Vanderburgh County Commissioners December 6th, 2016 Meeting Agenda



Vanderburgh County

Board of Commissioners

December 6, 2016

4:00 pm, Room 301

  1. Call to Order
  2. Attendance
  3. Pledge of Allegiance
  4. Invocation
  5. Permission to Open Bids for VC16-11-01: Traffic Signal Installation at Green River Road and Boonville-New Harmony Road 
  6. Action Items
    1. Presentation from Greg Wathen with Economic Development Coalition of Southwest Indiana
    2. Public Hearing and Final Reading of Vacation Ordinance CO.V-12-16-006: Vacation of Public Utility Easement in The Stables Subdivision
    3. First Reading of Vacation Ordinance CO.V-12-16-007: Vacation of 25’ Access Easement on Lot 22 of Wm. Wortman Subdivision, Section 2 & Permission to Advertise Notice of Public Hearing
    4. Local Income Tax (LIT) Legislative Bill for Potential Jail Construction and Operation Funding
    5. Contracts, Agreements and Leases
      1. County Superior Court, Juvenile Division: Agreement with Diehl Consulting Group to Assist the Juvenile Division Effectiveness of Probation and Services
      2. County Health Department:  STD Grant Agreement with the Indiana State Department of Health
      3. County Community Corrections: Agreement with Kaci Lutz Providing Professional Services Regarding Statistics, Grant Writing and Reporting for Community Corrections
      4. County Treatment Court: Agreement with Regene Newman Providing and Maintaining Grants for the Treatment Court
      5. County Superior Court: Home Verification Services Contractual Agreements with Deputy John Helfrich, Deputy Troy R. Hardin, and Deputy Dion Wingerter
  7. Department Head Reports
  8. New Business
  9. Old Business
    1. Indiana Bicentennial Proclamation
  10. Public Comment
  11. Consent Items
    1. Approval of November 15, 2016 Meeting Minutes
    2. Employment Changes
    3. County Commissioners:
      1. Anthem Blue Vision & Medical Renewal Summary of Benefits
      2. Approval of Commissioners Office Remodel according to ADA guidelines
      3. Coliseum Lease Renewal
    4. Commission on Homelessness: Request fee waiver for the ONEP, extra space, and communication devices for the 2017 Homeless Connect on March 16, 2017
    5. Surplus Request:
      1. County Highway two Swenson Spreader
      2. County Assessor two Monitors and two Scanners
    6. County Weights and Measures: Monthly Report
    7. County Soil & Water Conservation District: November 22, 2106 Meeting Minutes
    8. County Auditor: Approval of the November 2016 A/P Voucher
    9. County Clerk: October 2016 Monthly Report
    10. County Treasurer: October 2016 Monthly Report
    11. County Engineering:
      1. Department Head Report
      2. Pay Request #21 for University Parkway TIF in the sum of $6,770.92
  1. Rezoning
    1. Final Reading of Rezoning Ordinance VC-7-2016

Petitioner: Keith A. & Jennifer A. Karges

Address: 13000 Warrick County Line Road

Request: Change from M-2 to Ag

    1. Final Reading of Rezoning Ordinance VC-8-2016

Petitioner: Daniel C. Fuquay

Address: 8425 Schmuck Road & Part of 8028 Azalea Drive

Request: Change from Ag to C-4 with UDC

    1. Final Reading of Rezoning Ordinance VC-9-2016

Petitioner: Henry Schlensker

Address: Part of 4100 Kansas Road

Request: Change from Ag to M-2 with UDC

  1. Adjournment