IS IT TRUE Teamsters Local 215 established a Taft-Hartley Scholarship Fund in 1998? …the Trustees of the fund are Chuck Whobrey and Rick Voyles as employee Trustees and Gary Staley and Alan Braun as Employer Trustees? . ..since 1998 the fund has awarded $2.4 Million Dollars in Scholarships to sons and daughters of Teamsters members whose employers contribute to the fund?

IS IT TRUE common knowledge that rather than embracing this outstanding scholarship program EVSC Superintendent of Schools Dr. David Smith has offered only lukewarm support.?

IS IT TRUE the North Main corridor master plan designed to replace street parking is moving right ahead even without City Council approval? …the Master plan makes reference to Block By Block “First Look” Properties located on Franklin to Michigan? …this report cites that there is presently heavy retail use? …this statement is extremely laughable? …we invite you to go to North Main street and see what kind of heavy retail businesses they have on that block?

IS IT TRUE that Gail Riecken’s new Campaign Manager arrived today and started his new job. He brings a wealth of experience and has a history of managing very tough races and generating tremendous success?  …we predict that 2015 Mayoral campaign begins in earnest as of today?

IS IT TRUE that the overly zealous DMD Director, Kelley Courses is quickly becoming a political liability with his questionable distribution of taxpayers monies?  …at a recent social event held at a Haynie’s Corner pub he was openly bragging about the amount of Facade Grants money he given individuals on behalf of his boss? …that some people took his remarks as “influences peddling”?

IS IT TRUE we wonder if Police Chief Billy Bolin is in retreat?  … he hasn’t been heard from or seen in the local media recently?  …he was previously one of the most highly visible department heads in the Winnecke Administration?  …it is also widely known that morale on the department is at an all-time low.

IS IT TRUE it’s been alledged that several Democrats that are co-sponsors of the upcoming Winnecke For Mayor fundraiser may have been already rewarded with jobs for family members and political appointments to City Boards?  …it looks like political patronage is well and live in Evansville?

Please take time and vote in today’s “Readers Poll”.   Don’t miss reading today’s Feature article because it’s always an interesting read. New addition to the CCO is the Cause of Death reports generated by the Vanderburgh County Health Department.

Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


  1. There was a good reason Local Personality was kept out of city government, allowed to run around the edges of the circle but never allowed in. It took something like Lloyd Winnecke to see all that hidden talent and reward him with a job. Seems he’s become one of Santa’s main elves.

  2. Is It true I am getting burned out about reading about the teamsters and EVSC on here everyday?

  3. Bolin actually was in the news recently. He was defending another dirty cop whose son was along on a ride along and assaulted a citizen. It’s still a travesty Bolin has never had to answer for his criminal actions in the Milan case.

  4. Was poking around the city Web site and saw a job opening with the word “senior” in the title that pays $8/hr. Could they be any more obtuse? Senior anything for $8/hr?

    • Maybe they meant ‘senõr’ and it was a weak outreach to fulfill their diversity obligations.

  5. Teamster vs Evsc is intesting fodder the more you read makes you wonder about Doc Smiths and his Boards reasons for clamping up on negotiations. Really need to get back to table. They should be put in room with Whobrey and Voyles no outside interst Indy Attorney and forced to come out with an Agreement that works for both sides and the EVSC Employees and their families who seem to be forgotten sometimes in these negotiations. Like they have done so many times in the past. Keep articles coming the Electors need to know and be informed. Thank you C-CO

  6. Then call David Smith and all the EVSC board members because they can easily stop it all by going back to the bargaining table! NOW!

    • Old DocDave and His Board have decided that they will not discuss or answer emails with the electors or employees but refer you to a Indy Lawyer they hired. What’s wrong with that picture they answer only to themselves.

  7. Doc David has problem with the word Teamster period. Not a good trait when in his position and has 700 of them who voted to be represented by the Teamsters.

  8. EVSC will be up the dirty creek when 700 employees call in sick the first day of school. Maybe ol ‘ Dave will have to hop in and drive a school bus…… opps ..can’t do that he don’t have a license.

  9. Coures is a turd. He’d be a lot easier to deal with if he went back to drinking. At least he would have one coping skill to use when he doesn’t get his way. The dry drunk phase of his life is not pleasant for those who spend time with him.

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