Obama’s Legacy: The Destruction of the Democrat Party By Richard Moss MD


Obama’s Legacy:
The Destruction of the Democrat Party

By Richard Moss MD

As we observe the passing of President Barack Obama’s 8 years in office, an ending he and the media are determined to prolong and sentimentalize, even as the rest of us cannot wait to be rid of him, it is fitting to examine not so much the damage he has done to the country, which is substantial, but rather to his own party, the Democrat Party. For all the misery he has unleashed upon the nation and world, some of it can at least be reversed. But by undermining the Democrat Party, he has performed unwittingly a singular act of charity to his fellow countrymen that may be more permanent than his destructive policies as President. For Obama has transformed a dominant, national party that leaned left into a fringe, hard left, political operation with little appeal beyond urban centers and the college campus. In so doing he has created a Democrat Party completely out of touch with mainstream American values, interests – and voters.
Obama campaigned vigorously for Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid, realizing how fragile his “legacy” was without a Democrat victory. He understood that his policies and programs, generally imposed by executive order and without Congressional support, were vulnerable to a non-sympathetic successor. As he lived by the pen and phone, so could his agenda die by the very same pen and phone of President Donald J. Trump. He thusly engaged in heroic efforts to salvage his legacy by procuring a victory for a deeply flawed candidate, which ultimately failed. Despite his relative personal popularity, his policies were another matter. And so even historically reliable blue states, the great “blue wall,” Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, fell before the Trump juggernaut. The Democrats were left holding the West Coast and a narrow strip in the Northeast and little else, a major setback for Obama and the Democrats, for which Obama, as is typical of this most narcissistic of men, refuses to take responsibility.
Under Obama, the Democrat Party has been turned over to fanatics like him, obsessed with identity politics, “global warming,” and LGBT rights. It is a party that will fight for Syrian Muslim refugees, sanctuary cities, amnesty, transgendered bathrooms, and radical environmentalism, happily implementing policies that destroys tens of thousands of jobs, a party that believes that the gravest threat facing the nation is “climate change.” It is a party in conflict with virtually all aspects of the American enterprise, including its constitution, history, and critical institutions. Indeed, the party of Jefferson has become the party of college campus and urban radicals contemptuous of common sense and huge swaths of the electorate, in particular, the white working class, formerly the backbone of the Democrat Party. Obama and his Democrats have no use for the poor saps in the hinterlands clinging to their guns and bibles. Rather, they smeared and abandoned them as neo-Nazis and white supremacists and famously referred to them as “deplorables.”
Since Obama began his two terms, the Democrats have lost a net of 1,042 state and federal posts including congressional and state legislative seats, governorships, and the presidency. As bad as it has been at the national level where Republicans now enjoy a monopoly on federal power, it is at the state and local level where the devastation of the Democrat Party has been most pervasive. The Republicans now hold 33 governorships compared to 17 for the Democrats. In 2009, Dems held 28 governorships to 22 for Republicans. The GOP controls 68 State Legislatures compared with 31 for the Democrats. And Hillary won less than 15% of US counties.
The Democrat Party is no longer a national party. It is extinct in the south, and barely breathing in the Rust Belt, Corn Belt, and Great Plains States. It flourishes in the radicalized, racialized environment of cities and academia where its victimhood-grievance themes play well as do open-borders, transnationalism, and loathing for traditional values and religion. In yet another move indicative of their shift to the hard left despite their election losses, Democrats plan to nominate radical leftist, anti-Semite, and former nation of Islam member Keith X Ellison, to lead the party. The party of the workingman has become the party of campus radicals and Black Lives Matter. Obama has not transformed America as much as he has transformed his party.
Obama, who spent 20 years in the racist church of Jeremiah Wright and cut his teeth with domestic terrorists Bill Ayres and Bernadette Dorn and Hamas mouthpiece Rashid Khalidi, has taken their anti-American radicalism to heart and injected it into the Democrat party. In so doing, he has marginalized it and presided over its self-destruction. Good riddance.

January 2017

Brief Bio: Richard Moss MD is a practicing Ear Nose and Throat Surgeon, author, and columnist who resides in Jasper IN. Find more of his essays and blog posts at exodusmd.com. Also find him on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram.


