IS IT TRUE  the properties listed in the link below were scored by City for the for the 2014 “Blight Elimination” program?  …the minimum score to make this list was 82%?   … we understand that part of the  criteria use by City officials to determine if the property was considered to be blighted was determine by such things as fire and police runs, code violations, weeds problems, lead paint issues?  … we ask that you take time to review the attached  list of  properties? …we urge you to pay special attention to the addresses and the owner’s names?  …you will be surprised to see that the “Brain Trust” of the City of Evansville “Blight Elimination” program has identified Eastland Mall,  Walmart East and West,  the Evansville Housing Authority apartments located on Fulton Ave, Sweetser and West Franklin,  Wesselman Park,  the St. Mary’s Medical Center on Lincoln Ave, the Evansville Urban Enterprise Zone building, the Memorial Community Development building, the Christian Tabernacle Church,  McClure Memorial Baptist Church and the Echo Housing Shelter located  on West Columbia as blighted properties …the information of blighted properties that was compiled DMD staff is seemly data driven, with few on site visits?  …the Mayor, officials at DMD and Brownfields Board are requesting that City Council give them $2 million dollars plus for the newly revamped  “Blight Elimination” program?  …City Council would be out of their minds to vote for this project based on this seemly corrupt data?
 IS IT TRUE  there is a reason why the Ford Arena was done as a Lease-Financing project?    …the lease structure for this project was recommended by London Witte (Project Financial Advisor) because the amount of COIT that can be pledged to the direct financing of this project is restricted by law?  …the amount of COIT that can be pledged through a lease financing structure is not restricted by law?   …the ordinance that the City Council adopted,  approving the Medical School financing package, contemplated that Lease- Financing components might be included? …we hope we don’t have another “SNEAKY BUT LEGAL” deal in the making?
IS IT TRUE we wonder what is the status of the James Bethel Gresham House‏ located on Wedeking Ave.?
IS IT TRUE  before our  SWAT TEAM embarks on any raid the Chief of Police must approve the action?
Please take time and vote in today’s “Readers Poll”. Don’t miss reading today’s Feature articles because they are always an interesting read. New addition to the CCO is the Cause of Death reports generated by the Vanderburgh County Health Department.Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


  1. CCO, I want to believe you, but your ‘Link to Blighted Property’ shows six pages of properties, with no headings and no context. Not even the intelligentsia on M.L. King would place Eastland Mall on a Blighted Property List.

    Are you SURE about this list ?

    • Yes! This list was given to us by a City official who also questioned the data posted in this report as accurate.


    • Am I missing something? Eastland Mall and St. Mary’s Medical Center made the list, but Lawndale, Washington Square Mall and the downtown campus of Deaconess didn’t????

      I’m betting that being listed as “blighted” is a way to open the door to some government goodies of some kind for St. Mary’s and Eastland Mall.

  2. Evansville,–has become— A Bastion of EVIL,
    a juggernaut that is rolling over everyone, and everything in it’s way.

    • Oh my, and we all thought at one time or the other past administrations had moral issues . . “Johnny, we have a winner”

  3. Interesting to see the oh so wonderful, Walt Lowe, on this list. Everyone thinks he is such a wonderful man and all, however this man is the biggest slum lord in Evansville. He has been in bankruptcy for 5+ years, owns 140+ properties, of those 140+ properties 25+ have sewer or trash & debris or weed or unsafe building liens against them. If this man would actually PAY his property taxes, the city/county would not be in as bad of a financial state. He is just one of the delinquent tax payers that have not paid taxes in YEARS and does not have to because they decided to file bankruptcy.

      • @Press. Google the address you looked up and click on each structure looks like a clustered mess, could be a two’fer……. The google map site shows the same address on two of the separate structures and lots. Something doesn’t seem correct, could be google earth, could be the other site.

      • Nice Socialist comment.

        Capitalism might not be perfect, but its imperfections aren’t in the system itself. They are caused by politicians passing stipulations against said process. I’d ask you to name another economic process that works, but I know you cannot. Your socialism idea has failed in every instance through time.

        But we can’t expect someone like you to understand the things your puppet masters don’t feed you.

        • Exactly what I was thinking. Hey Bob – do you have a better idea? As Brandon said, it’s clear that other systems don’t work.

          • Yes of course a car engine designed to have all the pistons go off at once won’t work!! DUH!

        • Every country in the world runs a mixed economy (ie parts of each kind of system), hate to tell you. Declaring that socialism has failed everywhere it’s been tried is just lame. Pure capitalism has failed everywhere it’s been tried also. Further, capitalism’s imperfections have nothing to do with political policy if you knew one damn thing about economic externalities you wouldn’t make such a stupid ignorant statement.

          You think you know all about economics and the reality is you know less than a freshman college business student knows. You must know it that too because you project your fears of being a puppet yammering bumper sticker conservative BS onto others.

          BTW jagbag global warming is real, anyone with a HS level of knowledge of physics and chemistry understands that.

  4. I found this film on you tube about Gary Indiana and it is kind of sad that the same things up there that their city has done to downtown we are doing the same. They built a convention center like we did. also Sheraton hotel put on the other side of the street that closed 7 years later. I know before all of you start crying THIS IS NOT GARY! This is not Grand Rapids nor DETROIT! But the goofball Mayor keeps taking these trips to the blighted cities and bring back ideas for Evansville. can”t we think up better plans that the wasted money we are losing?

  5. . . . and, of course do not be surprised that Christmas Carol a/k/a McClintoch has exclusive rights to the real estate deals . . if not her personally, some crony in the organization . .

  6. The Mayor and his wife sold their house and bought a downtown condo when he was sworn in. Now, there’s no amount of money too high to build a hotel in downtown. Now, we’re seeing some real strange real estate deals with the CVS at North Main, and the Mayor’s wife is a major real estate player with her Team McClintock at FC Tucker. So, who was the relator, or was this a transaction that was done between the city and the individual with no relator?

    I’m not accusing anyone of corruption, but with the way the CCO has been reporting, good job by the way, there is certainly an appearance that the dealings at City Hall are shady. When these sorts of appearances happen, the best thing is for an independent investigation to clear the air. Now, Bolin and the EPD cannot be independent; he owes the Mayor his job. So, that leaves the Indiana State Police and the FBI.

    The CCO should call for such an investigation, as it will show the accuracy of its reporting, that, at minimum, there is some real slim shady stuff going on.

    • Yeah the only problem with that is what they are doing is legal. There’s a difference between illegal and unethical. The ISP doesn’t investigate ethics, the media does. Unfortunately our local media isn’t interested. They’re too busy making selfie videos.

      • I agree with you about the difference between ethical and illegal. However, there’s enough to pursue a federal municipal corruption investigation because federal law on municipal corruption is much tougher than state law. Even if there’s not enough to pursue charges, their findings can be damning regardless.

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