EDITOR NOTES:  Attached below are comments made by local GOP Chairman Wayne Parke that he posted in the CCO this morning.

Looks like Mr. Parke has awaken a “Sleeping Giant” by putting the above post in todays CCO.

So far the Mayor has done a masterful job in keeping his budgetary challenges from being a major campaign issue.  It looks like Mr. Parke has forced the Mayor alleged over spending habits to become a front and center public debate. It  also looks like the Gail Riecken For Mayor Campaign Committee has just received a major political boost from GOP Chairman Wayne Parke!  Get ready for members of City Council to start exposing the alleged Financial Mismanagement of the Winnecke Administration.


  • Wayne Parke_Aug 24, 2015 at 7:01 am_ (

The Indiana Code says the City Council serves as the Fiscal Agent of
the City  of  Evansville. The City Council approves all expenditures. There
are currently eight (8) Democrats and (1) Republican on the Council. John
Friend and his fellow councilmen have no one to blame except themselves if
there is a problem–by the way there is not a major financial problem.

Their will be at least four (4) new City Council members next year. The current Democrat controlled City Council has been an embarrassment for our great City with John Friend leading the pack.  Fortunately in a few months he will not be in that position any more.

Fact: The City financial condition is in good shape.
Wayne Parke


Dear Dan

There should be a demand that a FOIA request to  be  submitted to this
Administration asking for the number of checks written that bare the
name of any council member.  In addition, a list of council member names
that approved transfers of money between the checking accounts, the
selection of investments, the payment of claims, execution of over
priced DMD real estate deals, list of those council members that sit on
the Public Works and Utility Board that bare their signature on one
sided contracts and the mid-night raid on the Utility Treasury in the
tune of $2.5 million dollars. The non-payment of 5.8 million to medical
providers.  If this council has blame, it  is gullibility. Last year we
needed to cut the budget by 12 million dollars, mostly in operational
funds. This is very evident in the June 30, 2015 fiscal year ending
results of operation analysis I passed out to all council members.  The
lost in operational funds were 9 million compared to 5.9 million in the
prior fiscal year. Of course, once the email started rolling in during
last year’s budget cycle, we lost resolve and thought compromising would
bare fruit and now it is perfectly clear that compromising was not the
thing to do. Over the past three years, it should have become evident
that this administration lacks in it’s ability to control costs.  Why is
it that Ft. Wayne operates stem to stern at a $1,210 per person and
Evansville operates at $1,877 per person based on the published data per
the SBOA website. By the way, for those who may not know the absolutes
on this, the number is 9 million dollars.

During this budget cycle, I provided each council member an analysis of
2012, 2013, and 2014 six months and full year actuals.  In that study,
the historical percentages were determined, i.e. what is the average
percentage of collections received in the first six months.  From that,
my analysis indicates that the revenue will miss the administration 2015
budget by nearly 15 million dollars.  However, their projected
expenditure adjustments in the 2015 budget appears to be 5 million. So,
for the third year in a round, the Winnecke Administration  will fail to
adjust for the shortfall in revenue by nearly 10 MILLION DOLLARS.  The
last time we had a budget that proved to be somewhat on target was under
Mayor Weinzapfel.  Why, ask his former Dept Heads.  At every Monday
morning meeting, finances were the topic.  Under the direction of Lisa
Acrobert, Dept Heads had to beg Lisa for a stapler.

