandatory.
Mandatory? You’re an idiot.
You’re too dumb to recognize sarcasm.
It may not be mandatory,but as our children are”educated” in the public school system they learn that to be in a minority classification affords them preferred status. Therefore,to be gay,disabled,or whatever becomes attractive. Instead of being disciplined,they are rewarded. Small wonder the world is so messed up.
It is important to point out a fact:
Gasman’s statement is not only untrue, and of course totally unsubstantiated (cause he can’t substantiate it), I’m glad he wrote it so we can acknowledge it took a deviant, ignorant person to craft it.
This quote from BP. It needs to be laminated and put on the wall. It is the perfect quote to help display the ignorant, toothless savage’s philosophy. In fact, include it in a movie script as a line for one of the savages from the woods in the movie Deliverance.
You a pipe smoker db? I think so and so is eb. Maybe you two are a couple. If not, you should meet.
As far as I’m concerned it’s still wrong to be a homo ,
If your gonna allow marriage between two males or two females , or two individuals that are 1/2 man 1/2 woman ,,,, then I should be able to marry my pet raccoon or pet sheep baaaah , golly gee Andy I’d hate to see our offspring , yep that makes as much sense as same sex marriage ,it’s just plain wrong and f ‘ ed up
…well here it is. Get this trash up and out of the basement and get him a lawn chair. Eviltaxpayer. He is out, and the sun is shining on him today.
Pretty much all you do is name call. Your posts have very little substance. Same with your boy friend, eb.
Says the guys who is calling people queers on here.
Taken down because post was insulting.
Not even remotely the same thing, friend.
Your personal predilection for bestiality aside, marriage as far as the gubmint is concerned is simply a legal contract between consenting adults. Contracts made between parties where one party cannot understand and/or agree to the terms (animal and adult human, adult human and juvenile, etc.) are not legally binding.
Just because YOU think something is icky or YOUR personal invisible savior doesn’t like it doesn’t mean it is wrong or f’ed up for another person. I don’t like anchovies on pizza, but I’m not going to try and outlaw them so you can’t have them on yours.
Sorry DB ,in reality I don’t believe in beastility either , however same sex marriage is just as wrong as beastility IMHO ,,do you have a problem if some one has 5 ,6, 100 wives at the same time .lets make that legal now .
I guess I’m old school and still believe God made woman to be a mate for man . You remember Adam and Eve , but then again people have lost their religion and faith in God
Now they worship the almighty pleasures and money
Evil, honestly I don’t have a problem with polygamy from a theoretical standpoint – – people enter into contracts with multiple parties all the time. My view of marriage as a contract (from a gubmint standpoint) is compatible with polygamy.
That said, from a financial standpoint, polygamy could be a huge issue. Imagine a company (or gubmint) having to provide spousal benefits to 5 or 10 spouses, whether they are insurance benefits, pension benefits, social security survivor’s benefits, VA benefits, and the like. That would be an enormously expensive and complicated problem.
As far as your view of marriage from a religious standpoint, I hope you would agree that one of the pretty great things about the USA is that (mostly) we don’t have to individually subscribe to anybody else’s religious viewpoints or practices. We are free to follow our own faith, or lack thereof.
Delta , I know numerous gay couples and from what I’ve seen , the only reason they had for getting married was for insurance . I’m sorry but I still feel people should get married because of love ,not insurance
Have a good afternoon friend
“I don’t like anchovies on pizza, but I’m not going to try and outlaw them so you can’t have them on yours.”
Well then you’re not a liberal because that is exactly what they would do.
Funny, but to be fair both far left liberals and far right conservatives have a history of outlawing things they don’t like. Libs don’t want you to own guns, cons don’t want you to be able to buy beer on Sunday. Libs don’t want you to be able to say a prayer to start off a public meeting, cons don’t want you to be able to smoke weed. Yadda, yadda…
If you’ll permit me to quote R. A. Heinlein:
“Political tags — such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth — are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire.”
Delta Bravo,
I believe what you are saying is that labels are pretty useless and with that I totally agree. Think what the CCO would be like to read if commenters would totally stop trying to label others as liberal or conservative, right or left, communist, socialist, feminist, tea partier, etc. Wouldn’t that be refreshing? These writers might actually have to say something instead of being accusatory to the exclusion of all relevant issues .
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