10th annual Women’s Equality Day Celebration Today – 11:30am – 1pm


This August marks the 92nd anniversary of the historic date American women gained the right to
vote. Chaired by Jan Davies, a bi-partisan group of Evansville women is finalizing plans for an
event that will celebrate the achievements of women in the civil rights movement, highlight
opportunities for volunteerism and encourage local women to make a difference here in
Evansville and beyond.

The Women’s Equality Day luncheon will be held on Thursday, August 23, at the Old Post
Office Event Plaza from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The event will include an exposition on the work
of area not-for profit organizations that work with women and girls and a tribute to Girl Scouts of
Southwestern Indiana in honor of its 100th anniversary. Attendees will have the opportunity to
purchase Girl Scout cookies. In addition, the Equality Day committee will announce the recipient
of the third annual Albion Fellows Bacon Award in recognition of their service and leadership in
the public sector.

Peggy Orenstien, author of “Cinderella Ate My Daughter,” will deliver this year’s keynote
address, “Myths of the Princess.”

According to Orenstien’s website, as a new mother, Orenstein “was blindsided by the persistent
ultra-feminine messages being sent to a new generation of little girls — from ‘princess-mania’ to
endless permutations of pink. How many times can you say no when your daughter begs for a
pint-sized wedding gown, she wondered. How dangerous is pink and pretty anyway? Being a
princess is just make-believe, isn’t it? Does playing Cinderella shield little girls from early
sexualization — or prime them for it?”

Tickets for the event are $15 for adults and $10 for students. Reservations can be made by calling
Lezlie Simmons at 812-437-9320, or online at www.womensequalitydayevansville.com.

“It’s a privilege to help Evansville take note of women’s continuing achievements in civil rights,”
said Jan Davies, chair of the Evansville Women’s Equality Day committee. “In the nine years
since the first Evansville Equality Day event, we’ve been reminded of our rich history of women
who have made the impossible happen.”

University of Southern Indiana President Linda Bennett said USI is pleased to be a partner in
sponsoring Women’s Equality Day. “Thanks to the League of Women Voters for this opportunity
to celebrate leadership and diversity in our community,” Bennett said.

August 26 was designated Women’s Equality Day by a Joint Resolution of Congress in 1971 to
commemorate the 1920 passage of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution granting women the
right to vote. The day is commemorated throughout the country with programs and activities
designed to call attention to women’s continuing efforts toward full equality.