Senate Committee Approves Bill to Raise Smoking Age


Senate Committee Approves Bill to Raise Smoking Age

Young adults in Indiana may have to wait until they are 21 for a smoke if the Indiana Chamber of Commerce gets their way.

Senate Bill 425 passed the Indiana Senate Health Committee Wednesday morning 8 to 2.

The minimum purchase age is 18 but Senate Bill 425 would raise that to 21.

The bill would also apply to e-liquids or e-cigarettes that contain nicotine.

The bill will have a second committee reading before heading back to the full Senate.

Details of Senate Bill 425:

Minimum age to purchase tobacco and e-liquids. With certain exceptions, raises from 18 to 21 years the age at which a person may: (1) sell or buy tobacco products or e-liquids and electronic cigarettes containing nicotine; and (2) enter designated smoking areas of a club or cigar specialty store. Allows a person who is at least 18 years of age on June 30, 2019, to continue to hold a valid tobacco retailer permit until it expires. Allows a person who is: (1) at least 18 years of age on June 30, 2019; or (2) at least 18 years of age Minimum age to purchase tobacco and e-liquids. With certain exceptions, raises from 18 to 21 years the age at which a person may: (1) sell or buy tobacco products or e-liquids and electronic cigarettes containing nicotine; and (2) enter designated smoking areas of a club or cigar specialty store. Allows a person who is at least 18 years of age on June 30, 2019, to continue to hold a valid tobacco retailer permit until it expires. Allows a person who is: (1) at least 18 years of age on June 30, 2019; or (2) at least 18 years of age and serving in the armed forces or reserves or a veteran discharged or separated from service in the armed forces or reserves under conditions other than dishonorable; to buy tobacco products or e-liquids and electronic cigarettes containing nicotine and enter designated smoking areas of a club or cigar specialty store. Prohibits a person who is less than 18 years of age from buying or possessing e-liquids or electronic cigarettes that do not contain nicotine. Makes changes regarding notices posted at tobacco and electronic cigarette retail establishments and at cigarette vending machines