My question is this, are we going to rain in this out of control
spending by this Administration in this budget cycle? This is HIS
budget.  Gullibility must stop. We MUST do the heavy lifting because
this Mayor is not.  There has been talk about increasing the County
Income Tax.  I WILL NOT SUPPORT this.  Why, I was looking for the
“Spending Plan” which, according to Mr. Schaefer would be in this year’s
budget.  Instead, I see an increase in the overall budget spending of
around 2%. in absolutes, 12 million.   Apparently, they must have
overlooked the Plan.  Question: Is it now the “Revenue Enhancement
Plan”?  Increase in fees to our financially challenged, lack of basis
services in exchange for more projects after projects, overruns after
overruns. And, please keep in mind any increase in income taxes is
regressive to the poor.  We do not have a progressive income tax system
in Indiana. I CAN afford to pay a few hundred dollars more and still
meet my basis needs, but those much less fortunate, can NOT.  I feel
honored that Mr. Parke has me leading the pack because if I was leading
the pack, we would have cut Mr. Winnecke’s absurd 2015 budget by 12
million instead of the 4.9 million, mostly in capital and not



John Friend, CPA, CVA, CGMA

5th Ward City Council Member



  1. Here are the facts:

    #1 Mayor Winnecke has done an exemplary job reigning in a liberal agenda orchestrated by our City Council. Personal agendas, whether Marina Pointe or the new IU facility, are what motivates our CC, not their electorate.

    #2 Mr. Parke speaks truth, without causing any issue to the mayor’s campaign. Mr. Parke speaks his mind regardless of the candidate. To ask him to do so now, would appear to be hypocritical.

    #3 We all know CCO over-dramatizes each article to do with the Mayor, yet has not been instrumental in “ousting” any of the real deviants on CC.

    • What planet are you living on? Winnecke is like a kid in a candy store, and the taxpayers are the mom who have to tell him that candy money is not bottomless. Winnecke was not smart enough to realize what a steaming pile of crap he was stepping into if he got the job, or either his ego overwhelmed what ever common sense he possessed at the time. His refusal to put the city’s financial house in order is of his own doing and the impression I get is that he is still oblivious to the peril this city faces. He is not quite as clueless as he appears though, as it was his office that put the pressure on the SBOA to come up with the infamous “clean audit” when the city could not account for millions of dollars.

      Winnecke has the bully pulpit and can call the city council to account for any actions they might take that are detrimental to the city. All he has to do is back it up with facts!

      Evansville is still paying for the excesses of the last mayor and will be for a long time to come. That has placed drastic financial restrictions on the city that are still being publicly ignored by the current administration, although in private, I am sure they fully understand they are facing municipal bankruptcy if they do not get their finances in order immediately. It is time for some draconian cuts the likes of which Evansville has never before witnessed. I doubt the current leadership is capable of making such cuts.

      Yes, the city council members of the previous administration, who shoved through everything Jonathan Weinzapfel put before them, were the creators of the present situation by not standing up to Weinzapfel on his profligate spending. Some of those responsible are still on the council. There is enough blame to go around for everyone in city government, but the luxury of finger pointing is past, if action to correct the situation now is not taken, then a thorough house cleaning of city government must take place.

  2. Speaking of controlling costs, how about an examination of why the City of Evansville is spending darn near $20,000 on health insurance for each employee. A more typical number is closer to $10,000. In a country where an insurance exchange exists that is much less expensive than $20,000 per person for even the most wealthy citizens, dropping $20,000 per person on insurance is nuts. The census bureau data shows that the average wage per person in the City of Evansville is just over $22,000. How can any business or government stay solvent having a single benefit that costs nearly all of the average wage? Someone who should be in charge of identification of savings opportunities and negotiating them is asleep at the wheel.

    • Good point, Joe. But I’ve got to question your figures. Obamacare was supposed to REDUCE health costs.

      • Yes it was. My recall is that the sales pitch was a reduction of $2,500 per family. That did not happen. The other problem is to keep the premiums in the single digit increases per year they had to raise the deductibles. That has people who are now covered too poor to use the coverage they are forced to buy because they cant afford the deductibles and co-payments.

        All of that aside, spending $20,000 per person for health insurance makes ObamaCare look like a raging bargain. Most policies I am aware of are in the $500 per month to $1,500 a month range with a typical number being $750 per month or $9,000 per year.

    • ol joe just like a used car salesperson with his phony sales numbers………..little joe is a hoot……………………….

