Vanderburgh County Board of Commissioners Meeting

civic center

AGENDA of the Vanderburgh County

Board of Commissioners for June 19, 2018 at 3:00 pm, Room 301

  1. Call to Order
  2. Attendance
  3. Pledge of Allegiance
  4. Action Items 
    1. Health Insurance Contract Extension 
    2. First Reading of Resolution CO.R-06-18-007: Amendment to the Phoenix Commerce Center TIF Plan
  5. Board Appointment
  6. Department Head Reports
  7. New Business
  8. Old Business
  9. Consent Items
    1. Contracts, Agreements and Leases
      1. County Health: 
        1. Public Health and Healthcare Preparedness Grant 
        2. Environmental System Research Institute, Inc. Maintenance Contract for ArcGIS Software
      2. Sheriff Offices: Interlocal Agreement with Jefferson County Regarding the Transfer of Inmates 
      3. County Prosecutor: Vehicle Lease Agreement
    2. Approval of June 5, 2018 Meeting Minutes
    3. Employment Changes 
    4. Legal Aid Society: 2017 Annual Report 
    5. County Clerk: May 2018 Monthly Report 
    6. County Auditor: June 4- 15, 2018 Claim Voucher Report 
    7. County Engineering:
      1. Department Report
      2. Pay Request #35 University Parkway T.I.F. for the sum of $2,599.29
      3. Pay Request #6 Phoenix Commerce T.I.F. for the sum of $6,890.00
    8. Road Closure Request: Windemere Farms HOA for a Summer Social on July 7, 2018 
    9. Surplus Request: Old National Events Plaza Various Items 
    10. United Neighborhood of Evansville: May 2018 Monthly Report 
    11. County Prosecutor: Request to Waive Fees at the ONEP for the October 9, 2018 Addiction is Real Event
    12. American Medical Response: Vanderburgh County / 911 Ambulance Call Summary 
    13. Workers Compensation Compromise Stipulation
  10. Public Comment
  11. Rezoning
    1. Final Reading of Rezoning Ordinance VC-4-2018

Petitioner: B & L Properties, LLC

Address: 12401 Browning Road

Request: Change from Ag to PUD 

    1. First Reading of Rezoning Ordinance VC-5-2018

Petitioner: Kloc Holdings, LLC

Address: 610 E. Hillsdale Road 

Request: Change from R to C-4 & Ag

  1. Adjournment