IS IT TRUE attached are the Official Minutes of the Salary Administration Committee meeting for July 15, 2012 that recommended major salary increases to 12 select city employees?  …could this be a good reason to Call The People To Assemble?

The Official Salary Administration Committee Meeting Reads As Follows:

The Salary Administration committee met on June 25,2012 in the Mayor’s Conference room. In attendance were the following:

. Lloyd Winnecke, Mayor
. Russell Lloyd, City Controller
. Dan McGinn, City Council
. Connie Robinson, City Council
. John Friend-CPA, City Council
. George Fithian, Administrative Services
. Carol McMichael, Administrative Services

After a discussion of salary changes, the committee approved the following increases for 2013:

SAC-12-001 Levee Authority
Supervisor 111-The committee approved the salary for this position to increase to $49,588 annually.
. Mike Feller is in this position.
. Salary from $47,588 to $49,588.
Hourly from $22.8789 to $23.8403
. Difference is $2,000

SAC-12-002 Building Commission
Project Manager-The committee approved the change from an lnspector’s position to that of Project Manager, a non-exempt position.
The committee approved the salary far this position to increase to
$46,300 annually.
. Roseann Young is in this position.
. Salary from $34,985 to $46,300.
Hourly from $16.81 98 to $22.2596.
Difference is $11,315.

SAC-12-003 Departmemt of Metropolitan Development
Committee Development Coordinator-the request was to increase the salary to $49,155 annually.
The committee agreed to defer this decision until a later date.

SAC-12-04 Water and Sewer Utility
Staff Accountant-The committee approved to change this position from an Account Clerk to a Staff Accountant.
The approved salary will be $52,000 annually.
. Currently this position is vacant

SAC-12-05 Administrative Services
Payroll Supervisor-The committee approved the salary for this position to increase to $46,163 annually.
. Vicki Pinnell is in this position.
Salary from $41,968 to $46,163
. Hourly from $20.1769 ta $22.1937
. Difference is $4,195

SAC-12-06 Administrative Services
Deputy Director-The committee approved the salary for this position to increase to $52,981 annua1ly.
. Carol McMichael is in this position.
Salary from $45,855 to $52,981
. Hourly from $22.04 56 to $25.4716
. Difference is $7,126

SAC-12-07 Department of Metropolitan Development
Senior Project Manager-The committee approved to change this position from Redevelopment Specialist to Senior Project Manager.
The approved salary will be $49,369 annually.
. Lana Abel is in this position.
. Salary from $44,477 to $49,369 Hourly from $21 ,3831 to $23.750
. Difference is $4,892

SAC-12-08 Mayor’s Office
Cammunications Director-The committee agreed to change the titie to Communications Director from Executive Secretary. The committee approved the salary for this position to increase to $48,000 annualiy.
Ella Johnson-Watson is in this position.
Salary from $37,217 to $48,000
Hourly from $17.8929 to $23.0769
. Difference is $10,783

SAC-12-09 Mavor’s Office
Chief of Staff-The committee approved the salary for this position to increase to $75,000 annually.
. Stephen Schaefer is in this position.
. Salary from $63,818 to $75,000
– Hourly from $30.588 to $36.0576
. Difference is $11,182

SAC-12-10 Mayor’s Office
Coordinator-The committee approved the salary for this position to increase to $38,450 annually.
. Michelle Kerr-Heuck is in this position.
Salary from $35,275 to $38,450
. Hourly from $16.9591 ro $18.4855
. Differ:ence is $3,175

SAC-12-ll Controller’s Office
Accountant III/BudgetManager and Intemal Auditor. The committee agreed to change the title to Accountant III/Budget Manager and Internal Auditol from Accountant 1ll/Internal Auditor.
The committee approved the salary for this position to increase to $41,189 annually.
. Tammy Masden is in this position.
. Salary from $42,899 to $47,189
. Hourly from $20.62 45 to $22.687
. Difference ts 4,290

SAC-12-12 Controller’s Office
Account Clerk II-The committee approved the salary for this position to increase to $30,464 annually.
. Anita Martin is in this position.
Salary from $28,739 to $30,464
. hourly from $13.8171 to $14.6461
. Difference is $1,725

FOOT NOTE:  We thought by posting these minutes from the past would remind you of this fiscally irresponsible decision made by the above elected and appointed officials.  We hope you will engage members of the “The Salary Administration Committee” in a serious conversation during the upcoming City election.  Please ask them why they recommended to City Council these unacceptable salary increases for these 12 City employees.