  3. To John Friend–

    Even though you are a CPA, you do a very poor job in logically analyzing and drawing proper conclusions what the financials numbers really mean.

    I and the vast majority of Evansville voters believe Mayor Winnecke is doing a good job as Mayor of our great City. We will be electing Mayor Winnecke to serve a another 4 year term in November. He has earned the privilege to serve another term and we are thankful that he is willing to serve another term to help make Evansville the best it can be.

    Voters—- make sure you vote. It is the best way to show your appreciation for Mayor Winnecke’s hard work.

    Wayne Parke

    • Wayne

      Then in light of the tone and content of your blatherings, you need to supply the data that confirms the following:

      “Even though you are a CPA, you do a very poor job in logically analyzing and drawing proper conclusions what the financials numbers really mean”

      Then we challenge you to give specifics as to where, why, and how the assertions of a CPA are inaccurate or incorrect. Anybody can get on here and spout that another person has done “a very poor job”, but it takes a lot of insight and schooling to provide the details of why we should believe you.

      “I and the vast majority of Evansville voters believe Mayor Winnecke is doing a good job as Mayor of our great City”

      Two major questions on this
      1. What data are you basing this assertion on? Polling data, or data and facts from monetary and budget performance?
      2. What is YOUR definition of a “good job”? Give specifics

      “We will be electing Mayor Winnecke to serve a another 4 year term in November. He has earned the privilege to serve another term”

      Two major questions on this
      1. Who is the “we”, kemosable? What data are you basing this “we” assertion on? Polling data?
      2. What is YOUR definition of a “he has earned the privilege”? Give specifics

      Wayne, there is pretty much zero people on here that believe that you will answer this with the specificity requested. To be blunt, “we” think you are as dumb as a bag of hammers, but this gives you an opportunity to back up your online rants with specifics.

      We await your response….

    • Wayne,
      Were you dropped on your head as a baby? If so, it would explain a lot of things.

    • Wayne, is it true that Frank Peterlin and several other Republican stalwarts have told you to shut your piehole and stop posting on the CCO at the risk of losing your Imperial throne? Me, I’m enjoying your frequent posts regarding Lord Lloyd and Countess Carol and their minions: Regurgitating Russ the Royal Dwarf, Clown Kelly and the DMD Dummies, and Billy Bumbler the Chief of Keystone Kops. Keep up your good work. It’s almost like watching the Game of Thrones.

    • Well, in Wayne’s World we guess that most of us thought you were a coal tycoon having the ability to read financial statements, make payrolls, hell you are a buddy of the mighty Steve Chancellor. So, what is the difference between the number 81 and 63. . .come on Wayne, you know? Well the Tycoon that you are, it is 18, however, if you consider that the 63 should be 57, why because your Boy, Leroy . .a/k/a Russ Lloyd Enron style of accounting at December 31, 2014 advancing 3 million from the utility dept belonging to 2015 and failure to pay Medical bills in the amount of 3.1 million would have reduced the total funds balance from 63 million to 57 million. So, Wayne, Santa Lloyd comes in office with a total fund balance of 81 million and essentially after three years in Santa’ s Workshop commonly known as the Mayor’s Office, the total funds balance is 57 million . .So, Mr Tycoon, what is the math? Well we can help. It is a reduction of 24 million or 8 million per year. So, should we be cursed with four more years of Santa Lloyd and Christmas Carol . .next question? What is 8 years times 8 million . .times up . .the answer is 64 million and that my dear Tycoon is 64 MILLION = Bankruptcy, lay offs, potholes, crumbing infrastructure and worst of all, devaluation of our home. But, you will still be flying around on Mr. Chancellor’s G-5 aircraft while the rest of us eat cake.

  4. “I and the vast majority of Evansville voters believe Mayor Winnecke is doing a good job as Mayor of our great City.” Wayne Parke

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    If we had a local newspaper, that “majority” might be nonexistent. However, as long as Jack Pate continues to rub elbows around the table with the rest of the ERBC your “belief” may have currency among the low information voters.

