Making Sense by Michael Reagan

Everyone knows I’m not a Trump supporter.

He’s personally embarrassing.

He has embarrassed the Republican Party.

He has embarrassed the country.

He’s right about many things. And he did much better at the second debate.

But it doesn’t matter. Unless there’s a miracle, he’s going to lose to Hillary.

He’s going to be defeated by the weakest, most unlikable, least trustable candidate the Democrats have nominated since, well, her husband.

It’s not just Hillary we’ll be stuck with for four years, by the way. It’ll be a two-fur.

We’ll also get four more years of her dirty old man, Bill, who singlehandedly did more to debase and embarrass the office of president than anyone.

America is already in big trouble. I’m 71 and I won’t live to see it, but it’s going to get worse before it gets better.

It really makes me sad to think about what’s happening to the country, or why.

Most young people — the millennial voters everyone’s trying to please — don’t have a clue what’s going wrong now because they don’t know anything about history.

They don’t know how America got to be great, or how much better off they are than their parents or grandparents — or why.

They don’t know where their great country came from, or who built it, or why immigrants came here, or why the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

For them, American history started with the iPhone, Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders promise of free college.

I was talking to my 38-year-old son the other day. He’s got a 9-month-old daughter and he’s worried about her future.

So am I.

What kind of country is she going to find after four or — God forbid — eight years of a Clinton co-presidency?

Everyone who reads this column knows how I feel about Donald Trump. Trump knows how I feel about Trump. My father in heaven knows.

I’m embarrassed. My father would be embarrassed. My mother would be embarrassed. My stepmother would be embarrassed. And rightly so.

Trump is no conservative, no Republican, no gentleman, no policy wonk, no answer to America’s prayers or needs — at home or overseas.

Trump is Trump, and always will be. He has been as embarrassing as he is now since the day he started to run.

The purists on talk radio and in the conservative movement, and the GOP establishment– the chickens who let Trump steal their party instead of their ideas — are jumping ship like rats.

Trump isn’t perfect as a human being or a Republican and never will be.

But I’m willing to be embarrassed by him for four years if that’s what it takes to stop Hillary.

America can’t afford to have her in charge for one hour.

Her bad economic ideas, her dishonesty, her corrupt politics, her slimy friends, her Supreme Court choices and her phony family’s family values will start us down a path that will lead to the destruction of the American way of life.

That scary thought far outweighs any concern — and embarrassment — I’d have voting for Donald Trump.