Phone Your Fellow Democrats

We need your help to phone your fellow Democrats and remind them to get out and vote.  The Vanderburgh County Democratic Party is hosting a phone bank for three night this week from 6-8 pm at the Sheet Metal Workers Union Hall at 1301 W. Franklin Street.  Each night we will phone Democrats in a different Ward and encourage people to support our Ward, At-Large, and City Clerk candidates.  We need YOUR help to maintain Democratic control of the Evansville City Council.  Select a night this week you are free and come join the Party.

Monday October 28 we will be phone banking for the 4th Ward: Alex Burton

Tuesday October 29th we will be phone banking for 5th Ward: Jennifer Yaser

Wednesday October 30: phone banking for the 6th Ward: Jim Brinkmeyer

Each night we will be at the Sheet Metal Workers Union Hall at 1301 W. Franklin Street from 6-8 pm.

Use the link below to sign up for a night or call James Powell with questions at 812-499-9257