IS IT TRUE we urge you to read todays Feature Article entitledI “IS IT TIME FOR THE “CALL TO ASSEMBLE”?

Please take time and vote in today’s “Readers Poll”. Don’t miss reading today’s  FEATURE articles because they are always an interesting read.

Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


  1. To attract and maintain good people in these 12 positions, the City must pay the salary rate that other entities pay in our immediate area. If there is any, the CCO failed to state what wage rates are out of line.

    Wayne Parke

    • They are all out of line to the low side. I am surprised they even have people applying for the jobs. If the local economy was geared to good jobs instead of call centers and retail, they would be losing employees. The tech jobs at the city don’t even pay what fresh new graduates make.

      • What are their other packages worth? Health, retirement, vacations & holidays, take home vehicles?

        • I guess their health insurance is costing the city $20,000 each but that is not what it is worth. It is worth about half of that. I believe the PERF (retirement) is about 10% of base pay. Holidays are 12 days a year and I think vacations are based on service starting with 2 weeks and then going up to 4 weeks. None of that is out of line with typical government workers.

          When I see experienced engineering positions at $60,000 while UE grads are getting more than that in the real world to start, I see a system that will never attract a good ambitious engineer. It may keep an old one on the job until retirement but that is living on a false economy. Benefits are part of the job. The health insurance premium is a glaring opportunity to save. I wonder why it didn’t happen?

  2. Cutting these salaries as the CCO is suggesting will cost more money in the near short term AND the long term. Low salaries mean you can’t keep competent people. It is like cutting teacher salaries under the same misguided attempt to “save money.” Pay teachers less? You get bad teachers. The CCO is taking the wrong approach here.

  3. After a quick glance at the “positions”, I wonder if you couldn’t pay each remaining position more by eliminating half of them.

  4. Evansville getting crushed by southern neighbors Clarksville TN and Owensboro. They are growing and growing. Evansville is like Bobbi Brown from the warrant video, old and washed up.

  5. Mr. Parke is correct. Other municipal positions in Owensboro, New Albany/Jeffersonville, etc. are 5-8% higher in pay. To eliminate current jobs for the city is going to lead to further degradation of our infrastructure. Yes, even including the “Cammunications” director.

  6. “To attract and maintain good people in these 12 positions, the City must pay the salary rate that other entities pay in our immediate area. If there is any, the CCO failed to state what wage rates are out of line.

    Wayne Parke”

    Mr Parke,
    You’re saying that the Evansville City Government really gives a s#!t about hiring competent employees for key positions?! This is GOVERNMENT that we’re talking about! Government only hires “friends”, or some city leader’s alcoholic brother-in-law, regardless of qualifications.
    Seeing the monkeys that are running the Evansville City Government Circus these days proves my point!

    Instead of pay raises for a bunch of paper shufflers (the above positions in question):
    1. Why not combine duties, offices, etc. Work more with less. Real businesses do that.
    2. Eliminate non-essential positions. Well managed business do that. Every time I’ve been to the city-county building, it didn’t look like there was anything going on.
    3. If the city can’t fill a paper shuffling position, farm it out to an independent contractor.
    4. Call a staffing agency to fill the positions. They’re busting at the seams with good people who can’t get a good paying job in Evansville.

    Again, Mr. Parke, Sir: Thank you for today’s laugh.

    • How about a citizen review panel that would look at the structure of city government and evaluate every single job from top to bottom? When, if ever, has that been done here in Evansville? Private enterprise does it all the time.

      • You’ve got a great idea. As long as all of the information stayed transparent and there were consequences for our public servants that got off track.
        I would like to add a citizen review panel for all tax payer funded projects. Rule #1: Not a dime gets spent without citizen approval. If there’s any question on whether we need it or not, we probably can live without it.

    • Your correct on that , carol winnecke hired her girlfriend Kelly course as dmd director
      He is such a elf

      • @Eviltaxpayer: you are completely WRONG !

        It should read ” He is such AN elf”

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