Tax Bills




We will be mailing the tax bills out Monday, April 14th. Please remind everyone that we only mail out tax bills in the spring………so if you only pay your spring installment, don’t forget to pay your fall installmentJ



  1. Is this an official press release? How unprofessional. We are Evansville!

    • County government is responsible for the billings.
      Cities collects their portion thru these.
      Nothing glorious about paying taxes on property that we are fortunate to own. Just doing our civic duty to support our government that provides services.

      • I realize that but Evansville is the bulk of the population. Evansville area I should say. No need to be a know it all.

        • And county government covers “all” of the residents of Vanderburgh county while the city has 2/3rds and declining. There more to this area besides e-ville! We all are county residents!

  2. We replaced a competent, professional person with Susan Kirk in the treasurer’s office.

    She doesn’t care. And that’s obvious when you look at how bad she ran the clerk’s office. It was an embarrassment and unprofessionally managed.

    Yes, this is an embarrassing, unprofessional press release.

    Fits Kirk to a T.

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