Attached is the e-mail sent to the “CALL TO ASSEMBLE” coordinator Denise Chaney from Mayor Winnecke’s Fundraising Coordinator Mandi Feagley.  We are puzzled why Mayor Winnecke couldn’t re-schedule his Traveling City Hall date and/or have his Chief of Staff to represent him at this event which historically is poorly attended.  We contacted Commander Mark Acker of the Veteran’s Council of Vanderburgh County the  hosts of the “Call to Assemble” event on September 23, 2015 at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum for his response concerning Mayor Winnecke’s decision not to attend this event.

Mayoral candidate Gail Riecken has accepted the Veteran’s Council of Vanderburgh County invitation to attend this Historical event.

Soon as we receive a response from Commander Mark Acker of the Veteran’s Council of Vanderburgh County we shall post it. This is a developing story please stay turned.


Hello Denise,

We received your invitation to participate in the “Call to Assemble” on September 23, 2015. Unfortunately, this event coincides with Mayor Winnecke’s Traveling City Hall which has been scheduled for some time. I’m very sorry that Mayor Winnecke will be unable to attend.

We appreciate you reaching out to us; please contact Matt Humm (cc’d), our campaign manager, with any questions you may have that are campaign-related.

Thanks again and have a great weekend!

Mandi Feagley
Fundraising Coordinator
Mayor Winnecke’s Re-election Campaign


  1. So the mayor didn’t bite on the poorly veiled junior high attempt to draw him into a Riecken For Mayor event, did he? As sad a mayor as he is, I really don’t think he’s stupid enough to fall for such a uninspired political maneuver.

    Ms. Riecken had better get some traction on the merits of her ideas or Evanspatch is going to get 4 more years of the Whinerkee.

    • …well, sometimes you gotta acknowledge accurate writing when you see it.
      Disaffected is correct here.

  2. Very intellect decision on Winnecke’s part. He will only go to events where everyone wears “Moving Forward”
    t-shirts, Giddy Gail will mop the floor with him, being the seasoned political hack that she is…just like the last State Senator that became Mayor of Evansville.

  3. Winnecke is scared. His handlers won’t let him loose except in an extremely structured forum. They’re afraid he’ll be asked questions about his failure as a mayor. Maybe he doesn’t want to come face to face with Gail Riecken because of the insults he hurled at her through his media, the CP. Maybe he just doesn’t like veterans.

    If it would have been a ‘Call To Dissemble’ Spendecke would have been there with bells on.

  4. We now realize how prophetic that “Chicken Dance” really was!
    Performed by Mayor “Chicken Sh-t” himself.
    It wasn’t’ funny then , and is even less now.
    What a Creep!

  5. Winnecke is only comfortable to participate in a debate where guys like Wayne Parke are the moderator!

  6. Uh, neither you nor I nor anyone else currently living determines what is “Historical”. What is historically significant is determined by those who live in the future and can look at the past to see if any events or actions have significant impact. Of course we all would like to think what we do or say is “Historical” but the truth is most of what any of us do is historically insignificant in the big picture of things.
    So, your “Call to Assemble” might be important to you at this time, but whether it is “Historical” will only be determined at a later dare

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