IS IT TRUE MAY 20, 2015


IS IT TRUE we want to thank the Indiana Conservation Officers and Richard Howard, Lead Arson Investigator for the Evansville Fire department in doing an outstanding job in determining the cause and possible motives of the Houseboat fire at Inland Marina that was responsible for $4 to $5 million worth of damage to other property? …we are pleased to see a successful conclusion to the three month investigation and equally pleased to see the alleged offenders arrested?

IS IT TRUE we find it strange that the City of Evansville choose to store the burnt remains of the of the 66 foot house boat owned by William Marver at Hamrick Towing? …the City of Evansville had just previously selected an out of State towing company over Hamrick’s in awarding the recent towing contract?  …then, at the first major incident are forced to call Hamrick’s Towing for their help in recovering the boats and storing them. … we are told that Hamrick Towing did an outstanding job in protecting the evidence.?  …the City of Evansville felt Hamrick’s is obviously the only qualified company to recover and protect the evidence of this crime that resulted in $4 to $5 million dollars of damage but can’t convince the City of their ability to handle a simple towing contract with the city?

IS IT TRUE we a glad that the anti-Gail Riecken forces were dead wrong (as we expected) when they quietly started a whisper campaign that they had something to with the million dollar fire at Inland Marina? …we can’t wait to hear these same people apologize for their thoughtless comments and innuendo’s?

IS IT TRUE we are extremely pleased that City Council took the recommendation of the CCO and tabled the extension of the Homestead Tax Credit for 2016 for a later date? …sources indicate these are the percentages of the Homestead Tax Credits that have been given to us the past few years: 2014-6.66%, 2013-6.16%, and 2012-7.05%?…we are waiting for the City of Evansville Controller to share some light if these figures are correct or not?   …we are also pleased that Chief of Staff, Steve Schaeffer was parading around in the hallway outside Council Chambers complaining that the City Council was actually following the advice of the CCO instead of the Mayor’s Office?

IS IT TRUE attached below is  the affidavit concerning charges filed against William Howard Marver?







DOB: 9/1/1958


DLN.• 8944-33-2969

FBI: 584336HA3

5 107″ – 215






l.c. and l.c. 35-41-5-2



HIRE a Level Felony


l.c. 35-43-1-l(b) and l.c. 35-41-5-2




Count 1:

The undersigned, being duly ffl•vorn upon his oath, says that in Vanderburgh County, State ofIndiana, between January 24, 2015 through February 14, 2015, William Howard Marver with the intent to commit a felony ofArson agreed with Brenda Harris to commit the aforesaid crime ofArson; and that either the above listed defendant or Brenda Harris performed one or more ofthe following overt acts in furtherance of the agreement:

l. On or about January 24, 2015, William Marver and Brenda Harris discuss each oftheirfinancial problems via Facebook resulting in William Marver advising Brenda Harris that he has a plan but would need to meet in person to discuss and/or

2. On or about February 10,201.5, William Marver advises Brenda Harris via Facebook that he “needs the work they talked about done. ” The two then discuss obtaining a kerosene heater and/or

3. William Marver and Brenda Harris each would advise investigators that William Marver was going to pay Brenda Harris to clean his house boat to get it readyfor sale and/or

4. On February 12, 2015, Brenda Harris advises that she and Zachary Patrick began removing items from the house boat of William Marver and/or

5. On February 12, 2015, William Marver gave Brenda Harris three space heaters, one kerosene heater and a jug ofkerosene fuel and/or

6. On February 13, 2015, Brenda Harris, Zachary Patrick and Cory Boling, continue removing items from the house boat of William Marver, including a wall mounted television and a wall mounted stereo system. A truck load of items were taken to the residence of William Marver and/or

7. On February 13, 2015, William Marver stated he brought garbage bags to the boat and that Brenda Harris had all the beds stripped, bathrooms cleaned, and that Brenda Harris was on her way to having the boat ready to sell and/or