  1. While I am no fan of Hillary, she did capture almost 3 million more popular votes than Trump. We had a race in which it was the con artist v. the annoited one. Sorry but your article is mostly bullshit. Bother parties have lost touch with the average citizen. Your county, Dubois, is an excellant example of isolationisum until recently it was whites only others need not relocate.
    Having chose medicine as your career, I understand your resistance to universal healthcare. You, like your Canadian brothern of years past, are afraid of losing income. Canadian doctors made a mass exit to the U.S. when Canada acquired universal healthcare fearing loss of income. However most returned to Canada after realizing it was no the demon they thought. We need to move this country forward. I have worked many years with those that are underprivleged I have served on medical boards and worked in clinics, I have watched clients die because they lacked health care. We must take care of everyone and lift them from poverty. This is not a quick fix but will require generations to break the cycle.
    Pay attention to your nurses, Doctor, they spend more time with your patience than you do. Develop empathy.

    • The argument that because Hillary won California and New York (which translates to the popular vote) she should be president is in direct conflict with our Constitution. The electoral college was included just for that reason as we have a representative republic, not a democracy.
      The rest of your post is condescending and perhaps bogus, as we know Dr. Moss is what he says he is and you are merely an anonymous poster. We have no reason to believe Dr. Moss pays no attention to his nurses or has no empathy. That is merely your less than qualified and unsubstantiated opinion.

    • Paul

      Bravo, sir, bravo! I want to stand and applaud your commentary

      Doc is a has-been, a hanger-on after he was soundly thumped and defeated when he ran for office. He clearly cannot handle rejection, so he tries to stay relevant by posting BS like this

  2. Great article Richard Moss MD. I voted for you in the primary and sincerely hope you run again. President Trump needs you given the “leadership” in the house.

  3. great opine Dr. moss…..if little paul was so worried about his “clients health” then he should have paid for their health care……….Dr.Moss thanks for saving lives…………

  4. Very good article Dr. Moss. After all the comments regarding the electoral college it seems that some are still touting the popular vote. I am thankful for our founders foresight. I would not want California or New York deciding the presidentency and that is what would happen if we went by popular vote. Look at the map and compare red states and blue states to see how the country voted.

  5. I accurate diagnosis of the illness, but there is nothing to gain in the death of the patient. Another with the same illness will arise, perhaps younger and with more vigor. I have found that opposing ideas refine and strengthen my own.

    My hope is that the democrats will rid themselves of the extreme liberalism and identity politics which DR. Moss so aptly described. It has been my own observation that several older democrats still cling to an idea that their party is the party of JFK and the working man. It has not been that for twenty years if ever.

  6. Great article, Dr. Moss. This past weekend we observed the radical left trying to consolidate their base. I had a few thoughts on that.

    In 2009, with my youngest daughter and two of her children, we marched hand -in-hand with the Tea Party gathering in the Capitol which was attended by nearly a million concerned citizens. This past weekend, the woman’s march on Washington attracted 200,000 concerned participants.
    The only thing I found in common between these two demonstrations was their lack of violence. We couldn’t see it with their lack of civility and the foul language on display. We couldn’t see it with trash they left behind for others to cleanup. The Tea Party refused none to participate in our march, unlike the Woman’s March which refused a pro-life group to join theirs. Other than this one commonality, these two movements are as different as day and night.
    The most recent of these two movements is in fact a reaction to this electoral success of the Tea Party. It’s a grand showdown between the Progressive/Liberal faction and the Conservative/traditional values faction
    A spokesman for this unholy alliance on the left, Peggy Noonan, said, “…[W]e are divided. We are two nations, maybe more.” She indicated the left is now engaged in a civil war with President Trump. And she believes they’ have the upper hand.
    She listed many aligned against the president and his supporters. Among them is the mainstream media – the big broadcast networks, big newspapers, activists and intellectuals, pundits and columnists….”
    She thinks the Washington establishment not having President Trump’s back is a liability. She expressed that though this way. “He [President Trump] really has no one but those who voted for him.
    Do they understand what a lift daily governance is going to be, and how long the odds are, with so much arrayed against him, and them?”
    Fortunately, we understand well those forces. We’ve been engaged in battle with them for a long time. We’re up to the task of defending and protecting President Trump and his administration for as long as it takes. For us in the Tea Party, and those other who voted for President Trump, and many others who didn’t vote at all, this struggle has always been about our grandchildren’s safety, prosperity, and freedom. That’s a mission we will not fail.
    Perhaps it’s time to call up another tea party in the Capital and across the fruited plains to safeguard this victory of “We The People.”

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