Sen. Becker’s Mine Subsidence Bill Passes Senate


Legislation authored by State Sen. Vaneta Becker (R-Evansville) to provide protections for owners of dwellings or structures on land used for coal mining passed the Senate this week unanimously.

Senate Bill 336 would provide mine subsidence insurance coverage for a dwelling or structure on land mined after Aug. 3, 1977. Under current law, mine subsidence is available only for homes built over land that was strip mined, but an owner of a home built over land that was mined underground cannot obtain insurance coverage should a subsidence occur on areas mined after 1977.

“Senate Bill 336 is the answer to a problem that has been unaddressed for too long,” Becker said. “This bill is a long-awaited relief for owners of properties built on foundations with existing underground mines, many of whom bought their homes not knowing of the instabilities that lie underground. Knowing that they can be insured is a heavy weight off of their shoulders.”

SB 336 now moves to the House of Representatives for further consideration.