8. Brenda Harris would later tell investigators that she did not clean the boat but rather just removed items and/or

9. William Marver would later tell investigators that the house boat is insured by Allstate Insurance Company and/or

10. On February 13, 2015, Brenda Harris asks Zachary Patrick and Cory Boling to go up on top ofthe boat to flip a breaker. While Cory Boling and Zachary Patrick are outside the boat, Brenda Harris moves the kerosene heater and a jug ofkerosene fuel to the hallway and afire is started and/or

11. Zachary Patrick extinguishes the fire. Cory Boling moved the jug ofkerosene fuel awayfrom the kerosene heater. Approximately ten (10) minutes later, as Cory Boling and Zachary Patrick were outside, sitting on the stairs ofthe boat, Brenda Harris exits the boat and Cory Boling notices that the interior hallway ofthe boat was on fire. Thisfire was much larger that the basketball sizedfire earlier and/or 12. Cory Bolingfurther advises that Brenda Harris stated, “we all need to be telling the same story”, “you understand I did what I had to do”, and “but don’t worry, you will get paid” and/or

13. Brenda Harris and William Marver were on the phone with each other several times during that night and/or

14. Brenda Harris would later tell investigators that she works 1 or 2 days a week at Dollar General Store and that she does cleaning, including cleaningfor William Marver and/or

15. Brenda Harris initially tells investigators that she needed cash and agreed to clean the boat of William Marver to prepare iffor sale and/or

16. Brenda Harris later acknowledges that she really didn’t clean but removed items from the boat and/or 17. Brenda Harris initially denied being on the boat when the fire was re-started. However, when investigators advised they knew she was inside the boat when the fire was re-started, she said, “ok, ok”, and then did not deny being on the boat when the fire was re-started and/or

18. Brenda Harris advised she did not come up with the plan to start the fire and/or

19. An investigation ofthe Marver boat revealed that a one pint metal chemical container had been wedged underneath the safety cage ofthe kerosene heater. Cory Boling was again interviewed and advised that he did not see any articles or items wedged underneath the safety cage ofthe kerosene heater the night ofthe fire and/or

20. On February 16, 2015, William Marver text’s Brenda Harris via Facebook “Love you pumpkin!” and/or

21. On February 17, 2015, William Marver and Brenda Harris communicated via Facebook and William

Marver tells Brenda Harris that he spoke with investigators about the boatfire. William Marver texted Brenda Harris “I did tell them I had agreed to pay you 200 and that Ipaid it cash when I saw you after

the fire…. ” then texted to Brenda “They (investigators) asked ifIwas having you move everything off)) the boat. I laughed. Like you would do all thatfor 200!!” and/or

22. Allstate Insurance Company advises that William Marver has initiated the claim processfor the loss and/or

23. William Marver had shown investigators a hand written list of items ofvalue that were on the boat when it caughtfire which included a $10, 000 installed stereo system and/or

24. Timothy Cummings lived in a house boat located only 75 to 100feetfrom the house boat of William Marver, contrary to the form ofthe statutes in such cases made and provided by l.c. 35-43-1-1(a)(2) and

l.c. 35-41-5-2 and against the peace and dignity of the State ofIndiana.

Count 2:

The undersigned, being duly sworn upon his oath, says that in Vanderburgh County, State ofIndiana, between January 24, 2015 through February 14, 2015, William Howard Marver with the intent to commit a felony ofArson for Hire agreed with Brenda Harris to commit the aforesaid crime ofArsonfor Hire; and that either the above listed defendant or Brenda Harris performed one or more ofthe following overt acts in furtherance ofthe agreement:

1. On or about January 24, 2015, William Marver and Brenda Harris discuss each oftheir financial problems via Facebook resulting in William Marver advising Brenda Harris that he has a plan but would need to meet in person to discuss and/or

2. On or about February 10,2015, William Marver advises Brenda Harris via Facebook that he “needs the work they talked about done. ” The two then discuss obtaining a kerosene heater and/or

3. William Marver and Brenda Harris each would advise investigators that William Marver was going to pay Brenda Harris to clean his house boat to get it readyfor sale and/or

4. On February 12, 2015, Brenda Harris advises that she and Zachary Patrick began removing items from the house boat of William Marver and/or

