IS IT TRUE that yesterday, one of loyal contributor’s stated that the City’s new baseball facility has scoreboards that do not indicate ball, strikes, and outs? …please say this isn’t true? Oh. Please say it ain’t true.

IS IT TRUE DMD Director Kelly Coures is thrilled to death that his puppet Board (ERC) approved to create  new Downtown Master Plan? …DMD sought proposals on the Downtown Master Plan? …the “Blue Ribbon” committee that Coures appointed are Lana Abel, a DMD Project Manager; and Joshua Armstrong, with the Southwest Indiana Chamber’s Downtown Alliance and Coures. The “Blue Ribbon” committee selected Lochmueller Group of Evansville; Progressive Urban Management Associates of Denver, in collaboration with Rundell Ernstberger Associates of Louisville and Hafer Associates of Evansville; and Development Concepts Inc. of Indianapolis as the three finalists?

IS IT TRUE we are surprised the DMD and ERC decided it’s time to do a Downtown Master Plan since the City has already embarked on $15 million dollar North Main streets project, plan to build a new IU Medical School and a new Downtown Hotel and awarding hundred of thousands of dollars for facade grants to political buddies? …we ask the question, why do we need a Mater Plan now since all the Downtown TIF money is already committed? …could this be another Winnecke re-election ploy? …could this big ticket consulting contract be awarded to a political supporter of the Mayor?

IS IT TRUE the Arts Council of Southwestern Indiana and the Alhambra Theatre Board of Directors cut a quiet  lease/purchase agreement between the two entities concerning the Historic Theater?   …this agreement will take effect by May 31, 2017? …the Alhambra Board of Directors approved this agreement with the Arts Council unanimously,

IS IT TRUE that former Alhambra Board member Heidi Krause. demands total transparency with regard to open discussions of the theater’s future? …we wonder if both organization are subject to the State of Indiana “OPEN MEETING” law since the Mayor makes appointments to Arts Council Board and the City has donated our hard earned tax money to both organizations over the years?

IS IT TRUE City Councilman John Friend would like for the City to provide him with an analysis of legal fees the City has expended in regards to the Milan Case? …he wonders what the legal fees were for the Cross Case, the African-American Fireman on the bicycle case, the Latino Zuki employee who claims he was beaten by the police and the African-American who was tasered after her auto was a victim of a hit and run?


    • The city is on a roll: counter-suing the injured party in the bicycle case, appealing the cross case and losing, specious appeal of a pre-trial ruling in Milan to make it go away until after the election. In the hubris-driven upside down world of our city govermment they probably think they’re currying favor with the federal and county local courts.

      The people should have woke up when they tried to loose those crosses on the riverfront. It was an expensive stunt and the people who OK’d it will not have to pay a dime of the large legal expenses attached to that failed attempt. There is no downside to them for using your money to fund politically driven legal actions or to try to clean up the debris left by their illegal conduct.

      Time for Winnecke to go.
      Gail Riecken for Mayor.

    • No. You Are the one that is totally out of control!
      I don’t understand why you haven’t been banned.

      This part taken down because remarks was insulting..

      • Why censor my post?
        Mr Joad calls people on here morons and racists all the time and you never censor him

        Scorched Earth

        Sorry I miss those comments. I shall take them down If Mr. Joad does it again.

        Thanks for the heads up.


        • Just leave it up next time. I can take it! I’d actually like to know what the cop apologist called me.

        • Editor, please stop with the charades. You know darn well that every post thaJoad places contains insults and off topic remarks. Do not insult the intelligence of the rest of us, by acting as if you never noticed. Sheesshh This will be gone soon too, I imagine.


          No charades here. I shall be watching Mr. Joad posting henceforth and promise his insulting and off topic remarks shall be taken down.


  1. 1) Scoreboard with no balls, strikes, outs: sorry, show me a picture and then I’ll believe;

    2) Update Downtown Master Plan (to insert the initiatives championed by administration) in an election year: you are correct, follow the money;

    3) Councilman Friend re: Legal Fees: after hearing the oral arguments recording yesterday, Friend definitely needs to pursue that with zest (or even irish spring)

    • The entire town and government (both parties) need to be scrubbed down with Lava and Lye soap. The stench is mind (and scent) blowing.

  2. -“why do we need a master plan now when all the downtown TIF money is already committed?”
    Correction. Should read “when downtown TIF money is already overdrawn.” In fact, if the TIF were properly administered, it would be non existent.

  3. The contract will go to Hafer, maybe he will recommend digging below the water table, then they can tear it down. How much does his company have to plow back into politics to keep getting contracts? The same goes for the wasteful squandering of legal fees, Ziemer/ Sholders group cover all the bases, get the inside, buy up property before the deals are announced and give a token to whichever party is in power.

  4. If the bonding capacity is already at its limit, how will the master plan be implemented. This may just be like designing your dream house without the credit to get a loan. A plan is needed but if there is no money to implement, it is an exercise in futility.

    • Like I said yesterday, when we first observed the ‘first article’ by the “furrier & suppressed.” The cronies fuel well must be drying up, obviously they’re now fracking it up a bit to provide a few more loads of it before the elections there.

  5. —And just whom,–will be the “Master”,–of the “Plan”?
    Winnecke, and/or Parke,–the Empire Builders? HaHahahahaha
    —or possibly the benevolent ERBC ?

    • It won’t be those who payed for it — us. The masters of the plan will be the ones who award the contract, that august, apparently ad hoc, committee formed for that purpose. With the string of unmitigated successes this administration has foisted on the people, they are ripe for consideration as future Masters of the Universe. We will be doing them a favor by de-electing them. Everyone knows city administration and Master of the Universehood cannot be held concurrently.

    • “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.”
      (John C. Maxwell)

      “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.”
      (Steve Jobs)

  6. So are comments still taking time to appear, or have I been banned already? Just curious, because Ghost is still hurling insults.

    • Nah, little dweeb, they have technical issues and that’s kind’ of given by subject matter itself.

  7. Is it True that EVSC can fire employees who refuse to join the Teamsters? I was under the impression Indiana was a ‘right to work’ state.

  8. Do my eyes deceive me or was that Winnecke, Mosby and Co at the golden shovel moment for D-Patrick’s new place? Seriously!?

    • I’m surprised there’s not more attention being paid to how D Patrick has made out like absolute bandits on this whole downtown debacle. Well, surprised there’s not more attention from this publication only. Obviously Winnecke’s lackeys at the CP don’t care.

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