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  1. Can we stipulate Donald Trump is NOT a Conservative?:
    1. He is on record as being pro-debt. “I love debt.” If people want to lie and claim Trump will reduce the national debt, THEY are liars. It’s that simple.
    2. Trump is for BIGGER government: “Not touching entitlements like social security. No entitlement reform. We need universal national healthcare.” The BIGGEST government programs on the planet folks. And if people want to lie and claim Donald Trump will make government smaller, THEY are liars. Again, it’s that simple. Liars.
    3. Trump is pro-gay marriage, pro-equal transgender rights, pro-Planned Parenthood….he IS NOT A SOCIAL CONSERVATIVE.

  2. I think you have confused the City of Brotherly Love with Evansville’s Southeast side, where gang activity and dangerous gun are becoming commonplace. Don’t worry though, Mostly Messy and her little bro are holding a rally today, complete with a proclamation from their buddy. Don’t worry so much about Trump or Hillary. We have worries closer to home.

  3. The video on WFIE’s website of the shooting last weekend tells a chilling story of what is happening here.

    • Look for Mostly or The Dummy to carry the ShotSpotter scam back to the council before long.

    • Its a danged shame that the bike lanes aren’t built yet. The big shooting spree was just a few blocks off Main and they say that there won’t be anymore crime down there once the lanes get built.

  4. Someone yesterday suggested holding on to downtown property for 3 to 5 years, as property values are on the up-swing. Natural value progression is when property becomes a bargain, a developer will step up , buy at market value, increase value, sell and make a profit. By over-paying to artificially raise value the land bank will prop up sections of the city for political gain to certain few sellers/ buyers. You can’t spend yourself rich. Using tax dollars to fund the fund raising/ money laundering scheme is morally wrong.

    • That’s a good reason to attend the discussion held by the reorganized Core group next Tuesday.

      • The issue with the Land Bank is “lack of transparency.” THAT is the problem. It needs to be run fairly and honestly…with transparency to make sure it is fairly run. Ok?
        Otherwise, the purpose of the Land Bank is a good one…..and PoseyCountyDutchman…for all practical purposes….pointed that out. He is right. Buy Land Bank properties at prices, improve those properties and enjoy the long-term, steadily appreciating value of downtown property. Thanks PCD.

  5. News Flash: The Journal Gazette reported that the State of Indiana’s unfunded retiree Health Benefit Cost is $315,000,000 while the City of Evansville is $234,000,000. And this Administration says everything is okey-dokey!!

    • That is really frightening. It is insane that the Administration is trying to sell that one. I wonder how appreciated our policemen and firemen feel when they here that news.

    • Did any tell Russell Lloyd Jr, the Mayor, and Dan McGinn? They probably don’t know anything about that.

    • I reviewed The Journal Gazette article but did not see any reference to the Evansville unfunded costs. What is the source of the $234 million number?

  6. I still want to know what qualifies Josh Armstrong to be the Director of the Downtown Alliance? He started out trying to give away a restaurant, but didn’t get the job done. Who’s paying him now? If it is the Chamber, is the position subsidized by DMD? Last, but not least, what are his credentials that make him an expert on downtown revitalization?

  7. He started out running two restaurants that no longer exist. His most successful stint prior to becoming famous as a Downtown expert was as day manager at Olive Garden.

    Wow. The world is changing.
    None other than the GOP controlled US House of Representatives voted to bar the rebel confederate flag….the flag of….rapists, racists, terrorists and traitorous redneck, toothless savages who attacked their own country and burned the US Flag….The US House barred it from ever being flown in US Federal Cemeteries.
    Bravo. The United States is telling that trash to put their confederate flag in their porn drawer where it belongs.
    The US is changing….what a great country. It’s great, really, really great to have won the cultural war over these pieces of trash.

  9. Two great legends in their own minds converged Sunday in the C&P piece wherein Coures and Armstrong pontificated about Downtown revitalization – a subject that has worn thin over the past 25 years. The credentials of both “experts” need to be checked carefully. The YouTube video of Coures and Abell screaming at each other still makes me giggle.

    • You made a mistake Pressanykey….
      Your post should have said:
      “Trump on the Issues Once He Started to Say What He Thought Gullible Voters Wanted to Hear:”

      To think you are supporting Trump after years of claiming to be a social conservative Pressanykey, it’s like you got drunk and left your wife of 45 years and are sleeping with a prostitute now.