5. On February 12, 2015, William Marver gave Brenda Harris three space heaters, one kerosene heater and a jug ofkerosene fuel and/or

6. On February 13, 2015, Brenda Harris, Zachary Patrick and Cory Boling, continue removing itemsfrom the house boat of William Marver, including a wall mounted television and a wall mounted stereo system. A truck load of items were taken to the residence of William Marver and/or

7. On February 13, 2015, William Marver stated he brought garbage bags to the boat and that Brenda Harris had all the beds stripped, bathrooms cleaned, and that Brenda Harris was on her way to having the boat ready to sell and/or

8. Brenda Harris would later tell investigators that she did not clean the boat but ratherjust removed items and/or

9. William Marver would later tell investigators that the house boat is insured by Allstate Insurance Company and/or

10. On February 13, 2015, Brenda Harris asks Zachary Patrick and Cory Boling to go up on top ofthe boat to flip a breaker. While Cory Boling and Zachary Patrick are outside the boat, Brenda Harris moves the kerosene heater and a jug ofkerosene fuel to the hallway and afire is started and/or ll. Zachary Patrick extinguishes the fire. Cory Boling moved the jug ofkerosene fuel awayfrom the kerosene heater. Approximately ten (10) minutes later, as Cory Boling and Zachary Patrick were outside, sitting on the stairs ofthe boat, Brenda Harris exits the boat and Cory Boling notices that the interior hallway ofthe boat was on fire. Thisfire was much larger that the basketball sizedfire earlier and/or 12. Cory Bolingfurther advises that Brenda Harris stated, “we all need to be telling the same story”, “you understand I did what I had to do and “but don’t worry, you will get paid” and/or

13. Brenda Harris and William Marver were on the phone with each other several times during that night and/or

14. Brenda Harris would later tell investigators that she works 1 or 2 days a week at Dollar General Store and that she does cleaning, including cleaningfor William Marver and/or

15. Brenda Harris initially tells investigators that she needed cash and agreed to clean the boat of William Marver to prepare iffor sale and/or

16. Brenda Harris later acknowledges that she really didn’t clean but removed itemsfrom the boat and/or 17. Brenda Harris initially denied being on the boat when the fire was re-started. However, when investigators advised they knew she was inside the boat when the fire was re-started, she said, “ok, ok”, and then did not deny being on the boat when the fire was re-started and/or

18. Brenda Harris advised she did not come up with the plan to start the fire and/or

19. An investigation ofthe Marver boat revealed that a one pint metal chemical container had been wedged underneath the safety cage ofthe kerosene heater. Cory Boling was again interviewed and advised that he did not see any articles or items wedged underneath the safety cage ofthe kerosene heater the night ofthe fire and/or

20. On February 16, 2015, William Marver text’s Brenda Harris via Facebook “Love you pumpkin!” and/or

21. On February 17, 2015, William Marver and Brenda Harris communicated via Facebook and William

Marver tells Brenda Harris that he spoke with investigators about the boatfire. William Marver texted Brenda Harris “I did tell them I had agreed to pay you 200 and that Ipaid it cash when I saw you after the fire…. ” then texted to Brenda “They (investigators) asked ifIwas having you move everything off)) the boat. I laughed. Like you would do all thatfor 200!!” and/or

22. Allstate Insurance Company advises that William Marver has initiated the claim processfor the loss and/or

23. William Marver had shown investigators a hand written list of items ofvalue that were on the boat when it caughtfire which included a $10,000 installed stereo system, contrary to the form ofthe statutes in such cases made andprovided by l.c. 35-43-1-l(b) and l.c. 35-41-5-2 and against the peace and dignity ofthe State ofIndiana.

Count 3:

The undersigned, being duly sworn upon his oath, says that in Vanderburgh County, State of Indiana, between January 24, 2015 through February 14, 2015, William Howard Marver did by means of fire knowingly damage the property of William Marver, to-wit: house boat; and did so with the intent to defraud, contrary to the form of  the statutes in such cases made and provided by l.c. 35-43-1-l(c) and against the peace and dignity of the State ofIndiana.