    Few people could live with the fact that they ran a newspaper dedicated to keeping the readership ignorant of the facts. Unfortunately, it only takes a few to do great harm.

  5. Wayne

    Your comment that “The City financial condition is in good shape”

    Once again, give specifics to back that up? What governmental or financial metrics did you use?

    Or did you (as “we” all believe) just pull that statement out of thin air (or somewhere else) to make your point without data and facts to back it up?


    re: the “Spending Plan” the administration was to prepare. My memory is that the City’s accounting firm from Indy actually recommended that the City prepare a spending plan, to address the erosion of cash balances.

    Russ Lloyd said numerous times that the Plan would accompany the 2016 Budget Request. City Council: make them prepare the spending plan, or vote down their Request.

  7. To John Friend–

    Even though you are a CPA, you do a very poor job in logically analyzing and drawing proper conclusions what the financials numbers really mean.

    I and the vast majority of Evansville voters believe Mayor Winnecke is doing a good job as Mayor of our great City. We will be electing Mayor Winnecke to serve a another 4 year term in November. He has earned the privilege to serve another term and we are thankful that he is willing to serve another term to help make Evansville the best it can be.

    Voters—- make sure you vote. It is the best way to show your appreciation for Mayor Winnecke’s hard work.

    Wayne Parke

    Mr. Parke,

    The ridiculousness of your above statement forces me to say:
    You will need to take off your Winnecke cheer leader skirt (in private PLEASE), put away your pom-poms, and put on some big boy cloths. You’re too damn ugly to be a cheerleader!

    Thanks for the laughs!

  8. I’m not sure I see what the CCO is seeing here. This doesn’t feel like panic. Instead, they seem downright confident. But who knows.

  9. Wayne Parke

    Well, “we” are approaching the three hour mark, and you have failed to provide any reasonable support for your assertions.

    When can “we” expect the facts behind your commentary where you outright tell us that you have the insight to prove that so many statements are not correct?

    Not that “we” are holding our breath waiting. “We” are pretty confident that you are doing your usual “drive-by posts” that contain no substance and even less facts.


  10. In defense of Wayne Parke, he has First Amendment rights to say anything he wants up to the point of shouting “Fire” in a crowded theatre, no matter how untrue it is. He’d be hard put to tell us what the wonderful things Winnie has done are, exactly.

  11. Let’s see what Santa Lloyd has Accomplished in the first 3 1/2 years:

    1. Earthcare, lost $200,000 would have been $5,000,000 if SBR had not thoroughly invested these Charlestons. Mislead at less five members on council including Dr. Adams.

    2. Johnson Control meter deal. Although inherited from Weinzapfel, he totally rewrote the contract and the Council rejected until 12 million was cut from the absurdity. Failed to protect the homeowner from damage done by the contractor and cost many homeowners thousands of unnecessary dollars. Just an inept negotiator!!

    3. Downtown Hotel – After three and one half years and millions of extra dollars spent, we will have our hotel after several ground breaking ceremonies and the luxurious rendition presented to the council and the public. Now, we have after MILLION of overruns, a five story hotel, not ten as originally promised, an outdoor swimming pool not an indoor pool as originally promised. No Roof top lounge as originally promised. Instead of the old saying, more for less, we get less for more. Only in Evansville!!!

    4. IU Medical School. Great news that we will be breaking ground on the IU Medical School. But, the original deal was that the State would match Evansville dollar for dollar. We put in 51 million and the State puts in 50 Million. Now, we put in 57 million and the State puts in only 25 million. Where is the remaining 25 million coming from. Again, bad negotiator. One would think that his Political Party has a super majority and he would be able to negotiate at less the 50/50 deal. Again, bad negotiator.

    How in the hell can anyone think this man is going a great job and desiring a another four more years in absolute nitwittery!!!

    • “Absolute nitwittery” – You just describe Evansville’s electorate.

      Sad but true!

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