Over the last several years we have been watching with interest how many bad imagesdecisions are made by local governmental entities without any recourse from the public sector. The lack of proper planning or follow through in building the Deaconess Sports Park is almost laughable. First of all, the CVB spokes person announces the hiring of a new person to manage the overall operations, including the planning and scheduling all events associated with this multi million dollar facility. Thereafter Mr. “Everything is Wonderful†CVB Executive Bob Warren announces that the newly appointed Sports Park manager has decided to to head South. A new manager is appointed and Mr. “Everything is Wonderful†Warren then announces that the baseline measurements are off and shall cause a problem with scheduling teams that have 13 years and older players. Then he announces that the costs are to prohibitive to correct the base line problems.
The Grand Daddy of all mistakes is that Mr. “Ever thing is Wonderful†Bob Warren announces that the scoreboards at the new sports park don’t have any “Balls and Strikes†displayed on them.
Bottom line, If Bob Warren worked for the private sector and made these mistakes he would have been fired!
The Grand Daddy of all mistakes is that Mr. “Ever thing is Wonderful†Bob Warren announces that the scoreboards at the new sports park don’t have any “Balls and Strikes†displayed on them.
Bottom line, If Bob Warren worked for the private sector and made these mistakes he would have been fired!
Next we have the newly self proclaimed land and building acquisition expert DMD Director Kelley Coures running all over town buying up property like there is no tomorrow.
Recently Mr. Coure’s land and building acquisition ventures took him to the blighted North Main street area of Evansville. Mr. Coures looked into his crystal ball and decided to use our hard earned tax dollars to pay $535,000 to purchase the vacant and dilapidated CVS building located on North Main and Columbia street. Today the only future planned use for this building is displaying a “FOR LEASE†sign on the front door. However, now we just might have a great use for the CVS building. Coures feels we can raze the building to provide parking to help with the over flow parking issues at Bosse Field. Let’s see, Coures tells the City Council he now wants to use the land as parking for a facility located about 9 or 10 blocks away. Wonder if Mr. Coures realizes that no-one would want to walk 9 or 10 blocks with his family to a sporting event in that “crime ridden seedy part of town?â€
We don’t even have to go into the merits of Coure’s decision to purchase the vacant Integrity Bank building on North main because its much of the same “Pie in the Sky†public sector economics.
If DMD Director Kelley Coures made these kind of business decisions in the private sector he would had been fired!
Recently Mr. Coure’s land and building acquisition ventures took him to the blighted North Main street area of Evansville. Mr. Coures looked into his crystal ball and decided to use our hard earned tax dollars to pay $535,000 to purchase the vacant and dilapidated CVS building located on North Main and Columbia street. Today the only future planned use for this building is displaying a “FOR LEASE†sign on the front door. However, now we just might have a great use for the CVS building. Coures feels we can raze the building to provide parking to help with the over flow parking issues at Bosse Field. Let’s see, Coures tells the City Council he now wants to use the land as parking for a facility located about 9 or 10 blocks away. Wonder if Mr. Coures realizes that no-one would want to walk 9 or 10 blocks with his family to a sporting event in that “crime ridden seedy part of town?â€
We don’t even have to go into the merits of Coure’s decision to purchase the vacant Integrity Bank building on North main because its much of the same “Pie in the Sky†public sector economics.
If DMD Director Kelley Coures made these kind of business decisions in the private sector he would had been fired!
Our arrogant mayor is going to push for his dog park again, just as predicted. These folks are willful and care not what you think. Weaver says public sentiment is strong for the dog park. We can stop much of this foolishness and expensive embarrassment by de-electing Winnecke. He is an accidental mayor who pretends to have some sort of mandate and should have never been elected in the first place. Let him strut around and spend money in the private sector, he has failed Evansville as its mayor. We can no longer afford his ineptitude.
It could also be stopped with a strong CC. I think de-electing this boss will be re-electing the new boss. BUt this is one time I hope you are right.
If the voters re-hire Winnie, Evansville is done for fiscally. We have no chance at having a strong or even “responsible” City Council. McGinn, Mosby, Elpers, Brinkmeyer, Schriber, Mercer, and Weaver will rubberstamp everything he wants and at least five of them are nearly “sure things” to be elected. I continue to hold out hope for Alex Burton and Anna Melcher, but a Winnie win would make their chances much more slim. In the event the voters don’t show up and let the accidental Mayor sneak back onto the third floor of the Civic Center it is even more likely that Anna Hargis will take the Third Ward, but Doc Adams being first on the list of At-Large candidates may get him into office. It is entirely conceivable to me that Connie Robinson may be the only City Council person who is not a toady to the Pooh. Talk about irony!
I would submit another public official who should have been fired and would have been fired in the private sector is Comptroller Rusty Lloyd. His alleged gross malfeasance involving public funds, i.e., plugging $22 million into a yearend report to reconcile the new year beginning balance is a wrongful act. Presumably he did not know where it was spent so he cooked the books for the new year audit by the State Board of Accounts.
Additionally, he failed to reconcile the city’s monthly accounts for almost two years. Reconciliation of the monthly Revenue and Expense Detail Report is a critical control for fiscal management to ensure that revenue and expenditure transactions are correct, allowable, and applied to the appropriate accounts.
Seemingly, he is untouchable as a legacy employee who should have been “managed out” or dismissed outright.
A vote for Winnecke is a vote to keep Russ Lloyd, Steve Schaefer, Billy Bolin, Mike Connolly, Randy Alsman, etc.etc.etc….. . The fact that Winnecke does not recognize his mistakes and learn from them is really, really scary. I admire Gail for having the gumption to attempt to wade into the debacle in the Civic Center.
And Kelly Coures Mr. Champagne taste beer budget himself!!
Overhearing chatter in a local restaurant this week – someone remarked – “I really feel sorry for the next mayor. Whoever it is will be in one hell of a financial mess.”
I couldn’t help but think to myself – “I really feel sorry for the poor taxpayers who will have to bear the weight of all this outrageous and unnecessary squander.”
Any way you slice it and no matter what sauce you pour on – this CVS purchase leaves a bad taste. …
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