Subscribed and sworn to before me this h84h day of-mg—, 2015.

My commission expires:

September 08, 2015

WITNESSES:Notary Public

REDACTEDA Resident of Warrick County

NICHOLAS G. HERMANN Prosecuting Attorney

i/We hereby certify that the foregoing complies with the requirements of Trial Rule 5(G) with regard to information excluded from public record under Administrative Rude 9<0).

Please take time and vote in todays “Readers Poll”. Also we just posted the current City County Observer TRI-STATE VOICES TV show for you’re viewing pleasure.

Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


  1. THIS is some of the most galling language I’ve ever seen written by the City County Observer….

    .”the anti-Gail Riecken forces were dead wrong (as we expected) when they quietly started a whisper campaign that they had something to with the million dollar fire at Inland Marina?”

    ….when the facts, pages and PAGES and PAGES of IIT’s from the CCO spewing unfounded allegations, conspiracy theories, political misdeeds and coverups by the EPD (whom the CCO labeled the “Keystone Cops”), and indirectly accusing GOP city officials – whom the CCO labeled opponents of the Riecken family and the Riecken Campaign for Mayor – were behind the start of the fire at the Riecken’s Inland Marina.

    We have all seen the strategy of inverting the blatant charges against you by accusing your accuser of the very misdeeds you’ve done……few things are actually new……..but this is extraordinary from the CCO.

    • If I had waited till your remarks were posted, I could have saved some typing.

      Well said, Quark.

    • …I”m voting for Riecken, but not because of the deputy media director of the Riecken campaign (the Editor of the City County Observer) spews propaganda for the Riecken Campaign every day.

      • Still, it makes you wonder if the CCO can be bought and sold, is that a good idea?

        • I wonder how much it takes to buy you off Quark? Any comment? Who’s side area you on?

    • Yes. This is completely shameless on the part of the CCO. I am very disappointed that the CCO is now fabricating a lie about Gail Riecken’s opponents, when in fact, it and her supporters with no evidence whatsoever spewed anti-Winnecke conspiracy theories that were delusional and unhinged from the start.

      The distortions and growing anger and irrationality on the part of the Riecken partisans seen here strongly suggests that her campaign is in trouble, and they know it. She would do well to have her campaign managers reign in the operatives here.

  2. Is it true the CCO has just quietly started a whisper campaign about a nonexistent whisper campaign against the Rieckens and the fire at their marina in hope of impugning Gail’s detractors?

    • Maybe it’s just me, but today’s IIT regarding the Marina fire brings to mind LKB.

      • She is over on ET ever since you idiots ran her off here with all your harassment of her in here.

    • There were plenty of insinuations that the Reickens caused it made by Winnecke lackeys on Facebook. Where were you?

      • This isn’t facebook. Under the new rules here, facebook posts are off topic unless first noted in IIT.

        • I understand your position. But you need to get over it soon or start your own blog/publication/website.

          • Today is that day BB.

            (On the Inland Marina fire unfounded allegations by the CCO, and unless the CCO continues to try to push this blatantly false narrative. )

            Otherwise, I agree with you BB.

  3. ‘…we are also pleased that Chief of Staff, Steve Schaeffer was parading around in the hallway …’

    Stone Sparkle Strutter. They’re down to their final sashays. It’s all front at this point.

  4. Hey MOVEON,

    Why not just cop to it?

    1. “Yes, I did spread unfounded allegations the Inland Marina fire was set by political opponents of Gail Riecken.”
    2. “And I was justified in doing it.”

    (Same for the CCO.)

    • Quark you are a liar. Nothing like that was ever said. You need to be apologizing to the CCO for what you are suggesting.

      • …..and WHO is inverting here MOVEON? Who is not telling the truth?

