Vectren Reminds Hoosiers To Consider Location Of Utility Lines When Digging, Planting Trees


Vectren Reminds Hoosiers To Consider Location Of Utility Lines When Digging, Planting Trees

 Evansville, Ind.  – With the arrival of spring and April being National Safe Digging month, Vectren is reminding Hoosiers who are planning to dig in the yard, conduct construction or engage in any other earth-moving activity, to please call Indiana 811 at least two full working days in advance. By calling 811, residents can have underground utility lines in the work area located and identified at no cost.

“Home improvement projects such as landscaping or installing a fence often bring an increase in accidental and potentially dangerous encounters with underground facilities,” said Brad Ellsworth, president of Vectren Energy Delivery of Indiana – South. “We urge everyone planning these excavation activities to call 811 at least two full working days before beginning a project. It’s a simple call that can help avoid serious accidents and a significant financial burden associated with repairing the damaged lines.”

Locating underground facilities prior to excavation is mandated under Indiana law. If a resident fails to notify Indiana 811, proceeds with an unmarked dig and strikes an underground facility, he or she will be responsible for the damages and costs to repair in addition to fines up to $10,000.

Likewise, customers who are planting new trees or shrubs this spring should give careful consideration to the tree’s growth characteristics to avoid future problems with nearby power lines and underground facilities. For more information about natural gas safety or planting the right tree in the right place, click on the Public Safety tab at

Gas emergency response

In the event a gas line has been struck or ruptured outside of a home or business, residents are reminded of the following:

·         Leave the area of the gas leak immediately, as well as areas where the odor of gas is noticeable.

·         Do not attempt to re-start or move powered equipment.

·         Call Vectren at 1-800-227-1376 from somewhere other than the location of the gas leak. The party responsible for the damage to the gas line should also call 911 and report the incident to police and/or fire officials and the state’s 811 center.

·         Remain in a safe area until emergency personnel arrive and do not enter the home/business or neighboring premises.

Natural gas contains an odorant called mercaptan that smells like rotten eggs or sulfur. In the event a gas leak is suspected inside of a home or business, residents are reminded of the following:

·         Leave the home or business of the gas leak immediately, as well as areas where the odor of gas is noticeable.

·         Do not use the phone, cell phone, or text anyone while in the building or who may be in the building. If you notice the leak while talking on the phone, do not hang up.

·         Do not turn any lights, appliances or any electrical sources on or off.

·         Do not light matches.

·         Do not open or close windows.

·         Do not start a vehicle if it’s parked in a garage that’s attached to the home/business of the suspected leak nor utilize an automatic garage door opener upon exiting.

·         The activities listed above could trigger an ignition if gas has significantly accumulated.

·         Call Vectren at 1-800-227-1376 from somewhere other than the location of the gas leak.

·         Remain in a safe area until emergency personnel arrive and do not re-enter the premises.

Please note: There is no charge to the customer for calling Vectren to inspect a potential gas leak. Vectren will respond 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

About Vectren

Vectren Corporation (NYSE: VVC) is an energy holding company headquartered in Evansville, Ind. Vectren’s energy delivery subsidiaries provide gas and/or electricity to more than 1 million customers in adjoining service territories that cover nearly two-thirds of Indiana and about 20 percent of Ohio, primarily in the west-central area. Vectren’s nonutility subsidiaries and affiliates currently offer energy-related products and services to customers throughout the U.S. These include infrastructure services and energy services. To learn more about Vectren, visit