    • Here is what Joe Wallace posted on Facebook a couple of hours ago. He speaks my thoughts rather well.

      Food for thought: “what he has tapped into is what the founders most feared when they established the democratic republic: the popular passions unleashed, the “mobocracy.” Conservatives have been warning for decades about government suffocating liberty. But here is the other threat to liberty that Alexis de Tocqueville and the ancient philosophers warned about: that the people in a democracy, excited, angry and unconstrained, might run roughshod over even the institutions created to preserve their freedoms”

      Of course the “mobocracy” searching for a savior leader was first seen on a large scale in 2008. Democracy has never lasted. America’s departure from a Republic started long ago and has drifted to be much more of a democracy. The next step when democracy fails always seems to be a strong man form of Fascism. It is and has always been the most important job of Congress to prevent this from happening even when the sheeple demand otherwise.

      • We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are … endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights…. That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men…. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. … Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. Declaration of Independence (1776).

        * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

        I am tired of hearing people refer to our government as a “democratic republic”, a term that was probably first used by the liberals who would like to alter the Constitution to fit their ever changing agenda.

        We are a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC and that Constitution is what guarantees your unalienable rights that you were endowed with by your Creator.

        The public is more concerned about ridding itself of the politicians and bureaucrats who have exceeded the power of those institutions than in doing away with the institutions entirely, although some of the “institutions” created since the Founding might very well need to be eliminated.

    • I had to give her an atta girl on this one….

      •Voted YES on repealing tax subsidy for companies which move US jobs offshore. (Mar 2005)

      Let’s see if anything has changed about this since 2005;

      GOP blocks tax hike on firms moving overseas
      By STEPHEN OHLEMACHER Jul. 30, 2014 8:22 PM EDT

      WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican senators blocked an election-year bill Wednesday to limit tax breaks for U.S. companies that move operations overseas.

      The bill would have prohibited companies from deducting expenses related to moving their operations to a foreign country. It also would have offered tax credits to companies that move operations to the U.S. from a foreign country.

      The Senate voted 54-42 to end debate on the bill, six short of the 60 votes needed to advance it. The White House says President Barack Obama supports the legislation.

      “Today in the United States, any time an American company closes a factory or plant in America and moves operations to another country, the American taxpayers pick up part of that moving bill,” said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. “Frankly, a vote against this bill is a vote against American jobs.”

      Nope. Matter of fact, Trump may pick her for his VP. Or visey versy.

      They both seem to have a lot in common….

      • ….VERY true. Except Hillary Clinton is more moderately conservative than Trump. In this race, Trump is a liberal, albeit, sufficiently racist to appeal to those voters who will vote for a racist, even IF he’s a liberal.

        It’s an upside down year…..Pressanykey….is for the liberal this time. On a bender….

      • “Hillary voted YES on repealing tax subsidy for companies which move US jobs offshore. (Mar 2005)” (Regulator)

        * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

        I am sooooooo sure that is why the Wall Street bankers have been donating hundreds of millions of dollars to Hillary for her speeches! No one, not even you, are naive enough to believe that. Do you honestly think she could waltz into the state of New York, as an outsider, and get elected Senator if the Wall street crowd thought she might be a problem for them?

        • I’m not much on anyone telling me what I believe Press, but I’ll respectfully try to answer your question.

          Here’s how I look at things. During the 2008 campaign;

          The result was Obama was a supporter of Dodd-Frank and your Party has been vehemently opposed to every fiber of it.

          Overturning Glass-Steagall, which was put in place after the Great Depression to keep commercial and investment banking separate but was repealed in 1999 with Slick Willie’s signature but overwhelmingly supported by your Party didn’t impress me.

          The most unshakable, intact and strongest union the world has ever known is the Republican Senate. And they despise unions.

          My above example about tax breaks for moving overseas is kinda telling but may be to your advantage for all I know so starting name calling between us would be sorta silly.

          But if you don’t mind, tell Little Joe Biden his trying to out-link you on here all of the sudden is starting to piss DeltaBravo off and that is cause for concern.


    • ….this kind of link is like those click-bait sex pictures at the bottom of Fox New’s website pages. “Let’s put up an article that dumbasses will click on.” (Sorry JoeB.)

  10. Becker spends a lot of time on here telling everyone who he is NOT going to vote for. I guess finding out who he is going to vote for, and why, would be harder than finding Hillary’s college transcripts.

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