        Your allegations are on the record. These are your EXACT words:

        1. To me this (the Inland Marina fire) seems strange especially when you throw Evansville, IN Politics into the MIx. Especially when you throw in the fact that the last few audits by the State Board of Accounts have been so bad and there is a possibility of missing money being found if a new Mayor is put into place.
        2. Throw in another fact that also out there on the Riverfront we have a Casino (gambling) and all that entails. Millions of dollars are at stake in this next Mayoral Election.
        3. Is it just a coincidence that this late night fire just happens to be on property that belongs to the Democratic Mayoral Candidate? Fires don’t start all by themselves. They have to have a ignition source and a fuel source.
        4. Is it true that at one time you have to be political to get on the Evansville Fire Department. To the winner the spoils go.
        5. Politics in Evansville, IN can get dirty. This may be the first shots fired in this race.
        6. Timing is everything in Politics. Where were the RIECKENS at before the fire started and how many people might have known that they were drinking if they were in fact drinking alcohol. Could this be a setup? Could someone have known that they were drinking and set the fire knowing that they might react the way they did? Is that possible?
        7. How convenient (the fire at the Inland Marina) for the GOP party running for re- election. Almost too good to be true huh? Attacking a politician for something that their family members did. Timing is everything in politics.

        (Moveon’s exact words….)

        • You forget that all I did was ask Questions. Just as Fixed Noise does all the time. That’s not spreading rumors it’s trying to find out answer.

          So you STILL are a LIAR. And you took one post out of context and forgot what other’s were saying about the Rieckens which shows your political bias.

  5. The CCO and Evansville Transparency were right all along. The EFD screwed up in fighting this fire and it took three or four months to figure out what actually happened that night of the Marina Fire. If not for the USEPA and the Indiana Conservation Officers this fire would have been ruled “accidental” and we would have never known what actually happened. Remember that the next morning after the fire the Evansville Courier and Press were writing stories telling us that the EFD was saying this fire was accidental based on testimony coming from the people that were on the boat. One of those three people is now accused of actually starting two fires on the houseboat that nigh. You seemed to have forgot all the fire details and are trying to play the “Oh he hurt the Mayor” card. I’m not buying that BS. I was right about the fire and I was right about it being suspicious and I was right in that the stupid story about cleaning the boat in the middle of the winter being bogus. You failed to give any credit for all those things and zoom in on one thing that I said at the very beginning of this entire thing. Who’s the Biased one now? Your bias is showing like a Bright Light House Beacon on a moon lite night with not a cloud in the sky or a wave on the surface of the water. You Quark are a Idiot in this case.

    • Of course the people that commit arson claim it was accidental at first. You then investigate and file charges if it is warranted. That is the purpose of an investigation, to make sure the perps are telling the truth. And you somehow spin that bringing in boating experts to investigate the arson is bad. Sounds smart to me.

      Quark is right on. There were lots of questions that night. Places like the COO and Facebook put out all sorts of rumors that at the time were just that.

      And as far as you being “right”. Unless you were on the boats, looked at the evidence and took witness testimony, are are just as ignorant as anyone in the rumor mill. That you guessed “right” is not due to some prowess… it is just the case of a blind squirrel finding a nut.

      • You know nothing about fire investigation. This was like a blind squirrel finding all the nuts. And that only happens when the squirrel is smarter than JIG. I guess the JIG is UP now.

    • Quark did a good job of compiling some of your absurd charges and insinuations in yesterday’s IIT. You really should take responsibility and admit that your conspiracy theories were wrong. All of the tantrums and name-calling you engage in will not conceal the fact that you tried to smear Gail Riecken’s opponents with ridiculous claims of dirty politics before any investigation took place. Rather than making our choices in politics based on blinding hatred of the other party, let’s allow each candidate to make their cases and differentiate themselves from their opponents. Admittedly, this is difficult in this particular instance, since both of these candidates support the same major projects, and neither one has any record at all of substantial political accomplishment.

      • You are the one who’s wrong. I never said that there was a Conspiracy per se. I asked questions and that’s not the same as spreading rumors. I never said that someone actually did this. I asked IF anyone did this in the form of a question. You need to learn better command of the English Language.

    • Ha! Moveon, rather than admit the obvious, is trying to divert attention from something as clear as water….

      Reading this post is like engaging in pure “Don’t look at that man behind the curtain!!”

      • No Quark Reading your post is like you trying to be the man behind the curtain. And that’s never going to happen. Your attacks against the CCO are pathetic. Your lame attempt to turn around the subject are way out of line and off base.

        The CCO and many of it’s followers were right about the fire on the boat. It was people like you who said that the CCO was picking on the arsonist and that was dead wrong. You just backed the wrong people. You need to admit it when you make a mistake and come clean.

        • MOVEON……you’re making the rounds here with your dog.

          But that dog? It don’t hunt.

    • You don’t know the man. Having his boat cleaned in the winter in prep for sale is VERY typical of him. I hope someday you get wrongly accused and preemptively judged by strangers. The prosecution wants this to be a planned fire, even though it wasn’t. People will convince themselves of ANYTHING.

  6. After reading the IIT for the day, three words came to mind. “Giddy for Gail”.

    This blow has continually gone down hill since the switch over. It used to present facts with no political lean in one direction of the other. Now it is a pretty lopsided affair.

    • Well. Sometimes right is right, even if it is Brandon M. Brandon is totally correct…

    • Are you trying to say that nothing in the affidavit that was posted today is correct? I hope you have something to back that up.

      • No, he has repeatedly called you out on your lame conspiracy assertions. Which you have feebly attempted to deflect. Unsuccessfully, I might add. There are those who will blindly disregard your ignorance, but I think you get the position of the rest of us.

        • Hey…..Moveon knows he’s been called out correctly. He knew this day was coming.

          Anything he says to deny it seems fruitless and insignificant.

        • There were no Conspiracy assertions only questions about what the hell was going on with this fire. I suspected it was suspicious from the very beginning when the EFD tried to immediately say it was accidental based on the first interviews with the suspects. That was the thing that got my clock wound up. The rest was simply fuel for the fires that had already started. Anyone who was defending the arsonist needs to have their head examined.

    • I really dislike auto correct. The word “blow” should be” blog” in the statement above.

  7. Brains is right. This subject is overdone.

    But the comeuppance needed to happen. It was simple insurance fraud.

    • This what I had to say about the marina fire story:

      The story about cleaning the houseboat in the middle of the night in Feb was very farfetched, no big deal there, everyone else was saying the same thing.

      I never said a word about D or R conspiracies, in fact I said we should wait for the facts to come in after the investigation. It still say the same thing today.

      I never criticized OR praised the police or fire response as I am not qualified to take such a position.

      I did ask why the Marver boat was cut loose, but only as request for more information from people who should know the answers.

      I said the whole incident was a tempest in a teapot as far as the 2015 Mayoral race was concerned.
      I stand by that prediction today.

      • I’ve stayed completely out of this charade because I knew exactly what happened from the git-go.

        When the Democrat fireman kicked the Republican cop in the face it was obvious he needed to make sure the boat that was on fire sank since he had planted Hillary’s e-mail server on it and didn’t want Benghazi to take center stage in the upcoming city election.

        So they “Fast&Furiously” took him off to jail.

        And then all the conspiracy BS started.

        When something is as obvious as the Kardashians needing to take over our foreign policy, and no one seems to see it, it’s time to call in the greatest detective of them all to get to the bottom of it, the one and only, the most respected, the one who calls them as he sees them, the one whose opinion you can trust till death do you part, the one and, aw f___ this, the magnifico:

        Joe Biden….

        • ….He is some kind of character, Joe Biden. A real pain in the ass, but I find the crap he writes fun to read. And he don’t mind taking it cause he knows he gives it, especially cause he always gives it first. You gotta respect that, even when he’s being an ass. Good note Regulator. Brains, too bad I-E wasn’t here to chime in today….he loves watching others woller’n in the grass and pontificating with some wit.

  8. I realize that the information about the arson at Inland Marina is open to public and that the CCO was well within their rights in publishing it. I wish you would have not done that. I believe that the information will/might contaminant the jury pool and the criminals may have grounds to say that they cannot get a fair trial.
    I want these criminals convicted of all these charges and I hope that there is no reason for a plea bargin.

    • Don’t worry. The odds of a CCO reader being in the Jury pool is about the same as the CCO endorsing Winnacke.

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